Script:Files:script/tools/force shield.script

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Revision as of 18:17, 2 November 2007 by Wizz (talk | contribs)
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object force_shield {
    void        preinit();
    void        init();
    void        destroy();

    void        Idle();
    void        OnHit( object traceObject, vector v, entity other );
    void        OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector direction, float location );

    float        dieTime;
    float        nextBlink;
    boolean        blinkState;
    float        nextEffectTime;

    entity        owner;

object tool_force_shield : weapon_base {
    void        preinit();
    void        init();
    void        destroy();

    void        Raise();
    void        Lower();
    void        Idle();

    void        Fire();

    boolean        CanFire();

    void        ToolTipThread_Raise();

    void        StartIdleEffect();
    void        StopIdleEffect();

    void        StartRechargeEffect();
    void        StopRechargeEffect();

    boolean        recharge;
    float        nextChargeMessageTime;

    boolean        rechargeEffectOn;
    boolean        idleEffectOn;

void tool_force_shield::preinit() {
    rechargeEffectOn = false;
    idleEffectOn = false;

void tool_force_shield::init() {
    if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) {
        thread ToolTipThread_Raise();

    weaponState( "Raise", 0 );

void tool_force_shield::destroy() {

void tool_force_shield::Raise() {


void tool_force_shield::Lower() {


void tool_force_shield::Idle() {
    boolean playingRecharge;
    if ( recharge ) {
        playingRecharge = true;
        recharge = false;
        playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "recharge" );

    } else {
        playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle" );


    while ( true ) {
        if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) {
            weaponState( "Lower", 4 );

        if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) {
            if ( !mainFireDown ) {
                mainFireDown = true;
                if ( CanFire() ) {
                    weaponState( "Fire", 0 );
                } else {
                    if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) {
                        myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_need_charge" ) ) );
                        sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_need_charge" ), SND_ANY );
                        G_NotifyNoCharge( myPlayer );
        } else {
            mainFireDown = false;


        if ( playingRecharge && animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ) {
            playingRecharge = false;

            setBlendFrames( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 );
            playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle" );



boolean tool_force_shield::CanFire() {
    return myPlayer.EnergyBar_CanRemove( chargePerUse );

void tool_force_shield::Fire() {
    playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" );
    sys.wait( 0.1 );

    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        myPlayer.EnergyBar_Remove( chargePerUse );

        string defName = "def_forcefield";
        if ( myPlayer.getProficiency( g_proficiencyOppressor ) >= 2 ) {
            defName = "def_forcefield_mega";

        entity shieldProj = sys.spawn( getKey( defName ) );

        vector origin = myPlayer.getViewOrigin();
        vector forward = sys.angToForward( myPlayer.getViewAngles() );
        float throwDistance = 32.0f;
        vector throwPos = origin + forward * throwDistance;
        float meleeDistance = 64.0f;

        if( melee( MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX | MASK_PROJECTILE, meleeDistance, true, false ) ) {
            float traceDistance = getMeleeFraction() * meleeDistance;

            vector size = shieldProj.getSize();
            float pullOut = sys.vecLength( size ) * 0.6f;

            if ( traceDistance < meleeDistance + pullOut ) {
                throwPos = origin + forward * ( traceDistance - pullOut );

        myPlayer.setForceShieldState( false, shieldProj ); //mal: let the bots know theres a shield out there in the world.

        shieldProj.setOrigin( throwPos );
        vector velocity = shieldProj.getVectorKeyWithDefault( "velocity", '400 0 0' );
        velocity = forward * velocity_x;
        shieldProj.setLinearVelocity( velocity );
        shieldProj.vSetOwner( myPlayer );

    waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 1 ) );
    recharge = true;

    nextChargeMessageTime = sys.getTime() + 2.f;

    weaponState( "Idle", 1 );

void tool_force_shield::ToolTipThread_Raise() {
    sys.wait( myPlayer.CalcTooltipWait() );

    myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_1" ) ) );

    myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_2" ) ) );

void tool_force_shield::StartIdleEffect() {
    if ( idleEffectOn == false ) {
        if ( myPlayer == sys.getLocalPlayer() ) {
            playEffect( "fx_loop", "joint7", 1 );
            idleEffectOn = true;

void tool_force_shield::StopIdleEffect() {
    if ( idleEffectOn == true ) {
        if ( myPlayer == sys.getLocalPlayer() ) {
            stopEffect( "fx_loop" );
            idleEffectOn = false;

void tool_force_shield::StartRechargeEffect() {
    if ( rechargeEffectOn == false ) {
        playEffect( "fx_recharge", "joint7", 0 );
        playEffect( "fx_recharge2", "joint4", 0 );
        playEffect( "fx_recharge3", "joint1", 0 );
        rechargeEffectOn = true;

void tool_force_shield::StopRechargeEffect() {
    if ( rechargeEffectOn == true ) {
        stopEffect( "fx_recharge" );
        stopEffect( "fx_recharge2" );
        stopEffect( "fx_recharge3" );
        rechargeEffectOn = false;


The force_shield itself


void force_shield::preinit() {
    nextEffectTime        = 0;

void force_shield::init() {
    setClipmask( CONTENTS_PROJECTILE );

    setState( "Idle" );

void force_shield::destroy() {

void force_shield::Idle() {
    setNetworkSynced( 1.f );
    float blinkStart = getFloatKey( "blink_start" );
    float blinkMultiplier = getFloatKey( "blink_multiplier" );
    float blinkMaxOff = getFloatKey( "blink_max_off" );

    dieTime = sys.getTime() + getFloatKey( "life_time" );
    float nextBlink = blinkStart + 0.01;
    blinkState = false;
    setShaderParm( 4, 0 );

    startSound( "snd_start", SND_WEAPON_IDLE );

    while ( true ) {
        float timeLeft = dieTime - sys.getTime();
        if ( timeLeft <= blinkStart ) {
            // Shader does a table lookup based on the time left
            float fade = 1.0f - ( timeLeft / blinkStart );
            setShaderParm( 4, fade );

        setShaderParm( 5, getHealth() / getMaxHealth());

        if ( timeLeft <= 0 && !sys.isClient() ) {


void force_shield::OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector direction, float location ) {    
    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        // TODO: Apply a nice effect here

void force_shield::OnHit( object traceObject, vector v, entity other ) {
    if ( sys.getTime() > nextEffectTime ) {
        vector endPos = traceObject.getTracePoint();
        vector endNormal = traceObject.getTraceNormal();
        playOriginEffect( "fx_hit", "", endPos, endNormal, false );
        nextEffectTime = sys.getTime() + 0.1;


The projectile that spawns the force_shield itself


object projectile_forceshield {
    void            preinit();
    void            init();
    void            destroy();
    void            syncFields();

    void            Idle();

    void            OnTouch( entity other, object traceObject );
    float            OnCollide( object traceObject, vector velocity, float bodyId );
    void            OnShieldProjSync();
    void            OnUnbind();
    void            OnPostThink();

    entity            owner;
    force_shield    shieldProj;
    boolean            placedShield;
    vector            launchAngles;

    void            vSetOwner( entity o );

void projectile_forceshield::preinit() {

void projectile_forceshield::init() {
    placedShield = false;

    setContents( 0 );

    setState( "Idle" );

void projectile_forceshield::vSetOwner( entity o ) {
    owner = o;

    launchAngles = owner.getViewAngles();

void projectile_forceshield::destroy() {

void projectile_forceshield::syncFields() {
    syncBroadcast( "shieldProj" );
    syncCallback( "shieldProj", "OnShieldProjSync" );

void projectile_forceshield::OnShieldProjSync() {
    shieldProj.bind( self );
    placedShield = true;

void projectile_forceshield::Idle() {
    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        float dieTime = sys.getTime() + 5.0f;

        while ( true ) {
            if ( shieldProj == $null_entity && placedShield ) {
            if ( !placedShield && sys.getTime() > dieTime ) {


void projectile_forceshield::OnUnbind() {
    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        if ( shieldProj != $null_entity ) {

void projectile_forceshield::OnTouch( entity other, object traceObject ) {

// NOTE: If this returns true, all momentum on the object will be cleared, otherwise, it will bounce
float projectile_forceshield::OnCollide( object traceObject, vector velocity, float bodyId ) {
    float shaderFlags;
    entity collisionEnt;

    shaderFlags = traceObject.getTraceSurfaceFlags();
    if ( shaderFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT || shaderFlags & SURF_NOPLANT ) {
        return false;

    collisionEnt = traceObject.getTraceEntity();

    // don't let it stick to a player or a vehicle
    player collisionPlayer = collisionEnt;
    if ( collisionPlayer != $null_entity ) {
        return false;

    if ( collisionEnt.vDisablePlantCharge() ) {
        return false;

    // push the view out of the surface a bit
    vector normal = traceObject.getTraceNormal();

    // align to the surface normal
    alignToAxis( normal, Z_AXIS );

    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        freeze( 1.f );
        if ( collisionEnt != $null_entity ) {
            string joint = traceObject.getTraceJoint();
            float jointHandle = collisionEnt.getJointHandle( joint );
            if ( jointHandle != INVALID_JOINT ) {
                bindToJoint( collisionEnt, joint, 1 );
            } else {
                bind( collisionEnt );

        // create the fancy shield
        shieldProj = sys.spawn( getKey( "def_shield" ) );
        shieldProj.setWorldOrigin( getWorldOrigin() );

        launchAngles_x = 0;
        launchAngles_z = 0;
        vector forward = sys.angToForward( launchAngles );    
        vector newAngles = launchAngles;

        vector origin = getWorldOrigin();

        float dot = forward * normal; 
        if ( forward * normal < -0.707 ) {
            // the forward that the player wanted is kind of embedded into the surface
            // so align it with the normal of the surface
            newAngles = sys.vecToAngles( normal );

        shieldProj.setAngles( newAngles );
        shieldProj.owner = owner;
        shieldProj.setGameTeam( owner.getGameTeam() );

    return true;

void projectile_forceshield::OnPostThink() {
    if ( isBound() ) {