Entity func forcefield

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Revision as of 13:36, 8 November 2007 by Ducks (talk | contribs) (Initial version)
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Force field.

Entity Keys

classname func_forcefield

target variable
Target entity. If set the force field is uniform in the direction of the target, the magnitude of the force equals the distance to the target.
uniform variable
3D force vector. If set the force field is uniform, magnitude of the force equals the length of the vector.
explosion variable
Magnitude of explosive force. If set the field exerts a repelling force from the entity origin.
implosion variable
Magnitude of implosive force. If set the field exerts a force that gravitates to the entity origin.
randomTorque variable
Amount of random torque added to objects inside or touching the force field.
applyForce boolean
If set apply a force.
applyVelocity boolean
If set apply a velocity.
applyImpulse boolean
If set apply an impulse.
playerOnly boolean
Force field only works for players.
monsterOnly boolean
Force field only works for monsters.
start_on boolean
By default the force field is off until activated. If 'start_on' is set to '1' the force field starts on.
wait variable
If unequal zero the force field automatically switches back to the previous state (on/off) after 'wait' seconds.

See Also