Vehicle Tutorial Part 4
Advanced Scripting
There are a plethora of other things you can do with your vehicle to set it up. I'm going to go into some of them here.
Vehicle HUD
When you are in a vehicle in ETQW a HUD section is added in the bottom left showing details about the vehicle - health, passengers, etc. These are quite simple to create, as they are all done through templates. The only new asset you need to create is an icon for it - it should be pretty easy from looking at the existing icons. They're made up from a border and a fill image, a couple of examples are guis/assets/icons/vehicles/gdf_top_husky_border.tga and guis/assets/icons/vehicles/gdf_top_husky_fill.tga.
To make the material you'll need to create a new .mtr file and place it in a materials directory in your mod directory. I'm calling mine The material is created using a template, so we'll need to include the template file before we can create the material. Here is the result for mine. Note that I'm reusing the Husky's icon:
#include <materials/guis/hud/gdf.include> material guis/assets/hud/vehicles/buggy_tute { _vehicle_icon( "guis/assets/icons/vehicles/gdf_top_husky" ) }
Now you can make the GUI. You'll need to make a .gui file and place this in a guis directory in your mod directory. I'm calling mine buggy_tute.gui. Again, we'll need to include a template file first:
#include <guis/game/vehicles/gdf/cockpits.include> gui guis/vehicles/buggy_tute { properties { float flags = immediate( flags ) | GUI_FULLSCREEN; } materials { "icon" "guis/assets/hud/vehicles/buggy_tute" } _class_icons _base_icon _hud_materials _position( 0, 1.5, 10 ) }
Next add the following key to the entityDef:
"gui_vehicle" "guis/vehicles/buggy_tute"