Script:Files:script/tools/spike meditech.script
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/*********************************************************************** spike_meditech.script ***********************************************************************/ object spike_meditech : weapon_base { void init(); void destroy(); void Raise(); void Idle(); void Attack(); boolean CheckAttack(); void Implant(); void Revive(); void LeaveSprint( string newState, float blend ); void Sprint(); void Shock(); void ToolTipThread_Raise(); float meleeDistance; string spawnHostDef; entity targetPlayer; float fireRate; float cachedAction; } void spike_meditech::init() { meleeDistance = getFloatKey( "melee_distance" ); fireRate = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "fire_rate", 0.1 ); spawnHostDef = getKey( "def_spawn_host" ); if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) { thread ToolTipThread_Raise(); } weaponState( "Raise", 0 ); } void spike_meditech::destroy() { if ( myPlayer != $null_entity ) { myPlayer.AI_HOLD_WEAPON = false; myPlayer.SetFireAnim( "" ); } } void spike_meditech::Raise() { UpdateCharge(); Base_Raise(); } void spike_meditech::LeaveSprint( string newState, float blend ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "raise" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ); weaponState( newState, blend ); } void spike_meditech::Sprint() { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "putaway" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ); while ( true ) { if ( !myPlayer.AI_SPRINT ) { LeaveSprint( "Idle", 4 ); } if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { LeaveSprint( "Lower", 4 ); } sys.waitFrame(); } } void spike_meditech::Idle() { weaponReady(); playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle" ); while( 1 ) { if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { myPlayer.SetProgressBarVisible( false ); weaponState( "Lower", 4 ); } if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) { weaponState( "Attack", 0 ); } if ( WEAPON_ALTFIRE ) { if ( myPlayer.getProficiency( g_proficiencyTechnician ) >= 2 ) { if ( !CanRemove( chargePerUse ) ) { G_NotifyNoCharge( myPlayer ); } else { weaponState( "Shock", 0 ); } } } UpdateCharge(); if ( myPlayer.AI_SPRINT ) { weaponState( "Sprint", 4 ); } sys.waitFrame(); } } boolean spike_meditech::CheckAttack() { if ( !melee( MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX | MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL | CONTENTS_BODY | CONTENTS_SLIDEMOVER, meleeDistance, true, true ) ) { return false; } targetPlayer = getMeleeEntity(); if ( targetPlayer != $null_entity ) { if ( targetPlayer.vNeedsRevive( myPlayer ) ) { cachedAction = AC_REVIVE; return true; } // spawn host them if ( targetPlayer.vShouldCreateSpawnHost( myPlayer ) ) { cachedAction = AC_SPAWNHOST; return true; } } return false; } void spike_meditech::Implant() { if ( targetPlayer.vCreateSpawnHost( myPlayer, spawnHostDef ) ) { if ( !sys.isClient() ) { targetPlayer.vForceRespawn(); // This just goes into the same slot as revive stats team_base team = myPlayer.getGameTeam(); sys.increaseStatInt( sys.allocStatInt( team.getName() + "_revive_uses" ), myPlayer.getEntityNumber(), 1 ); } } myPlayer.ShowProgressBar( targetPlayer, AC_SPAWNHOST ); } void spike_meditech::Revive() { float healthScale = 0.5f; if ( myPlayer.getProficiency( g_proficiencyTechnician ) >= 4 ) { healthScale = 1.f; } targetPlayer.vRevive( myPlayer, healthScale ); myPlayer.ShowProgressBar( targetPlayer, AC_REVIVE ); } void spike_meditech::Attack() { myPlayer.AI_HOLD_WEAPON = true; playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire_start" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 1 ) ); boolean attackValid; float reFire; float nextAttackTime = sys.getTime() + 0.1; while ( true ) { if ( sys.getTime() > reFire ) { attackValid = CheckAttack(); if ( attackValid ) { if ( cachedAction == AC_SPAWNHOST ) { Implant(); } else if ( cachedAction == AC_REVIVE ) { Revive(); } } reFire = sys.getTime() + fireRate; } if ( !WEAPON_ATTACK ) { break; } if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { break; } if ( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, PLIERS_PUNCH_TO_IDLE ) ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" ); if ( nextAttackTime == 0.f ) { nextAttackTime = sys.getTime() + 0.1f; } } if ( nextAttackTime != 0.f && sys.getTime() > nextAttackTime ) { nextAttackTime = 0.f; if ( !attackValid ) { melee( MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL | CONTENTS_BODY | CONTENTS_SLIDEMOVER, meleeDistance, true, true ); player meleeEnt = getMeleeEntity(); float hit = meleeAttack( 1.0f ); myPlayer.AI_WEAPON_FIRED = false; // Gordon: melee attack will set this, but we've already triggered the animation anyway, so reset it if ( !sys.isClient() ) { if ( meleeEnt != $null_entity ) { if ( myPlayer.getEntityAllegiance( meleeEnt ) == TA_ENEMY ) { float maxAmmo = myPlayer.getMaxAmmo( g_ammoStroyent ); float current = myPlayer.getAmmo( g_ammoStroyent ) + 20; if ( current > maxAmmo ) { current = maxAmmo; } myPlayer.setAmmo( g_ammoStroyent, current ); } } } } } sys.waitFrame(); } myPlayer.AI_HOLD_WEAPON = false; playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire_end" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 1 ) ); weaponState( "Idle", 1 ); } void spike_meditech::ToolTipThread_Raise() { myPlayer.cancelToolTips(); sys.wait( myPlayer.CalcTooltipWait() ); WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_1" ) ) ); WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_2" ) ) ); if ( myPlayer.getProficiency( g_proficiencyTechnician ) >= 2 ) { WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_3" ) ) ); } } void spike_meditech::Shock() { myPlayer.SetFireAnim( "shock_self" ); Remove( chargePerUse ); fired(); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "reload" ); // playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "shock" ); sys.wait( 0.7 ); myPlayer.setHealth( myPlayer.getHealth() + 20.f ); // Gordon: this allows > maxhealth while ( !animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ) { sys.waitFrame(); } myPlayer.SetFireAnim( "" ); weaponState( "Idle", 1 ); }