Entity info objective

From Mod Wiki

Marks a map position as an objective area.

This entity is designed to be placed once in each major objective area, and causes an objective icon to appear on both the command map and the player's HUD. Its properties allow you to specify the icon to use for Strogg and GDF teams, as well as the size of the icon, its offset, and text describing the objective.

Entity Keys

classname info_objective

objective_index variable
text_objective_gdf variable
Description of the objective for display in the limbo menu. Should be the name of a localised string.
text_objective_strogg variable
Description of the objective for display in the limbo menu. Should be the name of a localised string.
mtr_objective_gdf variable
Material of the objective for display in the limbo menu
mtr_objective_strogg variable
Material of the objective for display in the limbo menu

See Also