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Class Tree
The wide edit window type has the same functionality as the regular edit window, but it supports wide strings for non ASCII input. It is mainly used when typing messages to friends or in the chat window.
Templates are used to decrease the amount of text needed to create an edit box, the _editw/_editw_scroll and _end_edit/_end_editw_scroll templates should be used.
This class may be used in the GUIs. It will inherit all properties, flags, functions and events from UIWindow.
Window type:
type editw;
_editw_scroll( MessageMemberMessage, 0, 0, 100, 60 ) properties { vec2 textAlignment = TA_LEFT, TA_VCENTER; float maxTextLength = 512; } _end_editw_scroll
General Functions
clearText Clear all window text. isWhitespace Check whitespaces, ignores all color codes. insertText Insert text into the edit box. surroundSelection Select certain substring. anySelected Check if any of the edit text is selected. selectAll Select all text in the edit box.
onInputFailed Called if typing any characters that breaks the EF_ALLOW_DECIMAL/EF_INTEGERS_ONLY flags.