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Revision as of 10:00, 5 November 2007 by Wizz (talk | contribs)
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object vehicle_mcp : vehicle_base {
    void            preinit();
    void            init();
    void            destroy();
    void            syncFields();

    void            Idle();

    void            OnCollision( object traceObject, float velocity, vector mins, vector maxs );

    void            OnUpdateGui( entity p );
    void            OnUpdateHud( entity p, float guiHandle );
    void            OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector dir, float location );
    void            OnRouteMaskWarningTimeout( vector newLocation, vector angles );

    float            OnActivate( entity p, float distance );

    void            vOnDeploy();

    void            vSetGoalMarker( entity _goalMarker );
    void            vSetPathTargets( vector startPos, vector endPos );

    void            vSetManualDeploy() { setTakesDamage( false ); }

    void            vCreateMission();
    void            vFreeMission();
    void            vCompleteMission();

    entity            GetDeployZone();
    void            DeployThread( entity deployer );
    void            CheckAutoDeploy( entity deployer );

    boolean            CanDeploy( entity p, boolean checkSpeed );

    boolean            CheckCriticalDamage( float healthPercent );

    void            OnPlayerEntered( entity p, float position );
    void            OnPlayerExited( entity p, float position );

    void            UpdateHealth( float oldHealth, float newHealth );

    void            vStartBoundsKillThread();
    void            BoundsKillThread();
    void            StopBoundsKillThread();

    void            DeployKillThread();

    void            PostSpawnSetup();
    void            OnPostMapSpawn();

    void            SetupCommandMapRadarIcon();
    void            InitRadarValues();
    void            FreeRadarValues();
    void            Deploy( entity deployer );
    void            OnDeployedChanged();
    void            OnDeliveredChanged();
    void            OnCanMoveChanged();

    void            SpinDish();

    void            OnWeaponSelected( entity p, float index );

    float            OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p );

    void            CheckDeployToolip();

    boolean            vTargetLockDisabled();

    boolean            vFireScud( entity firer, entity target );
    vector            CalcFiringVelocity( vector targetPos, vector launchPos, float targetHeight );

    void            OnIsPrimaryObjectiveChanged();
    void            SetObjectiveIndicator();
    void            ClearObjectiveIndicator();
    void            UpdateObjectiveProgress();
    void            UpdateObjectiveThread();
    void            vMakePrimaryObjective( boolean value );
    void            SetObjectiveReminderTime( float time );

    void            vSetOwner( entity o );

    void            InitGoalTask();
    void            FreeGoalTask();

    vector            GetMissilePos();

    void            OnFireCountChanged();

    float            GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance );
    boolean            vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode );

    void            DestructionVOThread();

    string            vGetObjectiveString() { return "mcpObjective"; }

    float            deployMask;

    float            deployThread;

    boolean            canMove;
    boolean            immobilized;
    boolean            isDeployed;
    boolean            delivered;

    boolean            vIsDeployed() { return isDeployed; }

    boolean            vIsPrimaryObjective() { return !isDeployed; }

    void            vOnContextDefend( entity p );
    void            vOnContextDestroy( entity p );

    void            SetupObjectiveIcon();
    void            FreeObjectiveIcon();
    void            FlashIconForTeam( entity team );

    task            missionTask;

    float            deployProficiency;

    float            commandMapRadarHandle;

    float            healthStartMoving;
    float            healthStopMoving;
    float            damagedToolTip;

    float            becameDeployableTime;
    float            canDeployToolTip;
    float            tooltipDamagedDriving;
    float            tooltipDamagedRepairing;

    entity            driver;

    entity            lastDriver;

    float            objectiveDistance;
    vector            objectiveLocation;
    boolean            isPrimaryObjective;

    entity            owner;

    float            nextObjectiveReminderTime;

    entity            goalMarker;
    task            goalTask;
    task            goalDefendTask;

    float            fireCount;

    float            destructionVOThread;

    flashpoint_obj    flashpoint;

    float            cmObjectiveIcon;
    float            cmObjectiveIconStrogg;

void vehicle_mcp::syncFields() {
    syncBroadcast( "objectiveDistance" );
    syncBroadcast( "objectiveLocation" );

    syncBroadcast( "isDeployed" );
    syncCallback( "isDeployed", "OnDeployedChanged" );

    syncBroadcast( "delivered" );
    syncCallback( "delivered", "OnDeliveredChanged" );

    syncBroadcast( "canMove" );
    syncBroadcast( "immobilized" );
    syncCallback( "canMove", "OnCanMoveChanged" );
    syncCallback( "immobilized", "OnCanMoveChanged" );

    syncBroadcast( "fireCount" );
    syncCallback( "fireCount", "OnFireCountChanged" );

void vehicle_mcp::preinit() {
    preventDeployment( 1.f );

    deployMask                = sys.getDeployMask( getKey( "mask_deployment" ) );

    commandMapRadarHandle    = -1;

    deployThread            = -1;

    deployProficiency        = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_deploy" ) );

    healthStartMoving        = getFloatKey( "health_start_moving" ) / 100;
    healthStopMoving        = getFloatKey( "health_stop_moving" ) / 100;
    damagedToolTip            = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_damaged" ) );
    canMove                    = true;

    canDeployToolTip        = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_can_deploy" ) );
    tooltipDamagedDriving    = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_damaged_driver" ) );
    tooltipDamagedRepairing = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_repaired_driver" ) );

    setContents( CONTENTS_TRIGGER );

    setGameTeam( sys.getTeam( getKey( "team" ) ) );

    destructionVOThread        = -1;

    cmObjectiveIcon            = -1;
    cmObjectiveIconStrogg    = -1;

void vehicle_mcp::PostSpawnSetup() {
    sys.wait( 0.5f );
    objManager.OnMCPSpawned( self );

void vehicle_mcp::OnPostMapSpawn() {
    disablePart( "launcher_up" );
    thread PostSpawnSetup();

void vehicle_mcp::vSetGoalMarker( entity _goalMarker ) {
    goalMarker = _goalMarker;

void vehicle_mcp::vSetPathTargets( vector startPos, vector endPos ) {
    objectiveLocation = endPos;
    objectiveDistance = sys.vecLength( startPos - endPos );

void vehicle_mcp::vSetOwner( entity o ) {
    owner = o;

void vehicle_mcp::InitGoalTask() {
    if ( sys.isClient() ) {

    sys.assert( goalMarker != $null_entity );

    if ( goalTask == $null ) {
        float taskHandle = GetPlayerTask( getKey( "task_goal" ) );
        if ( taskHandle != -1 ) {
            goalTask = taskManager.allocEntityTask( taskHandle, goalMarker );

    if ( goalDefendTask == $null ) {
        float taskDefendHandle = GetPlayerTask( getKey( "task_goal_defend" ) );
        if ( taskDefendHandle != -1 ) {
            goalDefendTask = taskManager.allocEntityTask( taskDefendHandle, goalMarker );

void vehicle_mcp::FreeGoalTask() {
    if ( goalTask != $null ) {;
        goalTask = $null;

    if ( goalDefendTask != $null ) {;
        goalDefendTask = $null;

void vehicle_mcp::OnIsPrimaryObjectiveChanged() {

    if ( isPrimaryObjective ) {

void vehicle_mcp::ClearObjectiveIndicator() {
    sys.killThread( "UpdateObjectiveThread_" + getName() );

    if ( sys.getLocalViewPlayer() != $null_entity ) {
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "", 0.f );

void vehicle_mcp::SetObjectiveIndicator() {

    thread UpdateObjectiveThread();

    if ( sys.getLocalViewPlayer() != $null_entity ) {        
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "", 1.f );
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "mcpObjective.disabled", 0.f );
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "mcpObjective.progress", 0.f );
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "", 1.0f );        

void vehicle_mcp::vMakePrimaryObjective( boolean value ) {
    isPrimaryObjective = value;

void vehicle_mcp::SetObjectiveReminderTime( float time ) {
    if ( time > nextObjectiveReminderTime ) {
        nextObjectiveReminderTime = time;

void vehicle_mcp::UpdateHealth( float oldHealth, float newHealth ) {
    VehicleBase_UpdateHealth( oldHealth, newHealth );
    CheckCriticalDamage( newHealth );
    if ( newHealth < 0 ) {
        setHealth( 0 );

void vehicle_mcp::UpdateObjectiveThread() {
    waitUntil( objManager.gameState == GS_GAMEON );

    SetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );

    while ( true ) {

        if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
            if ( sys.getTime() >= nextObjectiveReminderTime ) {
                if ( !canMove ) {
                    objManager.PlaySound( gdfTeam.getKey( "snd_mcp_disabled" ), gdfTeam );
                    objManager.PlaySound( stroggTeam.getKey( "snd_mcp_disabled" ), stroggTeam );
                } else {
                    if ( owner != $null_entity ) {
                        objManager.PlaySound( owner.getKey( "snd_reminder_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
                        objManager.PlaySound( owner.getKey( "snd_reminder_gdf" ), gdfTeam );

                SetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );


void vehicle_mcp::UpdateObjectiveProgress() {
    if ( sys.getLocalViewPlayer() != $null_entity ) {
        float a = getHealth() / getMaxHealth();

        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "", a );

        float scale;
        if ( objectiveDistance != 0.f ) {
            scale = sys.vecLength( getWorldOrigin() - objectiveLocation ) / objectiveDistance;
            if ( scale > 1.f ) {
                scale = 1.f;
        } else {
            scale = 1.f;
        boolean disabled = !canMove || isEMPed();

        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "mcpObjective.progress", 1.f - scale );
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "mcpObjective.disabled", disabled );            

void vehicle_mcp::InitRadarValues() {

    float radarLayer = allocRadarLayer();
    radarSetLayerRange( radarLayer, getFloatKey( "radar_range" ) );
    radarSetLayerMask( radarLayer, getFloatKey( "mask" ) );


void vehicle_mcp::FreeRadarValues() {
    if ( commandMapRadarHandle != -1 ) {
        sys.freeCMIcon( self, commandMapRadarHandle );
        commandMapRadarHandle = -1;

void vehicle_mcp::SetupCommandMapRadarIcon() {
    commandMapRadarHandle        = sys.allocCMIcon( self, 100 );

    sys.setCMIconSizeMode( commandMapRadarHandle, SM_WORLD );
    //sys.setCMIconColor( commandMapRadarHandle, g_colorWhite, 0.25f );
    //sys.setCMIconSides( commandMapRadarHandle, 24 );

    //sys.setCMIconDrawMode( commandMapRadarHandle, DM_CIRCLE );

    sys.setCMIconMaterial( commandMapRadarHandle, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_radar" ) ) );
    sys.setCMIconUnknownMaterial( commandMapRadarHandle, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_radar" ) ) );

    sys.setCMIconSize( commandMapRadarHandle, getFloatKey( "radar_range" ) );
    sys.setCMIconUnknownSize( commandMapRadarHandle, getFloatKey( "radar_range" ) );
    sys.setCMIconFlag( commandMapRadarHandle, CMF_TEAMONLY );

void vehicle_mcp::OnDeployedChanged() {
    if ( isDeployed ) {
        Deploy( $null_entity );

void vehicle_mcp::OnDeliveredChanged() {
    if ( delivered ) {

void vehicle_mcp::Deploy( entity deployer ) {
    kickPlayer( 0, 0 );
    lock( 1.f );
    freeze( 1.f );
    disableSuspension( 1.f );
    setTakesDamage( false );

    playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "deploy" );

    isDeployed = true;

    // TODO: radius damage
    disablePart( "launcher_down" );
    enablePart( "launcher_up" );

    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        CheckAutoDeploy( deployer );


    thread SpinDish();
    thread DeployKillThread();

void vehicle_mcp::init() {
    setLightsEnabled( 0, false );

    disableTimeout( 1.f );

    setState( "Idle" );

void vehicle_mcp::destroy() {
    if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
        delete flashpoint;

void vehicle_mcp::OnUpdateGui( entity p ) {
    float guiHandle;
    float allegiance;

    float success = CanDeploy( p, false );
    if ( success ) {
        if ( becameDeployableTime == 0 ) {
            becameDeployableTime = sys.getTime();

    guiHandle = getGUI( "0" );
    if ( guiHandle != GUI_INVALID ) {
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "mcpObjective.canDeploy", success );
        sys.setGUIFloat( guiHandle, "isDeployed", isDeployed );

boolean vehicle_mcp::CanDeploy( entity p, boolean checkSpeed ) {
    if ( objManager.gameState != GS_GAMEON ) {
        return false;

    float allowDeploy;
    float absSpeedKPH;
    vector up;

    allowDeploy    = sys.checkDeployMask( getAbsMins(), getAbsMaxs(), deployMask );
    if ( allowDeploy != 1.f ) {
        return false;

    if ( !canMove ) {
        return false;

    if ( checkSpeed ) {
        absSpeedKPH = sys.fabs( UPStoKPH( getLinearVelocity() * getWorldAxis( 0 ) ) );
        if( absSpeedKPH > 2.f ) {
            return false;

    up = getWorldAxis( 2 );
    if ( up_z < 0.985f ) {
        return false;

    if ( isDeployed ) {
        return false;

    if ( p != $null_entity ) {
        if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) != TA_FRIEND ) {
            return false;

    entity dz = GetDeployZone();
    if ( dz == $null_entity ) {
        return false;

    if ( dz.getGameTeam() == getGameTeam() ) {
        return false;

    if ( !hasGroundContacts() ) {
        return false;

    return true;

entity vehicle_mcp::GetDeployZone() {
    return sys.getTerritoryForPoint( getWorldOrigin(), $null_entity, 0, 0 );

void vehicle_mcp::DeployThread( entity deployer ) {
    sys.wait( 3.f );

    entity dz = GetDeployZone();
    if ( dz != $null_entity ) {
        if ( getGameTeam() != dz.getGameTeam() ) {
            dz.vOnCaptured( deployer );

            if ( deployProficiency != -1 ) {
                deployer.giveProficiency( deployProficiency, 1.f, missionTask, "deploying mcp" );

    deployThread = -1;

void vehicle_mcp::CheckAutoDeploy( entity deployer ) {
    if ( deployThread != -1 ) {

    deployThread = thread DeployThread( deployer );

void vehicle_mcp::Idle() {
    while( true ) {

        driver = getDriver();
        if ( driver != $null_entity ) {
            lastDriver = driver;

        if ( destructionTime() != 0.0f ) {
            if ( destructionVOThread == -1 ) {
                if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() != $null_entity ) {
                    destructionVOThread = thread DestructionVOThread();
        } else if ( destructionVOThread != -1 ) {
            sys.terminate( destructionVOThread );
            destructionVOThread = -1;

void vehicle_mcp::OnCollision( object traceObject, float velocity, vector mins, vector maxs ) {
    OnCollision_Base( traceObject, velocity, mins, maxs );

void vehicle_mcp::OnUpdateHud( entity p, float guiHandle ) {
    entity driver = getDriver();
    if ( driver == $null_entity ) {

    sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "mcpObjective.canDeploy", CanDeploy( driver, false ) );

void vehicle_mcp::SpinDish() {
    float rotJoint = getJointHandle( "joint7" );
    vector rotation;

    sys.wait( 16.6f );

    while( true ) {

        if ( canMove ) {
            rotation_z -= 180.0F * sys.getFrameTime();
            setJointAngle( rotJoint, JOINTMOD_LOCAL, rotation );

boolean vehicle_mcp::CheckCriticalDamage( float healthPercent ) {
    boolean oldCanMove = canMove;
    if ( healthPercent <= healthStopMoving ) {
        if ( canMove ) {
            if ( driver != $null_entity ) {
                driver.sendToolTip( tooltipDamagedDriving );
            canMove = false;
    } else if ( healthPercent >= healthStartMoving ) {
        if ( !canMove ) {
            if ( driver != $null_entity ) {
                driver.sendToolTip( tooltipDamagedRepairing );
            canMove = true;

    if ( canMove != oldCanMove ) {

        if ( canMove ) { 
            objManager.PlaySound( gdfTeam.getKey( "snd_mcp_repaired" ), gdfTeam );
            objManager.PlaySound( stroggTeam.getKey( "snd_mcp_repaired" ), stroggTeam );
        } else {
            objManager.PlaySound( gdfTeam.getKey( "snd_mcp_disabled" ), gdfTeam );
            objManager.PlaySound( stroggTeam.getKey( "snd_mcp_disabled" ), stroggTeam );

        SetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );

    return canMove != oldCanMove;

void vehicle_mcp::OnPlayerEntered( entity p, float position ) {
    OnPlayerEntered_Base( p, position );

    // overwrite the default enter tooltip
    if( !canMove ) {
        p.sendToolTip( damagedToolTip );

    float i;
    entity ent;
    if ( p == getDriver() ) {
        entitiesOfCollection( "mcp_marker" );
        float count = filterEntitiesByAllegiance( TA_FLAG_FRIEND, 1 );
        for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
            if ( !isDeployed ) {
                ent = getBoundsCacheEntity( i );
                ent.vOnShowOverlay( p );

        if ( p == sys.getLocalViewPlayer() ) {
            if ( position == 0 ) {
                sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "vehicles.drivingMCP", 1 );
            } else {
                sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "vehicles.drivingMCP", 0 );

void vehicle_mcp::OnPlayerExited( entity p, float position ) {
    OnPlayerExited_Base( p, position );

    float i;
    entity ent;
    entitiesOfCollection( "mcp_marker" );
    float count = filterEntitiesByAllegiance( TA_FLAG_FRIEND, 1 );
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        ent = getBoundsCacheEntity( i );
        ent.vOnHideOverlay( p, self );

    if ( p.isLocalPlayer() ) {
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "vehicles.drivingMCP", 0 );
void vehicle_mcp::CheckDeployToolip() {
    if ( becameDeployableTime != 0 && ( sys.getTime() - becameDeployableTime ) > 1.5f ) {
        entity d = getDriver();
        d.sendToolTip( canDeployToolTip );

boolean vehicle_mcp::vTargetLockDisabled() {
    return !canMove || isBound();

void vehicle_mcp::OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector dir, float location ) {
    // mcp is invincible, so don't do anything
    kickPlayer( -1, EF_KILL_PLAYERS );

float vehicle_mcp::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) {
    if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() == $null_entity ) {
        return 1.f;

    float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );
    vector color = GetAllegianceColor( allegiance );
    float distance = chGetDistance();
    float range = InchesToMetres( sys.vecLength( getWorldOrigin() - p.getWorldOrigin() ) );
    float health = getHealth();

    vector immobilizedColor;
    if ( allegiance == TA_ENEMY || allegiance == TA_FRIEND ) {
        immobilizedColor = '1 1 0';
    } else {
        immobilizedColor = color;

    float index;

    chSetNumLines( 0 );

    // see if theres a valid action to perform
    float code = GetActivateCode( p, distance );
    if ( code != AK_NONE && p.vHasActionItem( code ) ) {
        index = chAddLine();
        chSetLineMaterial( index, p.vGetActionIcon( code ) );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_IMAGE );
        chSetLineSize( index, 64, 64 );
        chSetLineColor( index, g_colorWhite, 0.9f );

    index = chAddLine();
    if( canMove && !isEMPed() ) {
        chSetLineTextIndex( index, crosshairName );
    } else {
        chSetLineTextIndex( index, sys.localizeString( "game/vec/mcp_immob" ) );
    chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
    chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
    chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );

    if ( !isDeployed ) {
        index = chAddLine();
        if( canMove && !isEMPed() ) {
            chSetLineColor( index, color, 0.5f );
        } else {
            chSetLineColor( index, immobilizedColor, 0.5f );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_BAR );
        chSetLineFraction( index, health / getMaxHealth() );
        chSetLineSize( index, 150, CROSSHAIR_INFO_BAR_HEIGHT );

    if( range <= 100 ) {
        if( getNumOccupiedPositions() > 0 ) {
            index = chAddLine();
            chSetLineText( index, getPassengerNames() );
            chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
            chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
            chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );

        index = chAddLine();
        chSetLineText( index, G_BuildRangeStr( range ) );
        chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
        chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );

    return 1.f;

float vehicle_mcp::OnActivate( entity p, float distance ) {
    if( !sys.isClient() ) {
        if ( p == getDriver() ) {
            if ( CanDeploy( p, false ) ) {
                Deploy( p );

                return 1.f;

    return VehicleBase_OnActivate( p, distance );

void vehicle_mcp::OnWeaponSelected( entity p, float index ) {
    if ( index == 0 ) {
        FireDecoy( p );
    } else if ( index == 1 ) {
        selectVehicleWeapon( p, "gpmg" );
    } else if ( index == 2 ) {
        selectVehicleWeapon( p, "gatlinggun" );

boolean vehicle_mcp::vFireScud( entity firer, entity target ) {
    if ( !canMove || !isDeployed ) {
        return false;

    vector missilePos = GetMissilePos();

    vector firingVelocity = CalcFiringVelocity( target.getWorldOrigin(), missilePos, 8000 );
    if ( firingVelocity != g_vectorZero && !sys.isClient() ) {
        float entityDeclIndex = sys.getDeclType( "entityDef" );
        float projectileIndex = sys.getDeclIndex( entityDeclIndex, getKey( "def_scud" ) );
        entity missile = launchMissileSimple( firer, self, $null_entity, projectileIndex, -1, 0.f, missilePos, firingVelocity );
        missile.vSetNewTarget( target );

        // need to overwrite the game team, as if the owner switches team this will mess up objectives etc
        missile.setGameTeam( getGameTeam() );

        fireCount = fireCount + 1;

    objManager.CPrintEvent( g_locStr_Scud, $null );

    return true;

vector vehicle_mcp::CalcFiringVelocity( vector targetPos, vector launchPos, float targetHeight ) {
    vector targetDiff = targetPos - launchPos;

    vector firingVelocity;
    firingVelocity_x = 0;
    firingVelocity_y = 0;
    firingVelocity_z = sys.sqrt( 2 * 400 * targetHeight );

    float upTime = firingVelocity_z / 400;
    float downTime = ( 2 * ( targetDiff_z - targetHeight ) ) / -400;
    if ( downTime < 0.f ) {
        return g_vectorZero;
    downTime = sys.sqrt( downTime );

    float t1 = upTime + downTime;

    vector temp = targetDiff;
    temp_z = 0.f;
    targetDiff = sys.vecNormalize( temp );
    float diffX = sys.vecLength( temp );

    firingVelocity = firingVelocity + ( ( diffX / t1 ) * targetDiff );

    return firingVelocity;

void vehicle_mcp::vApplyEmpDamage( entity attacker, float time, float weaponTime ) {
    ApplyEmpDamage_Base( attacker, 5.0f, 2.0f );

void vehicle_mcp::OnRouteMaskWarningTimeout( vector newLocation, vector angles ) {
    if ( !isDeployed ) {
        objManager.OnMCPDestroyed( self, newLocation, angles );
        OnKilledRemove( $null_entity, $null_entity, 0.f, '0 0 1', -1.f );    

void vehicle_mcp::vOnDeploy() {
    delivered = true;
    setTakesDamage( true );

    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        objManager.OnMCPDelivered( self );


    if ( !isDeployed ) {

void vehicle_mcp::StopBoundsKillThread() {
    sys.killThread( "BoundsKillThread_" + getName() );    

void vehicle_mcp::vStartBoundsKillThread() {
    thread BoundsKillThread();

void vehicle_mcp::BoundsKillThread() {
    float damageIndex = GetDamage( getKey( "dmg_crush" ) );

    vector mins = getMins();
    vector maxs = getMaxs();

    while ( true ) {
        if ( hasGroundContacts() ) {

        LocalBoundsDamage( mins, maxs, self, self, damageIndex );

void vehicle_mcp::DeployKillThread() {
    float damageIndex = GetDamage( getKey( "dmg_crush" ) );

    vector startPoint = '-240 -8 160';
    vector endPoint = '-55 -110 400';

    while ( isAnimating() ) {
        LocalBoundsDamage( startPoint, endPoint, self, self, damageIndex );

void vehicle_mcp::vCreateMission() {
    missionTask = taskManager.allocEntityTask( GetPlayerTask( getKey( "task_escort" ) ), self );

void vehicle_mcp::vFreeMission() {
    if ( missionTask != $null ) {;
        missionTask = $null;


void vehicle_mcp::vCompleteMission() {
    if ( missionTask != $null ) {
        missionTask = $null;


void vehicle_mcp::OnCanMoveChanged() {
    setImmobilized( !( canMove && !immobilized ) );

    if ( canMove ) {
        if ( !isDeployed ) {
            playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "base" );
        } else {
            playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "deployed" );
    } else {
        if ( !isDeployed ) {
            playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "undeployed_disabled" );
        } else {
            playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "disabled" );

vector vehicle_mcp::GetMissilePos() {
    float launchJoint = getJointHandle( getKey( "joint_launch" ) );
    if ( launchJoint != -1 ) {
        return getJointPos( launchJoint );
    sys.warning( "Unknown missile launch joint" );
    return getWorldOrigin() + '0 0 256';

void vehicle_mcp::OnFireCountChanged() {
    if ( fireCount > 0 ) {
        vector missilePos = GetMissilePos();
        playOriginEffect( "fx_scud_launch", "", missilePos, '1 0 0', false);

float vehicle_mcp::GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance ) {
    if ( p.getViewingEntity() != p ) {
        return AK_NONE;

    if ( p.getHealth() <= 0 ) {
        return AK_NONE;

    if ( p.getProxyEntity() != $null_entity ) {
        return AK_NONE;

    float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );

    if ( allegiance == TA_FRIEND ) {
        if ( distance < DISTANCE_FOR_ACTION ) {
            if ( isInWater() < drownHeight ) {
                float health = getHealth();
                if ( health >= getMinDisplayHealth() && health < getMaxHealth() ) {
                    if ( p.vHasActionItem( AK_REPAIR ) ) {
                        return AK_REPAIR;

        if ( distance < maxEnterDistance ) {
            float spots = getNumPositions();
            float usedSpots = getNumOccupiedPositions();
            if ( spots - usedSpots > 0 ) {
                return AK_USEVEHICLE;

    return AK_NONE;

boolean vehicle_mcp::vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode ) {
    if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) == TA_ENEMY ) {
        if ( actionCode == AC_ENEMY_REPAIR ) {
            return true;
        return false;

    if ( actionCode == AC_REPAIR ) {
        if ( isInWater() < drownHeight ) {
            float health = getHealth();
            return ( health >= getMinDisplayHealth() ) && ( ( health < getMaxHealth() ) );

    return false;

void vehicle_mcp::DestructionVOThread() {
    player lPlayer = sys.getLocalPlayer();

    sys.wait( 10.0f );
    if ( getDriver() == lPlayer ) {
        sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_vo_off_course_20" ), SND_PLAYER_VO );

    sys.wait( 10.0f );
    if ( getDriver() == lPlayer ) {
        sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_vo_off_course_10" ), SND_PLAYER_VO );

    destructionVOThread = -1;

void vehicle_mcp::vOnContextDefend( entity p ) {
    player local = sys.getLocalViewPlayer();
    if ( local == $null_entity || p == $null_entity ) {

    FlashIconForTeam( p.getGameTeam() );

void vehicle_mcp::vOnContextDestroy( entity p ) {
    player local = sys.getLocalViewPlayer();
    if ( local == $null_entity || p == $null_entity ) {

    FlashIconForTeam( p.getGameTeam() );

void vehicle_mcp::SetupObjectiveIcon() {

    float commandMapSize = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "icon_objective_size_cm", 16.f );

    // gdf
    cmObjectiveIcon = sys.allocCMIcon( self, getFloatKey( "icon_sort_objective_cm" ) );
    sys.setCMIconDrawMode( cmObjectiveIcon, DM_ROTATED_MATERIAL );
    sys.setCMIconSize( cmObjectiveIcon, commandMapSize );
    sys.setCMIconColorMode( cmObjectiveIcon, CM_NORMAL );
    sys.setCMIconMaterial( cmObjectiveIcon, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_commandmap_objective" ) ) );
    sys.setCMIconFlag( cmObjectiveIcon, CMF_ALWAYSKNOWN );
    sys.addCMIconRequirement( cmObjectiveIcon, "same_team == true" );

    // strogg
    cmObjectiveIconStrogg = sys.allocCMIcon( self, getFloatKey( "icon_sort_objective_cm" ) );
    sys.setCMIconDrawMode( cmObjectiveIconStrogg, DM_ROTATED_MATERIAL );
    sys.setCMIconSize( cmObjectiveIconStrogg, commandMapSize );
    sys.setCMIconColorMode( cmObjectiveIconStrogg, CM_NORMAL );
    sys.setCMIconMaterial( cmObjectiveIconStrogg, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_commandmap_objective" ) ) );
    sys.setCMIconFlag( cmObjectiveIconStrogg, CMF_ALWAYSKNOWN );
    sys.addCMIconRequirement( cmObjectiveIconStrogg, "same_team == false" );

    sys.setCMIconFlag( commandMapHandle, CMF_ALWAYSKNOWN );

void vehicle_mcp::FreeObjectiveIcon() {
    if ( cmObjectiveIcon != -1 ) {
        sys.freeCMIcon( self, cmObjectiveIcon );
        cmObjectiveIcon = -1;

    if ( cmObjectiveIconStrogg != -1 ) {
        sys.freeCMIcon( self, cmObjectiveIconStrogg );
        cmObjectiveIconStrogg = -1;

    sys.clearCMIconFlag( commandMapHandle, CMF_ALWAYSKNOWN );

void vehicle_mcp::FlashIconForTeam( entity team ) {
    if ( team == stroggTeam ) {
        sys.flashCMIcon( cmObjectiveIconStrogg, -1, 5, -1 );
    } else {
        sys.assert( team == gdfTeam );
        sys.flashCMIcon( cmObjectiveIcon, -1, 5, -1 );