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Revision as of 09:57, 5 November 2007 by Wizz (talk | contribs)
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object deployable_basedefence : deployable_turret {
    void        preinit();

    boolean        TargetIsValid( entity targetEnt );

    entity        OnAcquireTarget();
    entity        AcquireTarget_Type( string collection );

    float        GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance ) { return AK_NONE; };

    void        OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector direction, float location );
    float        OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p );
    void        OnBeginAttack();
    void        OnEndAttack();
    float        OnActivate( entity p, float distance ) { return 0.0f; }

    boolean        vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode ) { return false; }
    void        vApplyEmpDamage( entity attacker, float time, float weaponTime ) {}

    void        SetDeployingFinished();

    boolean        TraceCheck( entity other );

    float        pitchRange;
    boolean        frontOnly;

void deployable_basedefence::preinit() {
    frontOnly            = getIntKey( "attack_front_only" );
    pitchRange            = 180 - getFloatKey( "pitch_angle" );
    pitchRange            = sys.cos( 0.5f * pitchRange );


boolean deployable_basedefence::TargetIsValid( entity targetEnt ) {
    if ( targetEnt.getHealth() <= 0 ) {
        return false;

    if ( getEntityAllegiance( targetEnt ) != TA_ENEMY ) {
        return false;

    player p = targetEnt;
    if ( p != $null_entity ) {        
        if ( p.getVehicle() != $null_entity ) {
            return false;

        if ( p.isInvulnerable() ) {
            return false;
    } else {    
        vehicle_base v = targetEnt;
        if ( v != $null_entity ) {
            if ( v.getNumOccupiedPositions() == 0 ) {
                return false;

    vector angles = getAngles();
    vector targetDir = targetEnt.getWorldOrigin() - getWorldOrigin();
    targetDir = sys.rotateVec( targetDir, getWorldAxis( 1 ), angles_x );
    targetDir = sys.vecNormalize( targetDir );

    float dot = vec3_up * targetDir;
    if ( !frontOnly ) {
        dot = sys.fabs( dot );

    if ( dot > pitchRange ) {
        return false;

    if ( !InRange( targetEnt.getWorldOrigin() ) ) {
        return false;

    if ( !TraceCheck( targetEnt ) ) {
        return false;

    return true;

entity deployable_basedefence::OnAcquireTarget() {
    entity targetEnt = AcquireTarget_Type( "players" );
    if ( targetEnt != $null_entity ) {
        return targetEnt;

    return AcquireTarget_Type( "basedefense_attack" );

entity deployable_basedefence::AcquireTarget_Type( string collection ) {
    float i;
    float count;
    entity ent;

    entitiesOfCollection( collection );
    filterEntitiesByDisguiseAllegiance( TA_FLAG_ENEMY, 1 );                // only damage enemies
    filterEntitiesByRadius( getWorldOrigin(), maxRange, 1 );    // find entities within maxRange radius

    count = getBoundsCacheCount(); // number of remaining entities
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        ent = getBoundsCacheEntity( i );
        if ( TargetIsValid( ent ) ) {
            return ent;

    return $null_entity;

void deployable_basedefence::OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector direction, float location ) {
    // do nothing aside from making sure our health doesn't go below 0
    setHealth( 0 );

float deployable_basedefence::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) {
    if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() == $null_entity ) {
        return 1.f;

    float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );
    vector color = GetAllegianceColor( allegiance );
    float distance = chGetDistance();
    float range = InchesToMetres( distance );

    chSetNumLines( 0 );
    float index;

    index = chAddLine();
    chSetLineTextIndex( index, objectTitle );
    chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
    chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
    chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );

    if ( range <= 100 ) {
        index = chAddLine();
        chSetLineText( index, G_BuildRangeStr( range ) );
        chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
        chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );

    return 1.f;

void deployable_basedefence::OnBeginAttack() {
    startSound( "snd_fire_start", SND_DEPLOYABLE_FIRE );
    startSound( "snd_fire_far", SND_DEPLOYABLE_FIRE_FAR );
    startSound( "snd_brass", SND_DEPLOYABLE_BRASS );

    thread AttackThread();

void deployable_basedefence::OnEndAttack() {
    startSound( "snd_brass_stop", SND_DEPLOYABLE_BRASS );
    startSound( "snd_fire_stop", SND_DEPLOYABLE_FIRE );
    startSound( "snd_fire_far_stop", SND_DEPLOYABLE_FIRE_FAR );


void deployable_basedefence::SetDeployingFinished() {
    finishedDeploying = true;
    deployFinishedTime = sys.getTime();

boolean deployable_basedefence::TraceCheck( entity other ) {
    vector targetPos = getTargetPosition( other );
    vector originPos = getJointPos( jointBarrel );

    sys.tracePoint( originPos, targetPos, checkMask, self );
    if ( sys.getTraceFraction() == 1.f ) {
        return true;

    if ( sys.getTraceEntity() != other ) {
        player p = sys.getTraceEntity();
        // ignore if we hit the player inside the vehicle
        if ( p == $null_entity ) {
            return false;
        } else if ( p.getVehicle() != other ) {
            return false;
    return true;