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Revision as of 09:57, 5 November 2007 by Wizz (talk | contribs)
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object weapon_mount;
object weapon_mounted;

// -------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------------------------
// Weapon mount point
// -------------------------------------------------
object weapon_mount {
    void            preinit();
     void            init();
    void            destroy();

    void            Idle();
    void            IdleEmpty();
    void            GoToIdle();

    void            OnBrokenChanged();
    void            OnWeaponDestroyed();
    void            OnWeaponRepaired();

    void            UpdateAngles( vector angles );

    void            vOnCockpitCreated();
    void            vOnCockpitDestroyed();

    float            OnUsed( entity p, float distance );
    void            OnEnter( entity user );
    void            OnExit( entity user );
    void            OnMountedWeaponSynced();
    float            OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p );
    float            OnActivate( entity p, float distance );
    void            OnPostThink();

    void            Use( entity user );
    boolean            CanUse( entity user, boolean printToolTips );

    void            SetController( entity user );

    void            vRepair( float count, entity p );
    boolean            vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode );
    float            vGetPliersProgressBarValue( float action );

    void            syncFields();

    void            BroadcastToolTip( entity user, float tip );

    void            vSetConstructed( boolean a );
    void            OnConstructedChanged();

    float            GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance );

    string            vGetQuickChatString( entity p );
    void            vOnContextDestroy( entity p );
    void            vOnContextConstruct( entity p );

    float             invalidWeaponToolTip;
    float            invalidPlayerToolTip;
    float             alreadyInUseToolTip;

    weapon_mounted    mountedWeapon;
    float            mountJoint;
    entity             controller;

    boolean            constructed;
    boolean            broken;

    flashpoint_obj flashpoint;

// -------------------------------------------------
object weapon_mounted {
    void            preinit();
    void            init();
    void            destroy();

    void            Idle();
    void            IdleEmpty();
    void            Fire();
    void            OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector direction, float location );
    float            OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p );
    float            OnUsed( entity p, float distance );
    float            OnActivate( entity p, float distance );

    void            ShowBar( boolean s );
    void            SetBarValue( float v );    

    void            vSetOwner( entity o );    // owner is the player directing the view and firing
    void            vSetParent( entity p );    // parent is the base we're bound to
    boolean            vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode );
    void            vRepair( float count, entity p );
    float            vGetPliersProgressBarValue( float action );
    void            OnPostThink() { ; }

    void            PlayBrokenAnim();
    void            PlayRepairedAnim();
    void            PlayLowerAnim();
    void            PlayRaiseAnim();

    boolean            NeedsRepair();

    void            GoToIdle();

    float            GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance );

    float            projectileIndex;
    float            muzzleJoint;

    float            fireRate;
    float            spread;

    float            reFireTime;
    float            nextFire;

    float            fireUsageRate;
    float            fireReChargeTime;

    player            playerEntity;
    float             charge;

    float            fireLowerBound;
    float            fireLowerBoundDelay;

    weapon_mount    parent;

    base_bar        displayBar;

    handle            objectName;
    handle            GetObjectNameHandle() { return objectName; }

    string            vGetQuickChatString( entity p ) { return parent.vGetQuickChatString( p ); }
    void            vOnContextDestroy( entity p ) { parent.vOnContextDestroy( p ); }
    void            vOnContextConstruct( entity p ) { parent.vOnContextConstruct( p ); }

void weapon_mounted::preinit() {
    displayBar = new base_bar;

    projectileIndex            = GetEntityDef( getKey( "def_projectile" ) );
    muzzleJoint                = getJointHandle( getKey( "muzzle" ) );
    if ( muzzleJoint == -1 ) {
        sys.error( "weapon_mounted::preinit invalid muzzle joint" );
    fireRate                = getFloatKey( "fire_rate" );
    spread                    = getFloatKey( "spread" );    

    if ( !getIntKey( "fire_notime" ) ) {
        fireUsageRate        = getFloatKey( "fire_charge" ) / 100.f;
        fireReChargeTime    = 1 / getFloatKey( "recharge_time" );
    } else {
        fireUsageRate        = 1.f;
        fireReChargeTime    = fireRate;

    addHelper( GetStringMap( getKey( "str_playerik" ) ) );

    fireLowerBound        = getFloatKey( "fire_lower_bound" );
    fireLowerBoundDelay = getFloatKey( "fire_lower_bound_delay" );

    charge                = 1.0f;

    objectName            = sys.localizeString( getKey( "object_name" ) );

void weapon_mounted::init() {


void weapon_mounted::GoToIdle() {
    if ( playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
        setState( "Idle" );

void weapon_mounted::destroy() {
    delete displayBar;

void weapon_mounted::ShowBar( boolean s ) {
    displayBar.ShowBar( s );

void weapon_mounted::SetBarValue( float v ) {
    displayBar.SetBarValue( v );

void weapon_mounted::vSetOwner( entity o ) {
    if ( playerEntity == sys.getLocalPlayer() && playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
        ShowBar( 0 );

    setIKTarget( o, 0 );

    playerEntity = o;
    if ( playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
        playerEntity.proxyFiringWeapon = false;
        playerEntity.proxyFiringWeaponStart = false;

    displayBar.SetOwner( o );

    if ( playerEntity == sys.getLocalPlayer() && playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
        ShowBar( 1 );

        if ( getFloatKey( "option_crosshair_interface" ) ) {
            sys.setGUIString( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.weaponCrosshair", getKey( "crosshair" ) );
        sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "weapons.energySegments", 1 );


void weapon_mounted::vSetParent( entity p ) {
    parent = p;

void weapon_mounted::OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector direction, float location ) {
    setTakesDamage( false );

void weapon_mounted::IdleEmpty() {

void weapon_mounted::PlayBrokenAnim() {
    playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "damaged" );
    playEffect( "fx_damaged", "origin", true );

void weapon_mounted::PlayRepairedAnim() {
    playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "repaired" );
    stopEffect( "fx_damaged" );

void weapon_mounted::PlayLowerAnim() {
    playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "lower" );
    stopEffect( "fx_damaged" );

void weapon_mounted::PlayRaiseAnim() {
    playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "raise" );
    stopEffect( "fx_damaged" );

void weapon_mounted::Idle() {            
    while( true ) {

        boolean wantAttack = false;

        if ( playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
            wantAttack = playerEntity.getButton( PK_ATTACK );
        } else {
            if ( charge == 1.f ) {
                setState( "IdleEmpty" );

        float now = sys.getTime();

        if ( playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
            playerEntity.proxyFiringWeaponStart = false;
        if ( now >= nextFire && wantAttack ) {
            if ( playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
                playerEntity.proxyFiringWeaponStart = true;

            if ( now >= reFireTime ) {

                charge = charge - fireUsageRate;
                if ( charge <= fireLowerBound ) {
                    startSound( "snd_overheat", SND_WEAPON_SIG );
                    nextFire = now + fireLowerBoundDelay;
                if ( charge < 0 ) {
                    charge = 0.f;

        boolean recharge = true;
        if ( playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
            recharge = !playerEntity.proxyFiringWeaponStart;

        if ( recharge ) {
            charge = charge + ( sys.getFrameTime() * fireReChargeTime );
            if ( charge > 1.f ) {
                charge = 1.f;

        SetBarValue( charge );

void weapon_mounted::Fire() {
    if ( playerEntity != $null_entity ) {
        vector origin = playerEntity.getViewOrigin();
        vector forward = sys.angToForward( playerEntity.getRenderViewAngles() );

        launchBullet( playerEntity, self, projectileIndex, spread, origin, forward, TRACER_CHANCE, true );

    if ( !isHidden() ) {
        playJointEffect( "fx_muzzle_flash", muzzleJoint, 0 );

    playJointEffect( "fx_muzzle_tracer", muzzleJoint, 0 );
    playJointEffect( "fx_muzzle_sound", muzzleJoint, 0 );

    startSound( "snd_fire", SND_WEAPON_FIRE );
    startSound( "snd_fire_far", SND_WEAPON_FIRE_FAR );
    startSound( "snd_fire_local", SND_WEAPON_FIRE_LOCAL );

    reFireTime = sys.getTime() + fireRate;

float weapon_mounted::OnUsed( entity p, float distance ) {
    return parent.OnUsed( p, distance );

float weapon_mounted::OnActivate( entity p, float distance ) {
    return parent.OnActivate( p, distance );

float weapon_mounted::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) {
    return parent.OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( p );

void weapon_mounted::vRepair( float count, entity p ) {
    float maxHealth = getMaxHealth();
    float health = getHealth();
    if ( health < 0 ) {
        health = 0;
    float lost = maxHealth - health;
    if ( count >= lost ) {
        count = lost;


    team_base team = p.getGameTeam();
    if ( team != $null_entity ) {
        team.GiveRepairProficiency( p, $null_entity, count );

    float total = health + count;
    setHealth( total );
    setTakesDamage( true );

boolean weapon_mounted::vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode ) {
    if ( actionCode == AC_REPAIR ) {
        if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) != TA_FRIEND ) {
            return false;

        return getHealth() < getMaxHealth();

    return false;

boolean weapon_mounted::NeedsRepair() {
    return getHealth() < getMaxHealth();

float weapon_mounted::vGetPliersProgressBarValue( float action ) {
    if ( action == AC_REPAIR ) {
        return getHealth() / getMaxHealth();
    return 0.f;

float weapon_mounted::GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance ) {
    return parent.GetActivateCode( p, distance );

// ==================================================

void weapon_mount::syncFields() {
    syncBroadcast( "mountedWeapon" );
    syncBroadcast( "constructed" );
    syncBroadcast( "broken" );
    syncCallback( "mountedWeapon", "OnMountedWeaponSynced" );
    syncCallback( "constructed", "OnConstructedChanged" );
    syncCallback( "broken", "OnBrokenChanged" );

void weapon_mount::OnMountedWeaponSynced() {
    if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {
        mountedWeapon.vSetParent( self );
        mountedWeapon.vSetOwner( controller );

        if ( !constructed ) {
        } else { 

            if ( broken ) {
            } else {

void weapon_mount::preinit() {
    constructed = true;

    invalidWeaponToolTip = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_invalid_weapon" ) );
    invalidPlayerToolTip = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_invalid_player" ) );
    alreadyInUseToolTip = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_already_in_use" ) );

    string mountLocation = getKey( "mount_joint_weapon" );
    mountJoint = getJointHandle( mountLocation );    
    if ( mountJoint == -1 ) {
        sys.error( "weapon_mount::preinit invalid joint " + mountLocation );

    string teamName = getKey( "start_team" );
    if ( teamName == "" ) {
        sys.error( "weapon_mount::preinit no team specified" );
    setGameTeam( sys.getTeam( teamName ) );

void weapon_mount::init() {

    string autoMount = getKey( "def_automount" );
    if ( autoMount == "" ) {
        sys.error( "weapon_mount::init no mount specified" );

    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        mountedWeapon = sys.spawn( autoMount );
        mountedWeapon.setOrigin( getJointPos( mountJoint ) );
        mountedWeapon.vSetParent( self );
        mountedWeapon.setGameTeam( getGameTeam() );

        if ( !constructed ) {


void weapon_mount::destroy() {
    vSetOwner( $null_entity );

    if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
        delete flashpoint;

void weapon_mount::BroadcastToolTip( entity user, float tip ) {
    if ( tip != -1 ) {
        sys.broadcastToolTip( tip, user, wstr_empty, wstr_empty, wstr_empty, wstr_empty );        
    } else {
        sys.warning( "weapon_mount::BroadcastToolTip: invalid tooltip" );

void weapon_mount::GoToIdle() {
    if ( controller == $null_entity ) {
        setState( "IdleEmpty" );
    } else {
        setState( "Idle" );

void weapon_mount::UpdateAngles( vector angles ) {
    if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {
        mountedWeapon.setAngles( angles );

void weapon_mount::IdleEmpty() {
    UpdateAngles( getAngles() );

void weapon_mount::Idle() {

void weapon_mount::OnPostThink() {
    if ( controller != $null_entity ) {
        UpdateAngles( sys.rotateAngles( controller.getViewAngles(), getAngles() ) );

boolean weapon_mount::CanUse( entity user, boolean printToolTips ) {
    if ( broken ) {
        return false;

    if ( controller != $null_entity ) {
        if( printToolTips ) { 
            BroadcastToolTip( user, alreadyInUseToolTip );
        return false;

    if( getEntityAllegiance( user ) == TA_ENEMY ) {
        if( printToolTips ) { 
            BroadcastToolTip( user, invalidPlayerToolTip );
        return false;

    vector dist        = getWorldOrigin() - user.getWorldOrigin();
    float lengthSqr = sys.vecLengthSquared( dist );

    if( lengthSqr > ( 128 * 128 )) {
        return false;

    // keep players from using a mounted weapon from the wrong side
    dist_z    = 0;
    dist    = sys.vecNormalize( dist );

    vector myAngles = getWorldAxis( 0 );
    myAngles_z = 0;
    myAngles = sys.vecNormalize( myAngles );

    float dot = dist * myAngles;
    if ( dot < 0.75 ) {
        return false;

    return true;

void weapon_mount::Use( entity user ) {
    entity team = user.getGameTeam();
    if ( team == $null_entity ) {

    user.enter( self );

void weapon_mount::SetController( entity user ) {
    if ( controller == user ) {

    controller = user;

    if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {
        mountedWeapon.vSetOwner( controller );


float weapon_mount::OnUsed( entity p, float distance ) {
    if ( broken ) {
        return 0.f;

    entity other = p.getProxyEntity();
    if ( other != $null_entity ) {
        sys.assert( self == other );

        if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
            removeBoundPlayer( p );

        return 1.f;

    if ( !CanUse( p, true ) ) {
        return 1.f;

    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        Use( p );

    return 1.f;

void weapon_mount::OnEnter( entity user ) {
    if ( user.isDisguised() ) {
        user.disguise( $null_entity );


    SetController( user );

    user.vHideNormalChargeBar( true );

void weapon_mount::OnExit( entity user ) {
    if ( !broken ) {

    SetController( $null_entity );

    user.vHideNormalChargeBar( false );

float weapon_mount::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) {
    if ( isHidden() ) {
        return 0.f;

    if ( mountedWeapon == $null_entity ) {
        return 0.f;

    if ( controller == p ) {
        return 0.f;

    if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() == $null_entity ) {
        return 1.f;

    chSetNumLines( 0 );

    float distance = chGetDistance();
    float range = InchesToMetres( distance );
    float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );
    vector color = GetAllegianceColor( allegiance );
    float index;

    // see if theres a valid action to perform
    float code = GetActivateCode( p, distance );
    if ( code != AK_NONE && p.vHasActionItem( code ) ) {
        index = chAddLine();
        chSetLineMaterial( index, p.vGetActionIcon( code ) );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_IMAGE );
        chSetLineSize( index, 64, 64 );
        chSetLineColor( index, g_colorWhite, 0.9f );

    if ( range < 25 ) {
        index = chAddLine();
        chSetLineTextIndex( index, mountedWeapon.GetObjectNameHandle() );
        chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
        chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );

        index = chAddLine();
        chSetLineColor( index, color, 0.5f );
        chSetLineType( index, CI_BAR );
        chSetLineFraction( index, mountedWeapon.getHealth() / mountedWeapon.getMaxHealth() );
        chSetLineSize( index, 150, CROSSHAIR_INFO_BAR_HEIGHT );

    return 1.f;

float weapon_mount::OnActivate( entity p, float distance ) {
    if ( distance > 128.f ) {
        return 0.f;

    if ( p.getViewingEntity() != p ) {
        return 0.f;

    player other = p;

    float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );
    if ( allegiance == TA_FRIEND ) {
        if ( mountedWeapon.getHealth() < mountedWeapon.getMaxHealth() ) {
            p.setWeapon( p.vGetActionItem( AK_REPAIR ), 0 );

    return 1.f;

void weapon_mount::vRepair( float count, entity p ) {
    if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {
        mountedWeapon.vRepair( count, p );

boolean weapon_mount::vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode ) {
    if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {
        return mountedWeapon.vCheckActionCode( p, actionCode );
    return false;

float weapon_mount::vGetPliersProgressBarValue( float action ) {
    if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {
        return mountedWeapon.vGetPliersProgressBarValue( action );
    return 0.f;

void weapon_mount::vSetConstructed( boolean a ) {
    constructed = a;

void weapon_mount::OnConstructedChanged() {
    if ( constructed ) {
        if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {

        if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
            objManager.setBotActionStateForEvent( ACTION_STATE_GUN_READY, self ); //mal: the weapon is repaired
    } else {
        broken = false;
        if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {
            mountedWeapon.setHealth( mountedWeapon.getMaxHealth() );

float weapon_mount::GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance ) {
    if ( p.getViewingEntity() != p ) {
        return AK_NONE;

    if ( p.getHealth() <= 0 ) {
        return AK_NONE;

    if ( p.getVehicle() != $null_entity ) {
        return AK_NONE;

    float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );

    if ( distance < DISTANCE_FOR_ACTION ) {
        if ( allegiance == TA_FRIEND ) {
            if ( p.vHasActionItem( AK_REPAIR ) ) {
                if ( mountedWeapon.NeedsRepair() ) {
                    return AK_REPAIR;

    if ( CanUse( p, false ) ) {
        return AK_USEVEHICLE;

    return AK_NONE;

void weapon_mount::OnBrokenChanged() {
    if ( broken ) {
        if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {
    } else {
        if ( mountedWeapon != $null_entity ) {

void weapon_mount::OnWeaponDestroyed() {
    broken = true;
    if ( controller != $null_entity ) {
        controller.setProxyEntity( $null_entity, 0 );    // kick the player
        SetController( $null_entity );

    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        objManager.setBotActionStateForEvent( ACTION_STATE_GUN_DESTROYED, self ); //mal: the weapon is destroyed

void weapon_mount::OnWeaponRepaired() {
    if ( !broken ) {

    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        objManager.setBotActionStateForEvent( ACTION_STATE_GUN_READY, self ); //mal: the weapon is repaired

    broken = false;

string weapon_mount::vGetQuickChatString( entity p ) {
    if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) == TA_ENEMY ) {
        if ( !broken ) {
            return "quickchat/context/destroy/mg_nest";
    } else {
        if ( mountedWeapon.NeedsRepair() ) {
            return "quickchat/context/repair/mg_nest";
    return "";

void weapon_mount::vOnCockpitCreated() {

void weapon_mount::vOnCockpitDestroyed() {

void weapon_mount::vOnContextDestroy( entity p ) {
    player local = sys.getLocalViewPlayer();
    if ( local == $null_entity || p == $null_entity ) {

    if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
        delete flashpoint;

    flashpoint = new flashpoint_obj;
    flashpoint.SetOwner( self );
    flashpoint.SetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_icon_flash_destroy" ) );

void weapon_mount::vOnContextConstruct( entity p ) {
    player local = sys.getLocalViewPlayer();
    if ( local == $null_entity || p == $null_entity ) {

    if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
        delete flashpoint;

    flashpoint = new flashpoint_obj;
    flashpoint.SetOwner( self );
    flashpoint.SetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_icon_flash" ) );