UILayout Vertical

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Revision as of 12:05, 21 November 2007 by JRAD (talk | contribs)
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Class Tree


A vertical layout will automatically order child windows vertically. All child window rectangles are relative to the the previously defined child rectangle.

This class may be used in the GUIs. It will inherit all properties, flags, functions and events from UILayout_StaticBase.

Window type:

type layoutVertical;


windowDef lytLeft {
	type layoutVertical;
	properties {
		rect rect = PADDING, _top( awards ), _client_dimension( awards, width ) * 0.5f, _fill_to_bottom_of( awards );
		vec4 margins = 0, 0, 0, 0; // No layout margins on any of the edges

 	// Place each button directly below the previously defined button
	_rating_button( Soldier,     "best_soldier", 	localize( "guis/mainmenu/bestsoldier" ), 	PR_BEST_SOLDIER, 		0, 0 )
	_rating_button( Medic,       "best_medic", 		localize( "guis/mainmenu/bestmedic" ), 		PR_BEST_MEDIC,			0, 0 )
	_rating_button( Engineer,    "best_engineer", 	localize( "guis/mainmenu/bestengineer" ), 	PR_BEST_ENGINEER, 		0, 0 )
	_rating_button( FieldOps,    "best_fieldops", 	localize( "guis/mainmenu/bestfieldops" ), 	PR_BEST_FIELDOPS, 		0, 0 )
	_rating_button( CovertOps,   "best_covertops", 	localize( "guis/mainmenu/bestcovertops" ), 	PR_BEST_COVERTOPS, 		0, 0 )
	_rating_button( BattleSense, "best_battlesense", localize( "guis/mainmenu/bestbattlesense" ),PR_BEST_BATTLESENSE, 	0, 0 )
	_rating_button( Weapons,     "best_weapons", 	localize( "guis/mainmenu/bestweapons" ), 	PR_BEST_LIGHTWEAPONS, 	0, 0 )
	_rating_button( Vehicles,    "best_vehicles", 	localize( "guis/mainmenu/bestvehicles" ), 	PR_BEST_VEHICLE, 		0, 0 )


UILayout Vertical Properties


UILayout Vertical Flags

