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object rules { void preinit(); void OnConnect( entity p ); void OnGameEnd(); void OnTimeLimitHit(); entity GetMaxXPInCategory( float category, boolean fromBase ); entity GetMinXPInCategory( float category, boolean fromBase ); entity GetBestStatEntry( handle statHandle ); void CalcAccuracy(); void CalcHighestLevel(); void WriteStats(); void PushStat( handle medalStat, entity p, float value ); handle medalHighXPStat; handle medalLowXPStat; handle medalSoldierStat; handle medalMedicStat; handle medalEngineerStat; handle medalFieldOpsStat; handle medalCovertOpsStat; handle medalWeaponsStat; handle medalBattleSenseStat; handle medalVehicleStat; handle medalHighAccuracyStat; handle medalLowAccuracyStat; handle medalRewardsStat; handle medalKillsStat; handle medalDamageStat; handle medalTeamKillsStat; float cachedResult; } void rules::preinit() { gameRules = self; medalHighXPStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_high_xp" ); medalLowXPStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_low_xp" ); medalSoldierStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_soldier" ); medalMedicStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_medic" ); medalEngineerStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_engineer" ); medalFieldOpsStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_fieldops" ); medalCovertOpsStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_covertops" ); medalWeaponsStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_weapons" ); medalBattleSenseStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_battlesense" ); medalVehicleStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_vehicle" ); medalHighAccuracyStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_high_accuracy" ); medalLowAccuracyStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_low_accuracy" ); medalRewardsStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_rewards" ); medalKillsStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_kills" ); medalDamageStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_damage" ); medalTeamKillsStat = sys.allocStatInt( "medal_teamkills" ); } void rules::OnConnect( entity p ) { } void rules::OnGameEnd() { WriteStats(); } entity rules::GetBestStatEntry( handle statHandle ) { entity best; float bestValue = -1; float index; float maxClients = sys.getMaxClients(); for ( index = 0; index < maxClients; index++ ) { entity p = sys.getClient( index ); if ( p == $null_entity ) { continue; } float currentValue = sys.getStatValue( statHandle, index ); if ( currentValue == 0.f ) { continue; } if ( currentValue > bestValue ) { bestValue = currentValue; best = p; } } cachedResult = bestValue; return best; } entity rules::GetMaxXPInCategory( float category, boolean fromBase ) { entity best; float bestValue = -1; float index; float maxClients = sys.getMaxClients(); for ( index = 0; index < maxClients; index++ ) { entity p = sys.getClient( index ); if ( p == $null_entity ) { continue; } float currentValue = p.getXP( category, fromBase ); if ( currentValue == 0.f ) { continue; } if ( currentValue > bestValue ) { bestValue = currentValue; best = p; } } cachedResult = bestValue; return best; } entity rules::GetMinXPInCategory( float category, boolean fromBase ) { entity best; float bestValue = 999999999999.f; float index; float maxClients = sys.getMaxClients(); for ( index = 0; index < maxClients; index++ ) { entity p = sys.getClient( index ); if ( p == $null_entity ) { continue; } float currentValue = p.getXP( category, fromBase ); if ( currentValue != 0.f && currentValue < bestValue ) { bestValue = currentValue; best = p; } } cachedResult = bestValue; return best; } void rules::CalcHighestLevel() { entity best; float bestValue = 0.f; float index; float maxClients = sys.getMaxClients(); for ( index = 0; index < maxClients; index++ ) { entity p = sys.getClient( index ); if ( p == $null_entity ) { continue; } float currentValue = 0.f; currentValue = currentValue + p.getProficiency( g_proficiencySoldier ); currentValue = currentValue + p.getProficiency( g_proficiencyMedic ); currentValue = currentValue + p.getProficiency( g_proficiencyEngineer ); currentValue = currentValue + p.getProficiency( g_proficiencyFieldOps ); currentValue = currentValue + p.getProficiency( g_proficiencyCovertOps ); currentValue = currentValue + p.getProficiency( g_proficiencyLightWeapons ); currentValue = currentValue + p.getProficiency( g_proficiencyBattleSense ); currentValue = currentValue + p.getProficiency( g_proficiencyVehicle ); if ( currentValue > bestValue ) { bestValue = currentValue; best = p; } } PushStat( medalRewardsStat, best, bestValue ); } void rules::CalcAccuracy() { entity best; float bestValue = 0.f; entity worst; float worstValue = 999999999999.f; handle totalShotsFired = sys.allocStatInt( "total_shots_fired" ); handle totalShotsHit = sys.allocStatInt( "total_shots_hit" ); float index; float maxClients = sys.getMaxClients(); for ( index = 0; index < maxClients; index++ ) { entity p = sys.getClient( index ); if ( p == $null_entity ) { continue; } float shotsFired = sys.getStatValue( totalShotsFired, index ); if ( shotsFired == 0.f ) { continue; } float accuracy = sys.getStatValue( totalShotsHit, index ) / shotsFired; if ( accuracy > bestValue ) { bestValue = accuracy; best = p; } if ( accuracy < worstValue ) { worstValue = accuracy; worst = p; } } PushStat( medalHighAccuracyStat, best, bestValue * 100.f ); PushStat( medalLowAccuracyStat, worst, worstValue * 100.f ); } // these must be kept in the same order as the playerReward_e enum in sdNetManager.h void rules::WriteStats() { PushStat( medalHighXPStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( -1, false ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalLowXPStat, GetMinXPInCategory( -1, false ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalSoldierStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( g_proficiencySoldier, true ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalMedicStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( g_proficiencyMedic, true ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalEngineerStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( g_proficiencyEngineer, true ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalFieldOpsStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( g_proficiencyFieldOps, true ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalCovertOpsStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( g_proficiencyCovertOps, true ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalWeaponsStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( g_proficiencyLightWeapons, true ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalBattleSenseStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( g_proficiencyBattleSense, true ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalVehicleStat, GetMaxXPInCategory( g_proficiencyVehicle, true ), cachedResult ); CalcAccuracy(); CalcHighestLevel(); PushStat( medalKillsStat, GetBestStatEntry( sys.allocStatInt( "total_kills" ) ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalDamageStat, GetBestStatEntry( sys.allocStatInt( "total_damage" ) ), cachedResult ); PushStat( medalTeamKillsStat, GetBestStatEntry( sys.allocStatInt( "total_team_kills" ) ), cachedResult ); sys.sendEndGameStats(); } void rules::OnTimeLimitHit() { objManager.OnTimeLimitHit(); } void rules::PushStat( handle medalStat, entity p, float value ) { if ( p != $null_entity ) { sys.increaseStatInt( medalStat, p.getEntityNumber(), 1 ); } sys.pushEndGameStat( p, value ); }