Vertex Colouring in EditWorld
From Mod Wiki
Vertex colouring in EditWorld
EditWorld provides a handy tool that allows user to colour the geometry created in the editor. Technically speaking, it alters the vertex attribute responsible for colour (white by default) so vertex colouring is effectively free when it comes to rendering.
Applying colour
Select the geometry you want to apply a colour to and press k to bring the Choose Color window (alternatively choose Misc>Select Entity Color or select the Color button from the Primitives inspector ). Choose a colour, click Apply and then OK.
Note that textures you use for your coloured geometry need to have vertex color set up in the material file. Click here to learn more about settig up material file.
Sampling/applying sampled colour
- In camera window press altshiftMMB on geometry you want to sample the colour from.
- In camera window press altMMB on the geometry you want to apply sampled colour to.