Script:Files:script/misc/capturable spawn.script

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Revision as of 10:10, 5 November 2007 by Wizz (talk | contribs)
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object capturable_spawn : spawn_master {
    void                preinit();
    void                syncFields();
    void                destroy();

    float                OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p );
    float                OnActivate( entity p, float distance );
    float                OnActivateHeld( entity p, float distance );
    void                OnSetTeam( object oldTeam, object newTeam );
    void                OnActiveChanged();

    float                vGetPliersProgressBarValue( float action );
    void                Capture( entity p );

    boolean                CanActivate( entity p, float distance );

    void                ShowCaptureWayPoint();
    void                HideCaptureWayPoint();

    void                FreeCaptureTasks();
    void                CreateCaptureTasks();    
    task                MakeCaptureTask( string teamName );

    string                vGetQuickChatString( entity p );

    void                ActivateSoundThread( entity p );
    void                FinishActivateSound();

    boolean                IsDisabled( string teamName );

    task                gdfCaptureTask;
    task                stroggCaptureTask;

    handle                screenName;

    handle                captureStat;
    handle                liberateStat;

    boolean                active;
    boolean                covertOnlyLiberate;

    float                maxCaptureCount;
    float                captureCount;

    float                liberateProficiency;
    float                captureProficiency;

    float                useMeToolTipLiberate;
    float                useMeToolTipCapture;

    float                unavailableIcon;

    float                activateSoundThreadId;
    float                lastActivateTime;

void capturable_spawn::preinit() {
    screenName = sys.localizeString( getKeyWithDefault( "screen_name", "game/spawn" ) );
    active = true;
    unavailableIcon    = -1;

    maxCaptureCount = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "max_capture_count", 150 );
    captureCount = 0;

    liberateProficiency = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_liberate" ) );
    captureProficiency = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_capture" ) );

    covertOnlyLiberate = getIntKey( "covert_only_liberate" );

    captureStat = sys.allocStatInt( "spawns_captured" );
    liberateStat = sys.allocStatInt( "spawns_liberated" );

    setSkin( getKey( "skin_owner_neutral" ) );

    useMeToolTipLiberate = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_liberate_1" ) );
    useMeToolTipCapture = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_capture_1" ) );

    activateSoundThreadId = -1;


void capturable_spawn::syncFields() {
    sync( "captureCount" );
    syncBroadcast( "active" );
    syncCallback( "active", "OnActiveChanged" );

void capturable_spawn::destroy() {
    if ( activateSoundThreadId != -1 ) {
        sys.terminate( activateSoundThreadId );


void capturable_spawn::OnActiveChanged() {
    if ( active ) {
    } else {
        if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
            setGameTeam( $null_entity );

void capturable_spawn::FreeCaptureTasks() {
    if ( gdfCaptureTask != $null ) {;
    if ( stroggCaptureTask != $null ) {;

task capturable_spawn::MakeCaptureTask( string teamName ) {
    object team = getGameTeam();

    team_base otherTeam = sys.getTeam( teamName );

    if ( team == otherTeam ) {
        return $null;

    if ( team == $null ) {
        if ( IsDisabled( teamName ) ) {
            return $null;
        } else {
            return taskManager.allocEntityTask( otherTeam.captureSpawnTask, self );

    float taskDefHandle;
    if ( covertOnlyLiberate ) {
        taskDefHandle = otherTeam.liberateSpawnTaskCovertOnly;
    } else {
        taskDefHandle = otherTeam.liberateSpawnTask;
    return taskManager.allocEntityTask( taskDefHandle, self );

void capturable_spawn::CreateCaptureTasks() {

    gdfCaptureTask = MakeCaptureTask( "gdf" );
    stroggCaptureTask = MakeCaptureTask( "strogg" );

void capturable_spawn::ShowCaptureWayPoint() {

    if ( unavailableIcon != -1 ) {
        sys.error( "capturable_spawn::ShowCaptureWayPoint unavailable icon already exists" );

    unavailableIcon = sys.allocCMIcon( self, getFloatKey( "icon_sort_cm" ) );

    sys.setCMIconMaterial( unavailableIcon, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_unavailable_icon_gdf" ) ) );
    sys.setCMIconFlag( unavailableIcon, CMF_ALWAYSKNOWN );
    sys.setCMIconFlag( unavailableIcon, CMF_ONLYSHOWONFULLVIEW );
    sys.setCMIconColorMode( unavailableIcon, CM_ALLEGIANCE );    
    sys.setCMIconSize( unavailableIcon, getFloatKey( "icon_size_cm" ) );

void capturable_spawn::HideCaptureWayPoint() {

    if ( unavailableIcon != -1 ) {
        sys.freeCMIcon( self, unavailableIcon );
        unavailableIcon = -1;

void capturable_spawn::OnSetTeam( object oldTeam, object newTeam ) {
    if ( oldTeam != $null_entity ) {
        oldTeam.unRegisterSpawnPoint( self );

    UnDeployTeam( oldTeam );
    DeployTeam( newTeam );

    if ( newTeam == $null_entity ) {
        setSkin( getKey( "skin_owner_neutral" ) );
    } else {
        string teamName = newTeam.getName();

        setSkin( getKey( "skin_owner_" + teamName ) );

        // if the new team isn't enabled then don't show an icon or register as a spawn point
        if ( IsDisabled( teamName ) ) {
        } else {
            newTeam.registerSpawnPoint( self );


    if ( active ) {

float capturable_spawn::OnActivate( entity p, float distance ) {
    if ( !CanActivate( p, distance ) ) {
        return 0;

    return 1;

float capturable_spawn::OnActivateHeld( entity p, float distance ) {
    if ( !CanActivate( p, distance ) ) {
        return 0;

    if ( p.isLocalPlayer() ) {
        lastActivateTime = sys.getTime();
        if ( activateSoundThreadId == -1 ) {
            activateSoundThreadId = thread ActivateSoundThread( p );

    Capture( p );

    return 1;

float capturable_spawn::vGetPliersProgressBarValue( float action ) {
    if ( action == AC_CAPTURE || action == AC_LIBERATE) {
        return captureCount / maxCaptureCount;

    return 0.f;

void capturable_spawn::Capture( entity p ) {
    boolean liberate;

    object otherTeam = p.getGameTeam();
    string teamName = otherTeam.getName();
    player playerP = p;

    if ( getGameTeam() != $null ) {            
        if ( IsDisabled( teamName ) ) {
            liberate = true;

    float count = 1;

    float useProficiency = -1;
    string reason;

    if ( liberate ) {
        useProficiency = liberateProficiency;
        reason = "liberating spawn";
        playerP.ShowProgressBar( self, AC_LIBERATE );
        sys.increaseStatInt( liberateStat, playerP.getEntityNumber(), 1 );
    } else {
        useProficiency = captureProficiency;
        reason = "capturing spawn";
        playerP.ShowProgressBar( self, AC_CAPTURE );
        sys.increaseStatInt( captureStat, playerP.getEntityNumber(), 1 );

    object t;

    if ( useProficiency != -1 ) {        
        if ( p.getGameTeam() == gdfTeam ) {
            t = gdfCaptureTask;
        } else {
            t = stroggCaptureTask;

        p.giveProficiency( useProficiency, count / maxCaptureCount, t, reason );

    if ( captureCount >= maxCaptureCount ) {
        captureCount = 0;

    captureCount = captureCount + count;    

    if ( captureCount >= maxCaptureCount ) {
        if ( activateSoundThreadId != -1 ) {
            sys.terminate( activateSoundThreadId );
            activateSoundThreadId = -1;

        if ( p == sys.getLocalPlayer() && p != $null_entity ) {
            sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_capture_local" ), SND_STRUCTURE_SPAWNLOCATION );
        } else {
            sys.startSoundDirect( "", SND_STRUCTURE_SPAWNLOCATION );

        if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
            if ( p.isDisguised() ) {
                p.disguise( $null_entity );

            object team = getGameTeam();

            string oldTeamName;
            if ( team != $null_entity ) {
                oldTeamName = team.getName();

            if ( liberate ) {//mal: let the bots know a spawnpoint has been captured/liberated.
                objManager.setSpawnActionOwner( NOTEAM, p );
            } else if ( p.getGameTeam() == gdfTeam ) {
                objManager.setSpawnActionOwner( GDF, p );
            } else if ( p.getGameTeam() == stroggTeam ) {
                objManager.setSpawnActionOwner( STROGG, p );

            if ( liberate ) {
                setGameTeam( $null );

                objManager.PushCPrintString( p.getUserName() );
                objManager.PushCPrintHandle( screenName );
                objManager.PushCPrintHandle( otherTeam.getTitle() );
                objManager.CPrintEvent( sys.localizeString( "game/liberated" ), $null );

                if ( team != $null_entity ) { 
                    objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_enemyliberate_" + oldTeamName ), team );
                objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_liberate_" + teamName ), otherTeam );
            } else {
                setGameTeam( otherTeam );

                objManager.PushCPrintString( p.getUserName() );
                objManager.PushCPrintHandle( screenName );
                objManager.PushCPrintHandle( otherTeam.getTitle() );
                objManager.CPrintEvent( sys.localizeString( "game/captured" ), $null );

                if ( team != $null_entity ) { 
                    objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_enemycapture_" + oldTeamName ), team );
                objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_capture_" + teamName ), otherTeam );

float capturable_spawn::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) {
    if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() == $null_entity ) {
        return active;

    float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );
    vector color = GetAllegianceColor( allegiance );
    float distance = chGetDistance();
    float range = InchesToMetres( distance );
    float health = getHealth();

    chSetNumLines( 0 );

    if ( !active ) {
        return 0.0f;

    float index;

    if ( CanActivate( p, distance ) ) {
        index = chAddLine();
        chSetLineMaterial( index, p.vGetActionIcon( AK_SPAWNCAP ) );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_IMAGE );
        chSetLineSize( index, 64, 64 );
        chSetLineColor( index, g_colorWhite, 0.9f );

        if ( !p.isToolTipPlaying() ) {
            if ( sys.getTime() - p.getCrosshairStartTime() > 0.5f ) {
                object otherTeam = p.getGameTeam();
                string teamName = otherTeam.getName();
                if ( getGameTeam() != $null ) {    
                    if ( IsDisabled( teamName ) ) {
                        p.sendToolTip( useMeToolTipLiberate );
                    } else {
                        p.sendToolTip( useMeToolTipCapture );
                } else {
                    p.sendToolTip( useMeToolTipCapture );

    index = chAddLine();
    chSetLineTextIndex( index, screenName );
    chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
    chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
    chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );

    if ( range <= 100 ) {
        index = chAddLine();
        chSetLineText( index, G_BuildRangeStr( range ) );
        chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
        chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );

    return 1.f;

void capturable_spawn::vSetActive( boolean a ) {
    if ( active != a ) {
        active = a;

boolean capturable_spawn::CanActivate( entity p, float distance ) {
    if ( objManager.gameState != GS_GAMEON ) {
        return false;

    if ( !active ) {
        return false;

    if ( distance > 128 ) {
        return false;

    if ( p.getViewingEntity() != p ) {
        return false;

    if ( p.getHealth() <= 0 ) {
        return false;

    if ( p.getProxyEntity() != $null_entity ) {
        return false;

    // check the team that the other is on
    object team = getGameTeam();
    object otherTeam = p.getGameTeam();

    if ( team == otherTeam || otherTeam == $null ) {
        return false;

    string teamName = otherTeam.getName();
    if ( IsDisabled( teamName ) ) {
        if ( team == $null_entity ) {
            return false;

    return true;

string capturable_spawn::vGetQuickChatString( entity p ) {
    object team = getGameTeam();
    object otherTeam = p.getGameTeam();
    string teamName = otherTeam.getName();

    if ( team == $null_entity ) {
        if ( IsDisabled( teamName ) ) {
            return getKey( "qc_defend" );
        return getKey( "qc_capture" );

    if ( IsDisabled( teamName ) ) {
        return getKey( "qc_liberate" );

    return getKey( "qc_defend" );

void capturable_spawn::ActivateSoundThread( entity p ) {
    team_base team = p.getGameTeam();
    sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_capturing_" + team.getName() ), SND_STRUCTURE_SPAWNLOCATION );
    waitUntil( sys.getTime() - lastActivateTime > 0.2f );

void capturable_spawn::FinishActivateSound() {
    sys.startSoundDirect( "", SND_STRUCTURE_SPAWNLOCATION );
    activateSoundThreadId = -1;

boolean capturable_spawn::IsDisabled( string teamName ) {
    return getIntKey( teamName + "_disabled" ) != 0;