Console commands

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The following console commands are useful when testing a map built for Enemy Territory

This cvar command toggles the display of all the HUD elements except the gun.

This cvar command toggles the display of the current frames per second that the map is running at. This is displayed under the map timer.

This cvar command toggles the display of the weapon model.

This cvar command toggles the display of the next respawn time. The counter is displayed next to the map timer. Extremely useful for timing when the next wave of team mates might arrive or when would be a good time to tap out to the limbo menu for a respawn.

Cg_thirdperson 2 will keep the player model in view at all times. This is extremely useful for checking the light values in a map because the player face will reflect the density of the light grid. (You will also need to also change the cg_thirdpersonangle to 180.)

Cg_thirdperson switches the player's viewpoint between first and third person. This can be useful when checking new player skins/models and the relative scale of the map geometry to the player model. The default value is 0 - first person.

By default the thirdperson view is of the character from behind. Use cg_thirdpersonangle to alter the angle at which the player model is viewed. The angle is given in degrees where 0 is the default and a value of 180 degrees will give the player a view directly from the front of the player model.

The default distance that the player model appears from the camera when in thirdperson perspective is 80 units. This value can be altered using /cg_thirdpersonrange. The greater the value the further the camera will appear from the player model.

This command allows developer commands such as r_speeds to display in the main game view and not just in the console. The command is toggled between 0 and 1 where 0 displays the developer commands in console only and 1 displays them in-game also.

Ideally set to at least 5 this cvar allows the developer to determine how long (in seconds) the command is displayed onscreen.

Prints to the server console every line of script that is executed, along with the scriptname of the entity which is calling the script, and the time it was executed at. This is extremely useful for tracking down strange script bugs.

This will speed up all construction times for quick construction checking.

The r_speeds cvar displays rendering information which can be helpful in determining what may be having an effect on fps. The default value is 0 which will not display the r_speeds.

r_speeds 1 displays the following information:

xxx/xxx shaders/surfs xx leafs xxxxx verts xxxxx/xxxxx tris x.xx mtex x.xx dc

The renderer batches up drawsurfaces (map drawsurfaces, such as terrain chunks, walls, floors, model sections; model surfaces like players and weapons, and effect surfaces) into a large array before doing render passes. The "shaders" value is actually how many batches there are. Each batch can require one or more rendering pass. For example, weapon shaders often require two: a diffuse/texture pass to add details and an environment pass to make them shiny.

The "surfs" value indicates the number of drawsurfaces visible.

The "leafs" value indicates the number of BSP leafs that are visible in the scene. A leaf is the final, smallest BSP node which contains actual renderable data.

The most important value, "verts" shows the number of vertexes batched up to be rendered in the shader/batches to be calculated, transformed, lit etc. Ideally, the verts count should be as close to 1024 x the shaders (batches) count. Realistically, it will be difficult to achieve this target due to the amount of unique shader effects that only get rendered once.

The number of triangles visible in the scene is indicated by the "tris" value. Ideally the ratio of tris to verts should be as high as possible since you want to maximize the number of tris compared to the number of verts.

Setting this cvar to 1 will turn off textures on light mapped surfaces so that they appear white. This makes it easier to see how shadows affect these surfaces. All drawn surfaces not pastel white are vertex lit and are not affected by the external lightmaps.

R_lightmap 2 will re-colour the map surfaces in light intensity values. This has to be done before the map is loaded. (3 does it in the logical red is hot and has a higher intensity)

Normals indicate the direction a triangle is facing. Use r_shownormals to display normals.

r_shownormals 1: shows you the vertex normals on everything being drawn
r_shownormals 2: shows you the origin, direction and colour of the lighting on entities. This lets you debug the lightgrid.

The r_showtris cvar displays the triangles drawn by the game engine. There are three r_showtris levels: 0 - 2. The default value is 0 which does not display triangles.

r_showtris 1 displays depth-buffered triangles, i.e. only those triangles which can actually be seen. This lets the developer see the outline of brushes/models more easily and is especially useful when checking un-VIS'd maps or those with complex geometry.
r_showtris 2 displays all triangles in view which the engine is currently rendering. (This is recognizable as the old Q3 r_showtris 1 cvar).

This cvar sets the colour of the triangles displayed by the r_showtris cvar. The default value is "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0" which will draw solid white lines around all triangles drawn on screen. The first 3 values are the RBG colour and the final value is the alpha-blend value. This command is useful if you are debugging snow style maps which involve a lot of whiteness.

In God mode the player will be invulnerable to anything in the map that would normally hurt them, such as damage from a weapon, high falls or remaining under water for long periods of time. Please note that some triggers in the game will still hurt the player regardless of god like status. The trigger_hurt entity has a spawnflag setting to override god player status.

This command will restart the level and will respawn the player. It will also reload the script file for the map from disk again and reset all construction items in a map. This is useful for tweaking and testing scripts without having to reload the map from scratch each time.

When the player is sprinting it will use up stamina. This is indicated by the green bar on the lower right of the HUD. When it reaches the bottom the player will slow down. By setting /nofatigue to 1 will allow the player to continue to sprint even when out of stamina.

Setting noclip to 1 allows the developer to pass through otherwise solid geometry and anything that has been player-clipped.

Takes a screenshot from the current view and writes it to the 'etmain/screenshots' folder.

This command sets the length of time (in minutes) that the game will run for before it automatically ends if the offensive objectives haven't been completed. After this time the next level will load. If you need to test a map over a long period of time then set timelimit to 0.

Useful when checking large maps and scripted sequences, the timescale cvar will alter the speed at which the game is running. A value of 2, for instance, will run the map at twice the normal speed. (Please check the developer config's for examples of how this command can be useful if bound to several keys.)