Adding Objective spawns and vehicles
Spawn masters
Groups of spawn points are triggered throughout the map by the info_spawn_master entity. When an info_spawn_master is active, the spawn points associated with it are available to the team. When more than one info_spawn_master is active, the one with higher priority becomes the default spawn for the player. For example, in the valley map, only one info_spawn_master at the GDF base is active at map start. When the bridge is built, an info_spawn_master at the bridge is activated with a priority of 2. This makes the spawn point default for the GDF since the priority number is higher. The priority of a GDF spawn master is defined by adding key of spawn_priority_gdf and a value being the priority number. To associate spawns with spawn masters we need to add a key owner and a value matching the name of the spawn master.
Bridge objective
Spawn points
The initial spawn points for the GDF will have a priority of 1. An info_spawn_master has been placed amongst the spawns at our GDF base, which we added here Adding player spawns. Its vertical position is not important, however its horizontal position will define where we see the flag on the command map, so place it near our spawns. To associate spawns with spawn masters we need to add a key owner and a value matching the name of the spawn master. We will call the info_spawn_master at the gdf base "gdf_base_spawnmaster". The strogg will be spawning near the bridge. Their info_spawn_master is named "strogg_bridge_spawnmaster". Since we want the strogg spawning here by default, over the three other spawns, we will give this a priority of 4.
Entity keys
The following key pairs are used on each of the info_team_gdf_spawn entities:
- owner gdf_base_spawnmaster
- Which spawn master they belong to.
- parachute 1
- Whether the player is dropped in by parachute (or landing shield for Strogg).
The following key pairs are used on each of the info_team_strogg_spawn entities:
- owner strogg_bridge_spawnmaster
- parachute 1
The following key pair is used on the GDF's info_spawn_master entity:
- spawn_priority_gdf 1
- Spawn priority.
The following key pair is used on the Strogg's info_spawn_master entity:
- spawn_priority_strogg 4
During the first objective the GDF's vehicles spawn in their base. Adding vehicles which spawn at map start and are never triggered off (ie 'base vehicles') is explained here Adding base vehicles.
Some vehicles are required to only be active when a team owns some territory. This is the case with the strogg vehicles during the first objective. To add one, use the entity deployable_spawn_<vehiclename>.
- deployable_spawn_anansi - Anansi
- deployable_spawn_badger - Armadillo
- deployable_spawn_bumblebee - Bumblebee
- deployable_spawn_desecrator - Desecrator
- deployable_spawn_goliath - Goliath
- deployable_spawn_hog - Hog
- deployable_spawn_hornet - Tormentor
- deployable_spawn_husky - Husky
- deployable_spawn_icarus - Icarus
- deployable_spawn_mcp - MCP
- deployable_spawn_platypus - Platypus
- deployable_spawn_titan - Titan
- deployable_spawn_trojan - Trojan
Two icarus' have been added for the strogg near their spawn;
- 2 x deployable_spawn_icarus named "bridge_strogg_icarus_1" and "bridge_strogg_icarus_2"
Entity keys
deployable_spawn_<vehiclename> entities do not have any required key pairs. However their name is important when they targeted by Deployzones
MCP objective
Spawn points
Spawns have been placed at the bridge for the GDF. These will be available to the GDF once the bridge has been built. The spawn master here is called "gdf_bridge_spawnmaster", with a priority of 2. The strogg spawn master for the MCP objective is called "strogg_outpost_spawnmaster", with a priority of 3.
Entity keys
The following key pairs are used on each of the info_team_gdf_spawn entities:
- owner gdf_bridge_spawnmaster
- parachute 1
The following key pairs are used on each of the info_team_strogg_spawn entities:
- owner strogg_outpost_spawnmaster
- parachute 1
The following key pair is used on the GDF's info_spawn_master entity:
- spawn_priority_gdf 2
The following key pair is used on the Strogg's info_spawn_master entity:
- spawn_priority_strogg 3
For the MCP objective the GDF have the following vehicles;
- 1x deployable_spawn_badger named "gdf_bridge_badger"
- 1x deployable_spawn_husky named "gdf_bridge_husky"
When the capturable spawn is activated by the GDF they granted;
- 1x deployable_spawn_badger named "capturable_spawn_1_badger"
- 1x deployable_spawn_husky named "capturable_spawn_1_husky"
Vehicles are spawned at capturable spawns by targeting a deployable_spawn_<vehiclename> with the info_capturable_spawn_gdf entity we create in the next step. The strogg have the following vehicles at their spawn;
- 1x deployable_spawn_hog named "outpost_strogg_hog"
- 1x deployable_spawn_desecrator named "outpost_strogg_desecrator"
GDF Capturable spawn
Capturable spawns are essentially spawn masters that can be toggled by either team. Capturable spawns can be active or inactive at the start of an objective (For example at the start of Volcano a capturable spawn is active for GDF but not for Strogg) A GDF capturable spawn has been added across the bridge for use during the MCP objective by adding a info_capturable_spawn_gdf entity. It is called "info_capturable_spawn_gdf_1"
Entity keys
The following key pairs are used on the GDF's info_capturable_spawn_gdf entity:
- spawn_priority_gdf 3
- Spawn priority
- target_gdf1 capturable_spawn_2_husky
- The first granted vehicle when GDF capture the spawn
- target_gdf2 capturable_spawn_2_badger
- The second granted vehicle when GDF capture the spawn
Shield objective
Spawn points
Spawns have been placed at the outpost for the GDF. These will be available to the GDF once the outpost has been captured. The spawn master here is called "gdf_outpost_spawnmaster", with a priority of 4. The strogg spawn master for the Shield generator objective is called "strogg_shield_spawnmaster", with a priority of 2.
Entity keys
The following key pairs are used on each of the info_team_gdf_spawn entities:
- owner gdf_outpost_spawnmaster
- parachute 1
The following key pairs are used on each of the info_team_strogg_spawn entities:
- owner strogg_shield_spawnmaster
- parachute 1
The following key pair is used on the GDF's info_spawn_master entity:
- spawn_priority_gdf 4
The following key pair is used on the Strogg's info_spawn_master entity:
- spawn_priority_strogg 2
For the Shield generator objective the GDF have the following vehicles;
- 1x deployable_spawn_badger named "gdf_outpost_badger"
- 1x deployable_spawn_husky named "gdf_outpost_husky"
- 1x deployable_spawn_titan named "gdf_outpost_titan"
- 1x deployable_spawn_trojan named "gdf_outpost_trojan"
- 1x deployable_spawn_bumblebee named "gdf_outpost_bumblebee"
Upon activating the capturable spawn the GDF are granted;
- 1x deployable_spawn_badger named "capturable_spawn_2_badger"
- 1x deployable_spawn_husky named "capturable_spawn_2_husky"
The strogg have the following vehicles;
- 1x deployable_spawn_hog named "shield_strogg_hog"
- 2x deployable_spawn_icarus named "shield_strogg_icarus_1" and "shield_strogg_icarus_2"
GDF Capturable spawn
A GDF capturable spawn has been added near the Shield for use during the Shield generator objective by adding a info_capturable_spawn_gdf entity. It is named "info_capturable_spawn_gdf_2". This capturable spawn will be the default spawn for the GDF during the final objective.
Entity keys
The following key pairs are used on the GDF's info_capturable_spawn_gdf entity:
- spawn_priority_gdf 5
- Spawn priority
- target_gdf1 capturable_spawn_1_husky
- The first granted vehicle when GDF capture the spawn
- target_gdf2 capturable_spawn_1_badger
- The second granted vehicle when GDF capture the spawn
Destruction objective
Spawn points
During the final objective we will have the Strogg spawning in their base. Since this is the furthest back they spawn, the priority is 1. The spawn master here is called "strogg_base_spawnmaster". The GDF will spawn at the previous capturable spawn.
Entity keys
The following key pair is used on the Strogg's info_spawn_master entity:
- spawn_priority_strogg 1
During the final objective the following Strogg vehicles spawn in their base;
- 1x deployable_spawn_hornet
- 1x deployable_spawn_desecrator
- 1x deployable_spawn_hog
- 2x deployable_spawn_icaurus
The GDF will have the vehicles granted to them by the capturable spawn near the shield generator since this now their default spawn.
Worldspawn keys
The info_spawn_master entities require the following worldspawn keys:
- script_gdf_base_spawn gdf_base_spawnmaster
- script_gdf_bridge_spawn gdf_bridge_spawnmaster
- script_gdf_outpost_spawn gdf_outpost_spawnmaster
- script_strogg_base_spawn strogg_base_spawnmaster
- script_strogg_shield_spawn strogg_shield_spawnmaster
- script_strogg_outpost_spawn strogg_outpost_spawnmaster
- script_strogg_bridge_spawn strogg_bridge_spawnmaster
The info_capturable_spawn_gdf entities require the following worldspawn keys:
- script_capturable_spawn_gdf_1 info_capturable_spawn_gdf_1.
- script_capturable_spawn_gdf_2 {{keyvalue|info_capturable_spawn_gdf_2}