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Class Tree
The list window type can be used if you want display a list in the GUI. It is the most complex window type in the GUI system. Some of the features of the list type are column headers, drawing of text or materials in headers and items, saving additional data in items, column sorting, variable row height, filling from enumerators, mouse and key events on header columns and items.
This class may be used in the GUIs. It will inherit all properties, flags, functions and events from UIWindow.
Window type:
type list;
windowDef vPlayerList { type list; properties { float fontSize = 48; // Truncate player name to the item rectangle float flags = immediate( flags ) | WF_TRUNCATE_TEXT; rect rect = 24, 50, 590, 350; color backColor = 0,0,0,0; } events { onCreate { insertColumn( gui.blankWStr, 0, 0 ); // Class icon column. insertColumn( gui.blankWStr, 590, 1 ) // Player name column; } } timeLine { onTime 250 { // Have the gamecode update the list of players in the vehicle every 250 milliseconds. fillFromEnumerator( "vehiclePlayerList" ); resetTime( 0 ); } } }
General Functions
insertItem Insert list item. Calls onItemAdded event. insertBlankItems Insert multiple blank items. setItemText Set item text. setItemTextFlags Set item text flags. setItemForeColor Set item forecolor. setItemBackColor Set item backcolor. setItemMaterialSize Set iteam material size. setItemIcon Set icon for item. transitionItemVec4 Transition a property for an item. getItemTransitionVec4Result Get the items immediate transition value. transitionColumnVec4 Transition a property for a column. getColumnTransitionVec4Result Get the columns immediate transition value. clearTransitions Clear transitions for an item. setColumnText Set column header text. setColumnWidth Set column width. setColumnTextFlags Set column header text flags. deleteItem Delete an item from the list. Calls onItemRemoved event. insertColumn Insert a column. deleteColumn Delete a column. NOT IMPLEMENTED. clearItems Delete all items. clearColumns Delete all columns. getItemText Get item text. Returns header text if row is -1. getItemRect Get item rectangle. fillFromEnumerator Fill list using the specified enumerator. sort Explicitly sort list. getItemAtPoint Get item at position. Often used to get the list item under the cursor. findItem Finds first item in column which matches the search text. findItemDataInt Find the item with the item data. setItemDataInt Set item data. getItemDataInt Get item data. storeVisualState Store the visual state, in essence the scroll amount. restoreVisualState Restore the visual state. Makes the layout dirty. drawItemMaterial Draw a material in the given item. sizeLastColumn Stretch the last column to fill any leftover space, minus the amount passed in. setItemFlags Set item flags. setColumnFlags Set column header flags. ensureItemIsVisible Potentially scroll the list to make sure the item is visible. fillFromFile Fill list from file. Supports UTF8 encoding.
onSelectItem Called when a list item is selected. onItemAdded Called when an item is inserted into the list. onItemRemoved Called when an item is deleted from the list. onDrawSelectedBackground If this event is valid in the GUI it will be called instead of onDrawItemBackGround for the currently selected item. onDrawItemBackGround Called when drawing an item background. onDrawItem Called when drawing an item. onDrawColumn Called when drawing a column. onEnterColumnHeader Called when the mouse enters a column header. onExitColumnHeader Called when the mouse exits a column header. onClickColumnHeader Called when there's a mouse click on the column header. onEnterItem Called when the mouse enters the list item. onExitItem Called when the mouse exits the list item.