Script:Files:script/deployables/shield generator.script
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object deployable_shield_generator : deployable_base { void preinit(); void init(); void destroy(); void Idle(); void DestroyMissiles(); void DestroyTarget( entity targetEnt ); void FreeRangeIdentifier(); void SetupRangeIdentifier(); void vOnDeploy(); void SpawnDestroyEffect( vector position ); void IdleEffects(); void CreateFireStateThread(); void UpdateFireStateThread(); float maxRange; float commandmapRangeHandle; float toolTipDestroyedMissile; boolean noStartJoint; boolean disabledEffect; float fireStateThread; } void deployable_shield_generator::preinit() { commandmapRangeHandle = -1; maxRange = MetresToInches( getFloatKeyWithDefault( "range_max", 130 ) ); noStartJoint = getIntKey( "no_start_joint" ); toolTipDestroyedMissile = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_destroyed_missile" ) ); fireStateThread = -1; } void deployable_shield_generator::init() { setState( "Idle" ); } void deployable_shield_generator::destroy() { FreeRangeIdentifier(); } void deployable_shield_generator::Idle() { if ( !getIntKey( "no_idle_effects" ) ) { thread IdleEffects(); } while ( true ) { sys.waitFrame(); if ( !disabledState ) { DestroyMissiles(); } } } void deployable_shield_generator::vOnDeploy() { SetupRangeIdentifier(); thread DoDeploy(); } void deployable_shield_generator::DestroyMissiles() { entitiesOfCollection( "antiair" ); filterEntitiesByAllegiance( TA_FLAG_ENEMY, 1 ); // only damage enemies filterEntitiesByRadius( getWorldOrigin(), maxRange, 1 ); // find entities within maxRange radius float count = getBoundsCacheCount(); // number of remaining entities float i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { DestroyTarget( getBoundsCacheEntity( i ) ); } } void deployable_shield_generator::SpawnDestroyEffect( vector position ) { vector startPos; if ( noStartJoint ) { startPos = getWorldOrigin(); } else { startPos = getJointPos( getJointHandle( "joint2" ) ); // start at the roof of the deployable } vector diff = startPos - position; vector forward = '1 0 0'; vector angles; object effect; diff = sys.vecNormalize( diff ); angles = sys.vecToAngles( diff ); // Chage up and cool down effect playOriginEffect( "fx_charge", "", startPos, forward, false ); // The electrial beam and shockwave effect = spawnClientEffect( "fx_hit" ); if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.setEffectLooping( 0 ); effect.setOrigin( position ); effect.setEffectEndOrigin( startPos ); effect.setAngles( angles ); } } void deployable_shield_generator::IdleEffects() { float jointHandle = getJointHandle( "joint2" ); vector startPos; vector angles0 = g_vectorZero; vector angles1 = g_vectorZero; vector angles2 = g_vectorZero; vector pos1; vector pos2; float radius = 125; // Lengt of spikes from centre of symmetry of the model object effect; vector diff; float rand; startSound( "snd_idle", SND_DEPLOYABLE_IDLE ); while ( true ) { if ( !disabledState ) { if ( disabledEffect ) { stopEffect( "fx_disabled_1" ); stopEffect( "fx_disabled_2" ); disabledEffect = false; } // Get these again as the object may have moved startPos = getJointPos( jointHandle ); startPos_z += 12; // The joint is slightly below the spikes vector angleOffset = getAngles(); // Base rotation of the spikes float spikeIndex = int( sys.random( 4.4 ) ); //Int between [0..4] is the spike // Start position of spark angles1_y = spikeIndex * 72 + angleOffset_y; // 5 spikes == one spike every 72 degrees pos1 = startPos + sys.angToForward( angles1 ) * radius; // Select a random end position rand = sys.random( 1.0 ); if ( rand < 0.9 ) { if ( rand < 0.45 ) { angles2_y = (spikeIndex+1) * 72 + angleOffset_y; } else { angles2_y = (spikeIndex-1) * 72 + angleOffset_y; } pos2 = startPos + sys.angToForward( angles2 ) * radius; } else { // 1 in 10 change it goes to the roof instead of another spike pos2 = startPos; pos2_z += 25; // Roof is even higher above the joing } // Rotate efect along the axis between the two positions diff = pos2 - pos1; diff = sys.vecNormalize( diff ); angles0 = sys.vecToAngles( diff ); // The electrial beam and shockwave effect = spawnClientEffect( "fx_idle" ); if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.setEffectLooping( 0 ); effect.setOrigin( pos1 ); effect.setEffectEndOrigin( pos2 ); effect.setAngles( angles0 ); } } else { if ( !disabledEffect ) { playEffect( "fx_disabled_1", "fx1", true ); playEffect( "fx_disabled_2", "fx2", true ); disabledEffect = true; } } sys.wait( 1 + sys.random( 1 ) ); } } void deployable_shield_generator::DestroyTarget( entity targetEnt ) { if ( targetEnt.vGetDestroyed() ) { return; } if ( owner != $null_entity ) { float destroyProficiency = targetEnt.vGetDestroyProficiency(); if ( destroyProficiency != -1 ) { owner.giveProficiency( destroyProficiency, 1.f, $null, "shield generator bonus" ); } sys.increaseStatInt( sys.allocStatInt( "antimissile_strogg_uses" ), owner.getEntityNumber(), 1 ); } SpawnDestroyEffect( targetEnt.getWorldOrigin() ); targetEnt.vSetDestroyed(); CreateFireStateThread(); player p = targetEnt.getOwner(); if ( p != $null_entity ) { if ( p.isLocalPlayer() ) { if ( !p.isToolTipPlaying() ) { p.sendToolTip( toolTipDestroyedMissile ); } } } } void deployable_shield_generator::FreeRangeIdentifier() { if ( commandmapRangeHandle != -1 ) { sys.freeCMIcon( self, commandmapRangeHandle ); commandmapRangeHandle = -1; } } void deployable_shield_generator::SetupRangeIdentifier() { FreeRangeIdentifier(); commandmapRangeHandle = sys.allocCMIcon( self, 100 ); sys.setCMIconSizeMode( commandmapRangeHandle, SM_WORLD ); sys.setCMIconColor( commandmapRangeHandle, g_colorRed, 0.25f ); sys.setCMIconSides( commandmapRangeHandle, 24 ); sys.setCMIconDrawMode( commandmapRangeHandle, DM_CIRCLE ); sys.setCMIconMaterial( commandmapRangeHandle, GetMaterial( "_white_depth" ) ); sys.setCMIconUnknownMaterial( commandmapRangeHandle, GetMaterial( "_white_depth" ) ); sys.setCMIconSize( commandmapRangeHandle, maxRange ); sys.setCMIconUnknownSize( commandmapRangeHandle, maxRange ); sys.setCMIconFlag( commandmapRangeHandle, CMF_ENEMYONLY | CMF_ONLYSHOWKNOWN ); } void deployable_shield_generator::CreateFireStateThread() { if ( fireStateThread != -1 ) { sys.terminate( fireStateThread ); } fireStateThread = thread UpdateFireStateThread(); } void deployable_shield_generator::UpdateFireStateThread() { fireSupportState = MPS_FIRING; sys.wait( 3.0f ); fireSupportState = MPS_READY; fireStateThread = -1; }