
From Mod Wiki
Revision as of 13:21, 23 November 2007 by Hoffa (talk | contribs)
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Create megastamp.cfg in your base/ folder, and paste in the text below:

// applyflags (for use with stampApply)
// 1 = no diffuse
// 2 = no bump
// 4 = erase

// Set some necessary stuff
set ui_name "Mr. Stampy"
ui_showgun 0
g_showhud 0
pm_runroll 0
pm_runpitch 0
pm_spectatespeed 500
r_orderIndexes 0
con_noprint 0
set ms_stampscale_temp 0.5
set ms_stampscale 0.5
set r_usemaxvisdist 1

// Unbind CTRL so it doesn't activate stuff when using it as a modifiers
unbind CTRL

// Change spectator speed
bind X				"toggle pm_spectatespeed 250 500 1000 2000"

// Select editing area
bind H				"respotEditArea"
bind MOUSE3			"respotEditArea"

// Applying stamps with and without angle changes 
bind MOUSE1			"stampApply"
bind MOUSE2			"stampApply; stampRandomAngle"

// Applying stamps without diffuse, with and without angle changes
bind MOUSE1			"stampApply 1" CTRL
bind MOUSE2			"stampApply 1; stampRandomAngle" CTRL
bind MOUSE1			"stampApply 1" RIGHTCTRL
bind MOUSE2			"stampApply 1; stampRandomAngle" RIGHTCTRL

// Applying stamps without normals, with and without angle changes
bind MOUSE1			"stampApply 2" ALT
bind MOUSE2			"stampApply 2; stampRandomAngle" ALT

// Scale in 10% increments with the mousewheel
bind MWHEELDOWN		"cvarMultiply ms_stampScale .9"
bind MWHEELUP		"cvarMultiply ms_stampScale 1.1"

// Rotate in 1 degree increments using SHIFT and the mousewheel
bind MWHEELDOWN		"cycle ms_stampAngle 359 0 -1" SHIFT
bind MWHEELUP		"cycle ms_stampAngle 0 359 1" SHIFT
bind MWHEELDOWN		"cycle ms_stampAngle 359 0 -1" RIGHTSHIFT
bind MWHEELUP		"cycle ms_stampAngle 0 359 1" RIGHTSHIFT

// Rotate in 5 degree increments using CTRL and the mousewheel
bind MWHEELDOWN		"cycle ms_stampAngle 359 0 -5" CTRL
bind MWHEELUP		"cycle ms_stampAngle 0 359 5" CTRL
bind MWHEELDOWN		"cycle ms_stampAngle 359 0 -5" RIGHTCTRL
bind MWHEELUP		"cycle ms_stampAngle 0 359 5" RIGHTCTRL

// Rotate 90 degrees using ALT and the mousewheel
bind MWHEELDOWN		"cycle ms_stampAngle 359 0 -90" ALT
bind MWHEELUP		"cycle ms_stampAngle 0 359 90" ALT

// Rotate 90 degrees using side buttons
bind MOUSE4			"cycle ms_stampAngle 359 0 -90"
bind MOUSE5			"cycle ms_stampAngle 0 359 90"

// Rotate in 10 degree increments using bracket keys
bind ]				"cycle ms_stampAngle 359 0 -10"
bind [				"cycle ms_stampAngle 0 359 10"

// Reset rotation to 0
bind R				"set ms_stampAngle 0 0 0"

// Undo and redo
bind Z				"stampUndo" CTRL
bind Y 				"stampRedo" CTRL
bind KP_MINUS		"stampUndo"
bind KP_PLUS		"stampRedo"

// Erase stamps
bind BACKSPACE		"stampApply 4"
bind DEL			"stampApply 4"

// Save stamps
bind S				"stampSave" CTRL

// Testmodel a GDF Soldier
bind P				"testmodel player_gdf_soldier"
bind P				"testmodel" SHIFT
bind P				"testmodel" RIGHTSHIFT

// Reload declarations (to refresh stamp files)
bind F				"reloadDecls"

// Hide floating stamp preview (this is such a hack!)
bind N				"vstr hideStamp"
set hideStamp		"set ms_stampscale_temp $ms_stampscale; set ms_stampscale 0.000001; unbind MOUSE1; bind N 'vstr showStamp'"
set showStamp		"set ms_stampscale $ms_stampscale_temp; bind MOUSE1 'stampApply'; bind N 'vstr hideStamp'"

// Hide brushwork and imposters
bind M				"toggle r_usemaxvisdist 1 2; toggle r_skipimposters 1 2"

// Hide stuff
bind B				"toggle r_skipstuff 0 1"

// Take viewnote
bind F11			"takeviewnote"

// Standard message mode binds
bind tab _menuNavForward "" menu
bind tab _menuNavBackward shift menu
bind tab _menuNavBackward rightshift menu
bind escape _menuCancel "" menu
bind enter _menuAccept "" menu
bind kp_enter _menuAccept "" menu

bind escape _menuCancel "" bindmenu

// Run editStamps