From Mod Wiki
object synced_effect { void syncFields(); void preinit(); void init(); void vSetActive( boolean a ); void OnPlayingChanged(); void Play(); void Stop(); boolean wasPlaying; boolean playing; boolean loop; boolean noDirection; boolean renderBounds; vector dir; float maxVisDist; handle effectHandle; } void synced_effect::preinit() { playing = getIntKey( "start_on" ); loop = getIntKey( "loop" ); noDirection = getIntKey( "no_direction" ); dir = getVectorKeyWithDefault( "direction", '0 0 1' ); maxVisDist = getFloatKey( "maxVisDist" ); renderBounds = getIntKey( "renderBounds" ); wasPlaying = playing; effectHandle = 0; } void synced_effect::init() { if ( playing ) { Play(); } else { Stop(); } } void synced_effect::syncFields() { syncBroadcast( "playing" ); syncCallback( "playing", "OnPlayingChanged" ); } void synced_effect::vSetActive( boolean a ) { if ( sys.isClient() ) { return; } if ( loop ) { // if its looping then it turns the effect on and off playing = a; OnPlayingChanged(); } else { // if its NOT looping then it just fires the effect playing = !playing; OnPlayingChanged(); } } void synced_effect::OnPlayingChanged() { if ( wasPlaying == playing ) { return; } if ( loop ) { if ( playing ) { Play(); } else { Stop(); } } else { Play(); } } void synced_effect::Play() { if ( !effectHandle ) { if ( !noDirection ) { effectHandle = playOriginEffectMaxVisDist( "fx", "", getWorldOrigin(), dir, loop, maxVisDist, 1 ); } else { effectHandle = playEffectMaxVisDist( "fx", "", loop, maxVisDist, 1 ); } if ( effectHandle ) { setEffectRenderBounds( effectHandle, renderBounds ); } if ( !loop ) { effectHandle = 0; } wasPlaying = playing; } } void synced_effect::Stop() { if ( effectHandle ) { stopEffectHandle( effectHandle ); effectHandle = 0; } wasPlaying = playing; }