Creating a constructible Bridge

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An Advanced Map
1. Introduction and goals of the tutorial
2. Necessary map declarations
3. Caulk hull
4. Creating a simple terrain
5. Adding an atmosphere
6. Adding player spawns
7. Adding base structures
8. Adding base vehicles
9. Creating a constructible Bridge
10. Adding an MCP escort objective
11. Adding a Shield Generator hack objective
12. Creating a destructible objective
13. Adding Objective spawns and vehicles
14. Info Objectives
15. Deployzones
16. Playzones
17. Masks
18. Barebones Map script
19. Creating a command map
20. Levelshot

Now the GDF spawn have somewhere safe to spawn and some vehicles to drive. Lets give them their first objective to do! As mentioned in the Introduction and goals of the tutorial we will be creating a map with the same objectives as the Valley map. A two stage bridge like valley requires the following components:

  1. Constructible materials entity.
  2. The first bridge stage geometry.
  3. The second bridge stage geometry.
  4. The fully constructed bridge geometry.

The geometry for any stage can be made from brushes or a model. A example bridge made from brushes can be found in the It is a reference called maps/references/etqwmap/

Constructible materials entity

This is the pile of construction materials in the world which the engineers will use to construct our bridge. Place an constructible_materials_gdf entity and name it constructible_materials_bridge.

Required keys

Add the following key pairs:

  • constructed bridge_constructed
Name of the fully constructed bridge. It will replace the first and second stages of the bridge once construction is complete.
  • construction bridge_frame
Name of the first bridge stage. Since our example is a frame allowing infantry to across, we will call it bridge_frame.
  • construction_second bridge_platform
Name of the second bridge stage. Since our example is a platform allowing vehicles to cross, we will call it bridge_platform.
  • multiple_stages 1
Tells the game our bridge has multiple stages.
  • objective_index 0
The game uses objective_index to determine which objective this is. First objective is 0, second is 1 ect.
  • object_name maps/generic/bridge
Localisation string for bridge name.
  • task_name maps/valley/task_bridge
Localisation string for bridge task.
  • snd_constructing_strogg sounds/vo/strogg/nexus/objectives/bridge/constructing
Sound shader played to the Strogg when GDF are in the process of constructing the bridge.
  • snd_constructing_gdf sounds/vo/gdf/highcommand/objectives/bridge/constructing
Sound shader played to the GDF when GDF are in the process of constructing the bridge.
  • snd_intro_gdf sounds/vo/gdf/highcommand/objectives/bridge/construct/long
Sound shader played to GDF at objective start.
  • snd_intro_strogg sounds/vo/strogg/nexus/objectives/bridge/stop/long
Sound shader played to Strogg at objective start.
  • snd_reminder_strogg sounds/vo/strogg/nexus/objectives/bridge/stop
Sound shader played to remind Strogg about the objective.
  • snd_reminder_gdf sounds/vo/gdf/highcommand/objectives/bridge/construct
Sound shader played to remind GDF about the objective.
  • snd_firststage_strogg sounds/vo/strogg/nexus/objectives/bridge/constructed/firststage
Sound shader played to Strogg when the first stage is completed.
  • snd_firststage_gdf sounds/vo/gdf/highcommand/objectives/bridge/constructed/firststage
Sound shader played to GDF when the first stage is completed.
  • snd_finished_strogg sounds/vo/strogg/nexus/objectives/bridge/constructed
Sound shader played to Strogg when the objective is completed.
  • snd_finished_gdf sounds/vo/gdf/highcommand/maps/valley/bridge/success
Sound shader played to GDF when the objective is completed.


The first bridge stage

The example in is a frame allowing foot soldiers to cross. The brushes should be turned into a constructible_base entity. It is named bridge_frame to match value of the construction key on the constructible_materials_bridge entity.


The second bridge stage

The example in is a ramp allowing vehicles to cross. The brushes should be turned into a constructible_base entity. It is named bridge_platform to match value of the construction_second key on the constructible_materials_bridge entity.


The fully constructed bridge

The example bridge in The brushes should be turned into a constructible_base entity. It is named bridge_constructed to match value of the constructed key on the constructible_materials_bridge entity.

Worldspawn keys

Any entities in the map which are scripted to change, such as bridge materials disappearing once the bridge is completed, are referenced using worldspawn entity keys. In the bridge reference you will see the following entity key in the worldspawn;

  • merge_script_bridge_materials constructible_materials_bridge.

The following is a line from script/maps/etqwmap.script

bridgeConstruction		= worldspawn.getEntityKey( "script_bridge_materials" );

As you can see, an entity in script, bridgeConstruction, is defined as the value of the worldspawn entity key that was made. Worldspawn keys in reference world files start with merge_script_*. Merge_ is removed when the map is compiled, making the key begin with script_*.

See Also