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Latest revision as of 14:41, 8 November 2007
A list of entities that can be placed in a level, and a brief description of each.
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Notable entities
- 3 All entities by prefix
- 3.1 atmosphere_
- 3.2 bot_
- 3.3 carryable_
- 3.4 constructible_
- 3.5 deployable_
- 3.6 env_
- 3.7 func_
- 3.8 gameplay_
- 3.9 hint_
- 3.10 info_
- 3.11 island_
- 3.12 item_
- 3.13 jammer_
- 3.14 light_
- 3.15 liquid_
- 3.16 lodentity_
- 3.17 mapobjects_
- 3.18 misc_
- 3.19 model_
- 3.20 mountable_
- 3.21 moveable_
- 3.22 path_
- 3.23 placement_
- 3.24 playzone_
- 3.25 radiant_
- 3.26 speaker_
- 3.27 strogg_
- 3.28 Entity Keys
- 3.29 See Also
- 3.30 structure_
- 3.31 stuffsystem_
- 3.32 target_
- 3.33 trigger_
- 3.34 vis_
- 3.35 waypoint_
- 3.36 worldspawn_
This page comprises an alphabetical list of all entities that can be placed in a level.
Notable entities
The entities listed below are important, and you'll be using them (or versions of them) a lot.
- atmosphere - Use this entity to add an atmosphere to your level.
- info_player_start - A standard player spawn point.
- light - A basic light.
- light_ambient - Ambient light source. The light will affect all areas unless there are outside portals or ambient portals between them.
- model_static - Used to put a static model in a map, it will be converted into surfaces in the proc file.
All entities by prefix
- atmosphere - Use this entity to add an atmosphere to your level.
- atmosphere_landfall - Use this entity to add an atmosphere to your level. Target a path_corner.
- atmosphere_low - Use this entity to add an atmosphere to your level.
These define bot behaviour and knowledge, such that bots can play the map.
- bot_action - A hint to indicate to the bots where/what particular goal/behavior can be done at this location.
- bot_action_bbox - A hint to indicate the area of the bot action goal that can be done at this location.
- bot_action_target - An action target. ex: for camp actions, this would indicate a place for a bot to look to while camped. Check the manual for more possible uses.
- bot_dynamic_obstacle - A dynamic obstacle that will be used by the bots. Try to make the obstacle box axis aligned if possible
- bot_locationremap - bot position for diffusing - place in valid AAS area for bot to effectively diffuse HE charge
- bot_locationremap_target - bot position for diffusing - place in valid AAS area for bot to effectively diffuse HE charge
- bot_reachability - An entity that forces a reachability between two areas, useful for jumps and teleporters. point it at another bot_reachability
- bot_reachability_target - Target for a bot_reachability entity
- bot_route_start - The start of an route chain.
- bot_route_link - A link in a route chain. Check the manual for more possible uses.
- carryable_item_base -
- carryable_item_base-gdf -
- carryable_item_base-strogg -
- carryable_item_base-strogg_island -
- carryable_item_base-strogg_outskirts -
- carryable_item_caller -
- carryable_item_dropped -
- carryable_item_enercell -
- carryable_item_quarry_1 -
- carryable_item_quarry_2 -
- carryable_item_quarry_3 -
- constructible_door_relay - Relay entity to be used to allow doors to be constructible.
- constructible_materials_gdf - GDF Construction Materials
- constructible_materials_gun_gdf - GDF Construction Materials
- constructible_materials_neutral - Neutral Construction Materials
- constructible_materials_secondary_gdf - GDF Construction Materials
- constructible_materials_strogg - Strogg Construction Materials
- constructible_materials_tower_gdf -
- constructible_tower_gdf -
- constructible_tower_gdf_all -
- constructible_tower_gdf_base -
- constructible_tower_gdf_top -
- constructible_tower_strogg -
These let you place vehicles and deployables, for example to spawn vehicles when a team captures a spawn area.
- deployable_amt_gdf_cc - A computer-controlled turret for protecting GDF spawn areas.
- deployable_amt_gdf_cc_arctic - A computer-controlled turret for protecting GDF spawn areas.
- deployable_artillery -
- deployable_shield_generator_domihub -
- deployable_spawn_anansi - A deployable Anansi.
- deployable_spawn_badger -
- deployable_spawn_bumblebee - A deployable Bumblebee.
- deployable_spawn_desecrator - A deployable Descrator.
- deployable_spawn_goliath - A deployable Goliath.
- deployable_spawn_hog - A deployable Hog.
- deployable_spawn_hornet - A deployable Hornet.
- deployable_spawn_husky - A deployable Husky.
- deployable_spawn_icarus - A deployable Icarus.
- deployable_spawn_mcp - A deployable MCP.
- deployable_spawn_platypus - A deployable Platypus.
- deployable_spawn_titan - A deployable Titan.
- deployable_spawn_trojan - A deployable Trojan.
- env_oil_pump_old - Entity env oil pump old
- env_oil_pump - Entity env oil pump
- env_oil_pump_b - Entity env oil pump b
- env_oil_pump_c - Entity env oil pump c
- env_strogg_test_subject - Entity env strogg test subject
- env_strogg_test_subject_a - Entity env strogg test subject a
- env_refinery_final_objective_b - Entity env refinery final objective b
- func_aasobstacle - Obstacle in the AAS that can be turned on and off by triggering it.
- func_activator - Non-displayed entity used to activate triggers when it touches them. Bind to a mover to
- func_animate - Object that changes animation when triggered.
- func_bobbing - Generic bobbing entity. It will bob on the Z axis by default.
- func_cameraview - Simple Camera view, apply a rotation matrix, angle or target it at a target_null.
- func_door - A Door.
- func_door_gdf - A GDF-specific Door.
- func_door_gdf_breakable - A GDF-specific Door.
- func_door_gdf_slave - A GDF-specific door slave.
- func_door_slave - A door slave.
- func_door_strogg - A Strogg-specific Door.
- func_door_strogg_breakable - A Strogg-specific breakable.
- func_door_strogg_slave - A Strogg-specific door slave.
- func_door_switch - A door switch.
- func_flare - Spawns a special effect when triggered.
- func_forcefield - Force field.
- func_fx - Spawns an effect when triggered.
- func_group - Used to group brushes together just for editor convenience. They are turned into normal brushes by the utilities.
- func_ladder - A ladder.
- func_pendulum - Pendulums always swing north / south on unrotated models. Add an angles field to the model to allow rotation in other directions.
- func_plat - Standard Quake-style platform.
- func_riser - Simply rises or falls when triggered.
- func_rotating - Generic rotating entity. It will rotate around the Z axis by default. Targeting entity will cause it to start or stop rotating.
- func_splinemover -
- func_static - A brush model that just sits there, doing nothing. Can be used for conditional walls and models.
- func_synced_fx - Spawns an effect when triggered.
- gameplay-construction-mining_laser-beacon -
- gameplay-construction-mining_laser-caller -
- gameplay-destructible-dualproxy -
- gameplay-destructible-dualproxy-gdf -
- gameplay-destructible-dualproxy-strogg -
- gameplay-destructible-gdf -
- gameplay-destructible-gdf-secondary -
- gameplay-destructible-strogg -
- gameplay-destructible-strogg-secondary -
- gameplay-hackable -
- gameplay-hackable-gdf -
- gameplay-hackable-strogg -
- gameplay_ark_bridge_stage1 -
- gameplay_ark_bridge_stage2 -
- gameplay_bottest_generator -
- gameplay_bottest_generator_materials -
- gameplay_bottest_storage_room_door -
- gameplay_canyon_bridge_constructed -
- gameplay_canyon_bridge_fixer -
- gameplay_canyon_bridge_frame -
- gameplay_canyon_bridge_platform -
- gameplay_canyon_bridge_stage1 -
- gameplay_canyon_bridge_stage2 -
- gameplay_destructible_trigger -
- gameplay_hackable_objective -
- gameplay_island_generator - Island Generator
- gameplay_island_generator_materials -
- gameplay_island_storage_room_door -
- gameplay_generic_destructible_objective -
- gameplay_jumppad -
- gameplay_jumppad_gdf -
- gameplay_jumppad_strogg -
- gameplay_refinery_bridge -
- gameplay_slipgate_effects -
- gameplay_strogg_shield_generator -
- gameplay_strogg_shield_generator_caller -
- gameplay_strogg_shield_generator_trigger -
- gameplay_valley_bridge_constructed -
- gameplay_valley_bridge_destroyed -
- gameplay_valley_bridge_fixer -
- gameplay_valley_bridge_frame -
- gameplay_valley_bridge_platform -
- gameplay_valley_bridge_stage1 -
- gameplay_valley_bridge_stage2 -
- hint_flyerdrone - Helps bots use flyer drones appropriately.
- info_capturable_spawn - A spawn area that may be captured by either team.
- info_capturable_spawn_gdf - A spawn area that may be captured only by GDF team members.
- info_capturable_spawn_strogg - A spawn area that may be captured only by Strogg team members.
- info_envbound - Used to define an enviroment map render
- info_envmap - Used to define an enviroment map render
- info_generic_spawn -
- info_location - Assigns names/titles to areas of a map, for use in-game.
- info_objective - Marks a map position as an objective area.
- info_player_deathmatch - A standard spawn point for deathmatch games.
- info_player_start - A standard player spawn point.
- info_spawn_master - Indicates an area as a spawn zone for the command map.
- info_spectator_spawn - A spawn point for spectators.
- info_team_gdf_spawn - A spawn point for players on the GDF team.
- info_team_strogg_spawn - A spawn point for players on the Strogg team.
- island_beacon -
- island_bouy - A buoy, as seen in the sea on Island
- light - A basic light.
- lightning -
- light_ambient - Ambient light source. The light will affect all areas unless there are outside portals or ambient portals between them.
- light_inside - A Light that does not cast light through outside portals.
- light_interior - A Light that does not cast light through portals.
- light_night - Light source. Only emits light when the current atmosphere is a night one.
- light_vis_dummy - Allows a light_inside entity to cast light through portals.
- liquid_water - Makes a brush act like water.
- lodentity - Used internally by editWorld, don't create these yourself.
- mapobjects_flag - A flag object
- mapobjects_windsock - A windsock object
- misc_advert - Creates an advert on the specified patch.
- misc_imposter -
- misc_mcp_marker - Marks the area an MCP must be deployed in.
- misc_particle_trigger - A source for particle effects (e.g. fire, smoke, sparks)
- misc_reverb - Changes the reverb settings.
- misc_scripted -
- misc_supplycrate_base -
- misc_supplycrate_health -
- misc_teleporter - Teleports players from one place to another.
- misc_teleporter_angles -
- model_static - Used to put a static model in a map, it will be converted into surfaces in the proc file.
- mountable_gdf_weapon_cockpit -
- mountable_weapon_base -
- mountable_weapon_gdf -
- mountable_weapon_strogg -
- moveable_base -
- moveable_item_ball -
- moveable_item_ballbouncy -
- moveable_item_barrel01 -
- moveable_item_barrel02 -
- moveable_item_beerbottle -
- moveable_item_beercan -
- moveable_item_cone -
- moveable_item_foldupchair_a -
- moveable_item_foldupchair_b -
- moveable_item_jerrycan -
- moveable_item_metalbox01 -
- moveable_item_plasticcrate -
- moveable_item_refinerybarrel01 -
- moveable_item_refinerybarrel02 -
- moveable_item_refinerybarrier01 -
- moveable_item_roadsign_rock -
- moveable_item_stone1 -
- moveable_item_stone2 -
- moveable_item_stone3 -
- path_corner - A node position on the path of a moving platform or door.
- placement_anansi -
- placement_badger -
- placement_bumblebee -
- placement_camera -
- placement_d_antimiss_gdf -
- placement_d_antiper_gdf -
- placement_d_antiper_strogg -
- placement_d_antiveh_gdf -
- placement_d_antiveh_strogg -
- placement_d_artillery_gdf -
- placement_desecrator -
- placement_d_plasmamortar_strogg -
- placement_d_psiradar_strogg -
- placement_d_radar_gdf -
- placement_d_railhowitzer_strogg -
- placement_d_rockets_gdf -
- placement_d_shield_generator_strogg -
- placement_d_ssg_strogg -
- placement_d_ssm_gdf -
- placement_d_vampire_gdf -
- placement_goliath -
- placement_hog -
- placement_hornet -
- placement_husky -
- placement_icarus -
- placement_jotun -
- placement_magog -
- placement_mcp -
- placement_platypus -
- placement_player -
- placement_player_gdf -
- placement_player_strogg -
- placement_rotator -
- placement_titan -
- placement_trojan -
- placement_vehicle -
- placement_weapon -
- playzone_all -
- playzone_commandmap -
- playzone_deploy - A brush entity indicating the deployable area of the map. Players may only place deployables within the X/Y extents of this brush.
- playzone_marker - A brush entity indicating the area of the map in which an airstrike or violator marker will work. Any airstrike or violator markers that land outside of this area will not activate.
- playzone_path_and_heightmap -
- playzone_play - A brush entity indicating the playable area of the map. Players which stray outside the X/Y extents of this brush will take damage until they return.
- radiant_camera - Used internally by editWorld to define camera positions. Do not create manually.
- radiant_group - Used internally by editWorld to group brushes and other groups together.
- speaker - A sound source.
Entity Keys
classname strogg_scarab
No keys found.
See Also
- structure_module_construction -
- structure_module_construction_anansi -
- structure_module_construction_badger -
- structure_module_construction_bumblebee -
- structure_module_construction_desecrator -
- structure_module_construction_goliath -
- structure_module_construction_hog -
- structure_module_construction_hornet -
- structure_module_construction_husky -
- structure_module_construction_icarus -
- structure_module_construction_mcp -
- structure_module_construction_platypus -
- structure_module_construction_titan -
- structure_module_construction_trojan -
- structure_replicator -
- structure_replicator_test -
- stuffsystem - Use this entity to add a stuff system (grass, foliage,...) to the level.
- target_null - Target that removes itself after 100 msec
- trigger_barbedwire - Damages the activator. Can be turned on or off by other triggers.
- trigger_hurt - Damages the activator Can be turned on or off by other triggers.
- trigger_hurt_strogg_shield -
- trigger_hurt_strogg_wall -
- trigger_mcp - A trigger that is only activated by MCPs.
- trigger_mcp_bot - A trigger brush that will trigger an event in the map script system, allowing you to control the bots offense/defense choices.
- trigger_multiple - Variable sized repeatable trigger. Must be targeted at one or more entities.
- trigger_noplant - Prevents players from planting explosives in the specified area.
- trigger_scripted -
- trigger_tooltip - Triggers a tooltip to appear on players screens
- vis_dummy - Used to ensure objects are drawn across portals when they usually wouldn't be.
- waypoint_base - Waypoint test
- worldspawn - Every map should have exactly one worldspawn.