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Revision as of 09:56, 5 November 2007 by Wizz (talk | contribs)
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object deployable_antissg : deployable_turret {
    void        preinit();
    void        init();
    void        destroy();

    void        OnBeginAttack();
    void        OnEndAttack();

    void        Idle();

    entity         OnAcquireTarget();

    boolean        InRange( vector targetPos );
    boolean        InFiringRange( vector targetPos ) { return InRange( targetPos ); }

    boolean        TargetIsValid( entity targetEnt );

    void        DestroyTarget( entity targetEnt );
    void        FireMissile();

    void        vOnDeploy();

    void        FreeRangeIdentifier();
    void        SetupRangeIdentifier();

    void        DestroyMissiles();

    void        KillSpinThread();
    void        KillGunThread();

    void        SpinBarrels();
    void        GunThread();

    boolean        wantsFire;

    vector        barrelAngles;
    float        barrelSpeed;

    float        commandmapRangeHandle;

    float        toolTipDestroyedMissile;

void deployable_antissg::preinit() {
    checkMask = MASK_PROJECTILE;

    toolTipDestroyedMissile = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_destroyed_missile" ) );

    commandmapRangeHandle = -1;

void deployable_antissg::init() {
    setState( "Idle" );

void deployable_antissg::destroy() {

void deployable_antissg::Idle() {
    while ( true ) {

        if ( !disabledState ) {

boolean    deployable_antissg::InRange( vector targetPos ) {
    float len = sys.vecLength( targetPos - getWorldOrigin() );
    return ( ( len >= minRange ) && ( len <= ( maxRange * 2.f ) ) );

entity deployable_antissg::OnAcquireTarget() {
    if ( !finishedDeploying ) {
        return $null_entity;

    entitiesOfCollection( "antiair" );
    filterEntitiesByAllegiance( TA_FLAG_ENEMY, 1 );
    filterEntitiesByRadius( getWorldOrigin(), maxRange * 2.f, 1 );
    float count = getBoundsCacheCount();

    float bestDist;
    entity bestTarget;

    float i;
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        entity ent = getBoundsCacheEntity( i );

        float dist = sys.vecLengthSquared( ent.getWorldOrigin() - getWorldOrigin() );
        if ( bestTarget != $null_entity && dist > bestDist ) {

        if ( !TargetIsValid( ent ) ) {

        if ( !InRange( ent.getWorldOrigin() ) ) {

        bestTarget = ent;
        bestDist = dist;

    return bestTarget;

boolean deployable_antissg::TargetIsValid( entity targetEnt ) {
    if ( targetEnt.getHealth() <= 0 ) {
        return false;

    if ( !TraceCheck( targetEnt ) ) {
        return false;

    return true;

void deployable_antissg::DestroyTarget( entity targetEnt ) {
    if ( targetEnt.vGetDestroyed() ) {

    if ( owner != $null_entity ) {
        float destroyProficiency = targetEnt.vGetDestroyProficiency();
        if ( destroyProficiency != -1 ) {
            owner.giveProficiency( destroyProficiency, 1.f, $null, "anti-missile bonus" );

        sys.increaseStatInt( sys.allocStatInt( "antimissile_gdf_uses" ), owner.getEntityNumber(), 1 );



    player p = targetEnt.getOwner();
    if ( p != $null_entity ) {
        if ( p.isLocalPlayer() ) {
            if ( !p.isToolTipPlaying() ) {
                p.sendToolTip( toolTipDestroyedMissile );

void deployable_antissg::DestroyMissiles() {
    entitiesOfCollection( "antiair" );
    filterEntitiesByAllegiance( TA_FLAG_ENEMY, 1 ); // only damage enemies
    filterEntitiesByRadius( getWorldOrigin(), maxRange, 1 ); // find entities within maxRange radius
    float count = getBoundsCacheCount(); // number of remaining entities

    float i;
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        DestroyTarget( getBoundsCacheEntity( i ) );

void deployable_antissg::FireMissile() {
    float muzzleJoint;
    playJointEffect( "fx_fire", jointBarrel, 0 );

    if( numTracerJoints > 1 ) {
        muzzleJoint = int( sys.random( numTracerJoints ) ) + 1;
    } else {
        muzzleJoint = 0;

    if( playTracerFX ) {
        playEffect( "fx_tracer", getKey( "joint_tracer" + muzzleJoint ), 0 );
    playEffect( "fx_muzzle", getKey( "joint_tracer" + muzzleJoint ), 0 );

void deployable_antissg::GunThread() {
    while ( true ) {

        if ( reFire < sys.getTime() ) {
            reFire = sys.getTime() + fireRate;
            playEffect( "fx_tracer", "muzzle1", 0 );
            playEffect( "fx_tracer", "muzzle2", 0 );
            playEffect( "fx_muzzle", "muzzle1", 0 );
            playEffect( "fx_muzzle", "muzzle2", 0 );

void deployable_antissg::KillSpinThread() {
    sys.killThread( "SpinBarrels_" + getName() );

void deployable_antissg::KillGunThread() {
    sys.killThread( "GunThread_" + getName() );

void deployable_antissg::OnEndAttack() {
    wantsFire = false;
    attacking = false;


void deployable_antissg::OnBeginAttack() {
    wantsFire = true;
    attacking = true;


    thread SpinBarrels();
    thread GunThread();

void deployable_antissg::SpinBarrels() {
    float spinFire = 720.f;
    float spinStop = 30.f;
    float muzzleHandle1 = getJointHandle( getKey( "joint_spin1" ) );
    float muzzleHandle2 = getJointHandle( getKey( "joint_spin2" ) );

    startSound( "snd_fire", SND_WEAPON_FIRE );
    startSound( "snd_fire_far", SND_WEAPON_FIRE_FAR );
    startSound( "snd_brass", SND_DEPLOYABLE_BRASS );

    while ( wantsFire ) {

        if ( barrelSpeed < spinFire ) {
            if ( barrelSpeed < spinStop ) {
                barrelSpeed = spinStop;
            barrelSpeed = barrelSpeed + 90.f;
        } else {
            barrelSpeed = spinFire;

        barrelAngles_z = barrelAngles_z + ( barrelSpeed * sys.getFrameTime() );
        setJointAngle( muzzleHandle1, JOINTMOD_LOCAL, barrelAngles );
        setJointAngle( muzzleHandle2, JOINTMOD_LOCAL, -barrelAngles );

    startSound( "snd_fire_trail", SND_WEAPON_FIRE );
    startSound( "snd_fire_far_trail", SND_WEAPON_FIRE_FAR );
    startSound( "snd_brass_stop", SND_DEPLOYABLE_BRASS );

    while ( barrelSpeed != 0.f ) {

        if ( barrelSpeed > spinStop ) {
            barrelSpeed = barrelSpeed - 30.f;

        if ( barrelSpeed <= spinStop ) {
            barrelSpeed = 0.f;

        barrelAngles_z = barrelAngles_z + ( barrelSpeed * sys.getFrameTime() );
        setJointAngle( muzzleHandle1, JOINTMOD_LOCAL, barrelAngles );
        setJointAngle( muzzleHandle2, JOINTMOD_LOCAL, -barrelAngles );

void deployable_antissg::FreeRangeIdentifier() {
    if ( commandmapRangeHandle != -1 ) {
        sys.freeCMIcon( self, commandmapRangeHandle );
        commandmapRangeHandle = -1;

void deployable_antissg::SetupRangeIdentifier() {

    commandmapRangeHandle = sys.allocCMIcon( self, 100 );
    sys.setCMIconSizeMode( commandmapRangeHandle, SM_WORLD );
    sys.setCMIconColor( commandmapRangeHandle, g_colorRed, 0.25f );
    sys.setCMIconSides( commandmapRangeHandle, 24 );
    sys.setCMIconDrawMode( commandmapRangeHandle, DM_CIRCLE );
    sys.setCMIconMaterial( commandmapRangeHandle, GetMaterial( "_white_depth" ) );
    sys.setCMIconUnknownMaterial( commandmapRangeHandle, GetMaterial( "_white_depth" ) );
    sys.setCMIconSize( commandmapRangeHandle, maxRange );
    sys.setCMIconUnknownSize( commandmapRangeHandle, maxRange );
    sys.setCMIconFlag( commandmapRangeHandle, CMF_ENEMYONLY | CMF_ONLYSHOWKNOWN );

void deployable_antissg::vOnDeploy() {

    thread DoDeploy();

object deployable_antissg_cc : deployable_antissg {
    void                preinit();

    float                GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance );
    boolean                vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode );

    void                vApplyEmpDamage( entity attacker, float time, float weaponTime ) {}

void deployable_antissg_cc::preinit() {

float deployable_antissg_cc::GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance ) {
    return AK_NONE;

boolean    deployable_antissg_cc::vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode ) {
    return AC_NONE;