Script:Files:script/items/third eye.script
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/*********************************************************************** item_third_eye.script ***********************************************************************/ // blend times #define THIRD_EYE_IDLE_TO_LOWER 4 #define THIRD_EYE_IDLE_TO_PUNCH 0 #define THIRD_EYE_RAISE_TO_IDLE 4 #define THIRD_EYE_PUNCH_TO_IDLE 1 object item_third_eye : weapon_base { void preinit(); void init(); void destroy(); void Raise(); void Idle(); void DeployedIdle(); void DeployedRaise(); void DeployedLower(); void Throw(); void Cleanup(); boolean InRemoteView(); void ToggleCamera(); void ClearCamera(); entity FindCamera(); boolean OnWeapNext(); boolean OnWeapPrev(); void OnZoomChanged(); void vCheckProficiency(); float throwTime; float maxRange; float meleeDistance; float baseChargePerUse; void CycleZoom(); void ToolTipThread_Raise(); void ToolTipThread_Deployed(); zoomWidget zoomer; boolean deployedTipThreadActive; float toolTipOutOfRange; boolean replaceCamera; } object projectile_camera { void init(); void preinit(); void destroy(); void syncFields(); void Idle(); void FreeGui(); void Fizzle(); float OnCollide( object traceObject, vector velocity, float bodyId ); float OnCollide_Private( entity collisionEnt, vector normal, float surfaceFlags, string joint ); void OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector dir, float location ); void OnTouch( entity other, object traceObject ); void OnPostThink(); float OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ); void OnBecomeRemoteCamera(); void OnFinishRemoteCamera(); void vOnBindMasterDestroyed() { remove(); } void vGiveSpotProficiency(); void vRemoveObject() { remove(); } boolean PendingRemoval(); void ScheduleRemoval( float delay ); void MakeInactive(); void SetupContents(); void RemoveThread( float delay ); void OnTriggered(); void SelfDestructThread(); void vSetOwner( entity o ); void ClearCamera(); void UpdateCameraAngles(); void DoWaterExplosion( vector position, string surfaceType, vector normal ); void OnExploded(); void OnRadarStarted(); void OnUnbind(); void ShowIcon(); void FreeIcon(); void CancelMonitorTrailUnderWater(); void MonitorTrailUnderWater(); float removeThread; boolean stuck; float commandMapRadarHandle; float commandMapIcon; float splashDamageIndex; float radarRange; float radarMask; boolean radarStarted; float cameraGUIHandle; vector endAngles; entity owner; float cameraJoint; boolean triggered; float detonateDelay; boolean trailUnderWater; } /*********************************************************************** item_third_eye Implementation ***********************************************************************/ void item_third_eye::preinit() { baseChargePerUse = chargePerUse; throwTime = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "throw_time", 0.2 ); maxRange = MetresToInches( getFloatKeyWithDefault( "max_range", 160 ) ); meleeDistance = getFloatKey( "melee_distance" ); zoomer = new zoomWidget; zoomer.Init( self ); toolTipOutOfRange = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_outofrange" ) ); } void item_third_eye::init() { projectile_camera camera = FindCamera(); if ( camera == $null_entity ) { if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) { thread ToolTipThread_Raise(); } weaponState( "Raise", 0 ); } else { weaponState( "DeployedRaise", 0 ); } } void item_third_eye::vCheckProficiency() { WeaponBase_CheckProficiency(); UpdateCrosshair(); } void item_third_eye::destroy() { ClearCamera(); delete zoomer; } void item_third_eye::Cleanup() { ClearCamera(); // NB: we don't delete the zoomer as the weapon isn't actually destroyed } void item_third_eye::ClearCamera() { entity camera = FindCamera(); if ( myPlayer != $null_entity && camera != $null_entity ) { if ( myPlayer.getRemoteCamera() == camera ) { myPlayer.setRemoteCamera( $null_entity ); } } } void item_third_eye::ToggleCamera() { entity camera = FindCamera(); if ( myPlayer != $null_entity && camera != $null_entity ) { if ( myPlayer.getRemoteCamera() == camera ) { myPlayer.setRemoteCamera( $null_entity ); } else { myPlayer.setRemoteCamera( camera ); } } } boolean item_third_eye::InRemoteView() { entity camera = FindCamera(); if ( camera == $null_entity ) { return false; } return myPlayer.getRemoteCamera() == camera; } entity item_third_eye::FindCamera() { if ( myPlayer == $null_entity ) { return $null_entity; } float i; float num = myPlayer.binGetSize(); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { projectile_camera other = myPlayer.binGet( i ); if ( other != $null_entity ) { return other; } } return $null_entity; } void item_third_eye::Raise() { setupAnimClass( "anim_prefix" ); UpdateCharge(); Base_Raise(); } void item_third_eye::Idle() { weaponReady(); playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle" ); projectile_camera camera; while ( true ) { if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { weaponState( "Lower", THIRD_EYE_IDLE_TO_LOWER ); } if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) { if ( !mainFireDown ) { mainFireDown = true; camera = FindCamera(); if ( camera == $null_entity ) { if ( CanRemove( chargePerUse ) ) { weaponState( "Throw", THIRD_EYE_IDLE_TO_PUNCH ); } else { if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) { myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_need_charge" ) ) ); sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_need_charge" ), SND_WEAPON_FIRE_LOCAL ); G_NotifyNoCharge( myPlayer ); } } } else { // Gordon: panic? // not so mysterious guy: ya! } } } else { mainFireDown = false; } UpdateCharge(); sys.waitFrame(); } } void item_third_eye::Throw() { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" ); sys.wait( throwTime ); if ( !sys.isClient() ) { projectile_camera camera = sys.spawn( getKey( "def_camera" ) ); boolean placedOnWall = false; vector origin = myPlayer.getViewOrigin(); vector forward = sys.angToForward( myPlayer.getViewAngles() ); float throwDistance = 32.0f; vector throwPos = origin + forward * throwDistance; if( melee( MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX | MASK_PROJECTILE, meleeDistance, true, false ) ) { float traceFraction = getMeleeFraction(); float traceDistance = traceFraction * meleeDistance; vector normal = getMeleeNormal(); float surfaceFlags = getMeleeSurfaceFlags(); entity meleeEntity = getMeleeEntity(); string meleeJoint = getMeleeJoint(); if ( !( surfaceFlags & SURF_NOPLANT ) ) { placedOnWall = true; if ( meleeEntity != $null_entity ) { player meleePlayer = meleeEntity; vehicle_base meleeVehicle = meleeEntity; if ( meleeVehicle != $null_entity || meleePlayer != $null_entity ) { placedOnWall = false; } } if ( placedOnWall ) { camera.setOrigin( getMeleeEndPos() ); camera.OnCollide_Private( meleeEntity, normal, surfaceFlags, meleeJoint ); } } if ( !placedOnWall ) { vector size = camera.getSize(); float pullOut = sys.vecLength( size ) * 0.6f; if ( traceDistance < throwDistance + pullOut ) { throwPos = origin + forward * ( traceDistance - pullOut ); } } } if ( !placedOnWall ) { camera.setOrigin( throwPos ); vector velocity = camera.getVectorKeyWithDefault( "velocity", '400 0 0' ); velocity = forward * velocity_x; camera.setLinearVelocity( velocity ); } camera.vSetOwner( myPlayer ); myPlayer.binAdd( camera ); myPlayer.setPlayerCovertToolState( camera, false ); //mal: let the bots know theres a 3rd eye in the world. } Remove( chargePerUse ); UpdateCharge(); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 0 ) ); // raise the deployed model weaponState( "DeployedRaise", 0 ); } void item_third_eye::DeployedRaise() { setupAnimClass( "anim_prefix_alt" ); if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) { thread ToolTipThread_Deployed(); } weaponRising(); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "pda_raise" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, THIRD_EYE_RAISE_TO_IDLE ) ); weaponState( "DeployedIdle", THIRD_EYE_RAISE_TO_IDLE ); } void item_third_eye::DeployedLower() { ClearCamera(); weaponLowering(); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "pda_lower" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 0 ) ); weaponHolstered(); waitUntil( WEAPON_RAISEWEAPON ); weaponState( "DeployedRaise", 0 ); } void item_third_eye::DeployedIdle() { boolean mainFireDown = false; boolean playingViewerSound = false; boolean zoomKeyDown = false; weaponReady(); playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "pda_idle" ); float gui = getGUI( "0" ); projectile_camera camera = FindCamera(); while ( true ) { boolean cameraEnabled = true; boolean inRemoteView = InRemoteView(); if ( camera == $null_entity ) { // put away the deployed model and raise the normal model playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "pda_lower" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 0 ) ); weaponState( "Raise", 0 ); } else { if ( inRemoteView ) { myPlayer.setRemoteCameraViewOffset( camera.getWorldAxis( Z_AXIS ) * 8 ); } // update the range value float range = sys.vecLength( myPlayer.getWorldOrigin() - camera.getWorldOrigin() ); float currentMaxRange = maxRange; if ( camera.getMaskedEntityContents( CONTENTS_EXPLOSIONSOLID ) != 0 ) { currentMaxRange = 0; } float signalStrength = 0; if ( range >= currentMaxRange ) { cameraEnabled = false; if ( inRemoteView ) { ClearCamera(); startSound( "snd_stop", SND_WEAPON_IDLE ); } } else { signalStrength = ( currentMaxRange - range ) / currentMaxRange; } if ( sys.getLocalViewPlayer() == myPlayer ) { sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.signalStrength", signalStrength ); } if ( inRemoteView ) { camera.endAngles = camera.getRemoteViewAngles( myPlayer ); camera.UpdateCameraAngles(); } } if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { weaponState( "DeployedLower", THIRD_EYE_IDLE_TO_LOWER ); } if ( WEAPON_ALTFIRE ) { if ( !mainFireDown ) { mainFireDown = true; if ( cameraEnabled ) { replaceCamera = false; playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "pda_select1" ); if ( !inRemoteView ) { sys.wait( 0.4 ); } ToggleCamera(); inRemoteView = InRemoteView(); if ( inRemoteView ) { // set up the camera's delta view axes properly camera.setRemoteViewAngles( camera.endAngles, myPlayer ); } } else { if ( replaceCamera ) { replaceCamera = false; if ( !sys.isClient() ) { camera.vRemoveObject(); } } else { replaceCamera = true; if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) { sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_invalid" ), SND_WEAPON_FIRE_LOCAL ); myPlayer.cancelToolTips(); sys.wait( 0.1 ); myPlayer.sendToolTip( toolTipOutOfRange ); } } } } } else if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) { if ( !mainFireDown ) { mainFireDown = true; if( cameraEnabled ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "pda_select2" ); sys.wait( 0.4 ); if ( !sys.isClient() ) { if ( camera != $null_entity ) { camera.OnTriggered(); } } } else { replaceCamera = true; if ( myPlayer == sys.getLocalViewPlayer() ) { sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_invalid" ), SND_WEAPON_FIRE_LOCAL ); myPlayer.cancelToolTips(); sys.wait( 0.1 ); myPlayer.sendToolTip( toolTipOutOfRange ); } } } } else { mainFireDown = false; } if ( inRemoteView ) { if ( myPlayer.getButton( PK_ACTIVATE ) ) { if ( !zoomKeyDown ) { zoomKeyDown = true; CycleZoom(); } } else { zoomKeyDown = false; } } else { zoomKeyDown = false; } UpdateCharge(); sys.waitFrame(); } } void item_third_eye::CycleZoom() { if ( !InRemoteView() || !zoomer.IsEnabled() ) { return; } zoomer.Cycle(); OnZoomChanged(); } void item_third_eye::ToolTipThread_Raise() { myPlayer.cancelToolTips(); sys.wait( myPlayer.CalcTooltipWait() ); WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; if ( FindCamera() == $null_entity ) { myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_1" ) ) ); } WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; if ( FindCamera() == $null_entity ) { myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_2" ) ) ); } } void item_third_eye::ToolTipThread_Deployed() { if ( deployedTipThreadActive ) { return; } deployedTipThreadActive = true; WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; if ( FindCamera() != $null_entity ) { myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_deployed_intro_1" ) ) ); } WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; if ( FindCamera() != $null_entity ) { myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_deployed_intro_2" ) ) ); } deployedTipThreadActive = false; } boolean item_third_eye::OnWeapNext() { if ( InRemoteView() && zoomer.IsEnabled() ) { if ( !zoomer.IsFullyZoomedOut() ) { zoomer.ZoomOut(); OnZoomChanged(); } return true; } return false; } boolean item_third_eye::OnWeapPrev() { if ( InRemoteView() && zoomer.IsEnabled() ) { if ( !zoomer.IsFullyZoomedIn() ) { zoomer.ZoomIn(); OnZoomChanged(); } return true; } return false; } void item_third_eye::OnZoomChanged() { startSound( "snd_zoom", SND_WEAPON_SIG ); projectile_camera camera = FindCamera(); if ( camera != $null_entity ) { if ( camera.cameraGUIHandle != -1 ) { sys.guiPostNamedEvent( camera.cameraGUIHandle, "", "onZoomCycle" ); } } } /*********************************************************************** projectile_camera Implementation ***********************************************************************/ void projectile_camera::preinit() { radarRange = getFloatKey( "range" ); radarMask = getFloatKey( "mask" ); detonateDelay = getFloatKey( "detonate_delay" ); trailUnderWater = getIntKey( "trailUnderWater" ); commandMapRadarHandle = sys.allocCMIcon( self, 100 ); sys.setCMIconSizeMode( commandMapRadarHandle, SM_WORLD ); sys.setCMIconMaterial( commandMapRadarHandle, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_radar" ) ) ); sys.setCMIconUnknownMaterial( commandMapRadarHandle, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_radar" ) ) ); sys.setCMIconSize( commandMapRadarHandle, radarRange * 2.f ); sys.setCMIconUnknownSize( commandMapRadarHandle, radarRange * 2.f ); sys.setCMIconFlag( commandMapRadarHandle, CMF_TEAMONLY ); sys.hideCMIcon( commandMapRadarHandle ); commandMapIcon = -1; ShowIcon(); removeThread = -1; radarStarted = false; SetupContents(); } void projectile_camera::SetupContents() { setContents( CONTENTS_PROJECTILE ); setClipmask( MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX | MASK_PROJECTILE ); } void projectile_camera::init() { float damageDeclIndex = sys.getDeclType( "damageDef" ); splashDamageIndex = sys.getDeclIndex( damageDeclIndex, getKey( "dmg_self_destruct" ) ); string cameraJointName = getKey( "joint_camera" ); if ( cameraJointName == "" ) { sys.error( "projectile_camera: No camera joint name" ); } cameraJoint = getJointHandle( cameraJointName ); setNetworkSynced( true ); endAngles = owner.getViewAngles(); setState( "Idle" ); } void projectile_camera::syncFields() { syncBroadcast( "owner" ); syncBroadcast( "radarStarted" ); syncBroadcast( "triggered" ); syncCallback( "triggered", "OnTriggered" ); syncCallback( "radarStarted", "OnRadarStarted" ); syncBroadcast( "endAngles" ); } void projectile_camera::CancelMonitorTrailUnderWater() { sys.killThread( "MonitorTrailUnderWater_" + getName() ); } void projectile_camera::MonitorTrailUnderWater() { while ( true ) { if ( isInWater() > 0.5f ) { stopEffect( "fx_trail" ); } sys.waitFrame(); } } void projectile_camera::Idle() { startSound( "snd_start", SND_WEAPON_IDLE ); if ( trailUnderWater || isInWater() < 0.5f ) { playEffect( "fx_trail", "", 1 ); if ( !trailUnderWater ) { CancelMonitorTrailUnderWater(); thread MonitorTrailUnderWater(); } } if ( !sys.isClient() ) { sys.wait( 2.f ); radarStarted = true; OnRadarStarted(); } } void projectile_camera::destroy() { sys.freeCMIcon( self, commandMapRadarHandle ); FreeIcon(); stopEffect( "fx_trail" ); CancelMonitorTrailUnderWater(); sys.killThread( "SelfDestructThread_" + getName() ); FreeGui(); } // NOTE: If this returns true, all momentum on the object will be cleared, otherwise, it will bounce float projectile_camera::OnCollide( object traceObject, vector velocity, float bodyId ) { return OnCollide_Private( traceObject.getTraceEntity(), traceObject.getTraceNormal(), traceObject.getTraceSurfaceFlags(), traceObject.getTraceJoint() ); } float projectile_camera::OnCollide_Private( entity collisionEnt, vector normal, float surfaceFlags, string joint ) { float shaderFlags; vector dir; if ( stuck ) { return true; } if ( surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) { ScheduleRemoval( 0 ); return true; } if ( surfaceFlags & SURF_NOPLANT ) { return false; } if ( PendingRemoval() ) { return true; } player pEnt = collisionEnt; if ( pEnt != $null_entity ) { return false; } if ( collisionEnt.vDisablePlantCharge() ) { return false; } // push the view out of the surface a bit vector origin = getWorldOrigin(); origin += normal * getFloatKey( "push_out_scale" ); setWorldOrigin( origin ); // align to the surface normal alignToAxis( normal, Z_AXIS ); if ( !sys.isClient() ) { stuck = true; freeze( 1.f ); clearContacts(); putToRest(); if ( collisionEnt != $null_entity ) { float jointHandle = collisionEnt.getJointHandle( joint ); if ( jointHandle != INVALID_JOINT ) { bindToJoint( collisionEnt, joint, 1 ); } else { bind( collisionEnt ); } } } return true; } void projectile_camera::MakeInactive() { unbind(); hide(); clearContacts(); putToRest(); forceDisableClip(); setTakesDamage( false ); stuck = true; freeze( 1.f ); } boolean projectile_camera::PendingRemoval() { return removeThread != -1; } void projectile_camera::RemoveThread( float delay ) { if ( delay <= 0 ) { delay = sys.getFrameTime(); } sys.wait( delay ); if ( !sys.isClient() ) { remove(); } } void projectile_camera::ScheduleRemoval( float delay ) { removeThread = thread RemoveThread( delay ); } void projectile_camera::ClearCamera() { if ( owner != $null_entity ) { if ( owner.getRemoteCamera() == self ) { owner.setRemoteCamera( $null_entity ); } } } void projectile_camera::UpdateCameraAngles() { setJointAngle( cameraJoint, JOINTMOD_LOCAL, endAngles ); } void projectile_camera::OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector dir, float location ) { if ( PendingRemoval() ) { return; } ScheduleRemoval( 0 ); ClearCamera(); } void projectile_camera::OnTouch( entity other, object traceObject ) { } void projectile_camera::OnTriggered() { if ( PendingRemoval() ) { return; } triggered = true; thread SelfDestructThread(); } void projectile_camera::SelfDestructThread() { startSound( "snd_trigger", SND_WEAPON_ARM ); sys.wait( detonateDelay ); if ( !sys.isClient() ) { if ( splashDamageIndex != -1 ) { sys.applyRadiusDamage( getWorldOrigin(), self, owner, self, self, splashDamageIndex, 1.f, 1.f ); } } OnExploded(); ClearCamera(); } void projectile_camera::Fizzle() { if ( PendingRemoval() ) { return; } ScheduleRemoval( 0 ); } void projectile_camera::vSetOwner( entity o ) { owner = o; setGameTeam( owner.getGameTeam() ); } void projectile_camera::OnExploded() { if ( !sys.isClient() ) { player p = owner; if ( p != $null_entity ) { p.setPlayerCovertToolState( self, true ); } } if ( isInWater() > 0.5f ) { vector newOrg = getWorldOrigin(); DoWaterExplosion( newOrg, "", '0 0 1' ); } else { playMaterialEffect( "fx_explode", g_colorWhite, "", "", 0 ); } ScheduleRemoval( 0 ); } void projectile_camera::DoWaterExplosion( vector position, string surfaceType, vector normal ) { entitiesOfClass( sys.getTypeHandle( "sdLiquid" ), 0 ); float count = filterEntitiesByTouching( 1 ); if ( count > 0 ) { entity other = getBoundsCacheEntity( 0 ); vector top = other.getAbsMaxs(); position_z = top_z; } playOriginEffect( "fx_explode_water", surfaceType, position, normal, 0 ); } void projectile_camera::OnRadarStarted() { freeLayers(); if ( radarStarted ) { // start the radar sys.showCMIcon( commandMapRadarHandle ); float radarLayer = allocRadarLayer(); radarSetLayerRange( radarLayer, radarRange ); radarSetLayerMask( radarLayer, radarMask ); } } void projectile_camera::FreeGui() { if ( cameraGUIHandle != -1 ) { sys.freeHudModule( cameraGUIHandle ); cameraGUIHandle = -1; } } void projectile_camera::OnBecomeRemoteCamera() { FreeGui(); cameraGUIHandle = sys.allocHudModule( getKey( "gui_camera_view" ), getFloatKeyWithDefault( "hud_sort", 0 ), false ); hide(); item_third_eye controller = owner.getWeaponEntity(); if ( controller != $null_entity ) { controller.startSound( "snd_start", SND_WEAPON_IDLE ); controller.myPlayer.inhibitGuis( true ); controller.zoomer.Enable(); } } void projectile_camera::OnFinishRemoteCamera() { FreeGui(); show(); item_third_eye controller = owner.getWeaponEntity(); if ( controller != $null_entity ) { controller.myPlayer.inhibitGuis( false ); controller.startSound( "snd_stop", SND_WEAPON_IDLE ); controller.zoomer.Disable(); } } void projectile_camera::vGiveSpotProficiency() { if ( owner == $null_entity ) { return; } team_base team = getGameTeam(); if ( team != $null ) { team.GiveRadarSpottingProficiency( owner ); } } void projectile_camera::OnUnbind() { Fizzle(); } void projectile_camera::OnPostThink() { vector velocity = getLinearVelocity(); float velSqr = sys.vecLengthSquared( velocity ); if ( velSqr < 10.f ) { stopEffect( "fx_trail" ); } if ( isBound() ) { forceRunPhysics(); } } float projectile_camera::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) { if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() == $null_entity ) { return 1.f; } chSetNumLines( 0 ); float distance = chGetDistance(); float range = InchesToMetres( distance ); float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p ); vector color = GetAllegianceColor( allegiance ); float index; if ( range < 25 ) { index = chAddLine(); chSetLineText( index, sys.localizeStringArgs( "game/weapons/third_eye_camera" ) ); chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f ); chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT ); chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 ); } return 1.f; } /* ===================== projectile_camera::ShowIcon ===================== */ void projectile_camera::ShowIcon() { if ( commandMapIcon == -1 ) { commandMapIcon = sys.allocCMIcon( self, getFloatKey( "icon_sort_cm" ) ); sys.setCMIconUnknownMaterial( commandMapIcon, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_commandmapicon" ) ) ); sys.setCMIconMaterial( commandMapIcon, GetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_commandmapicon" ) ) ); sys.setCMIconDrawMode( commandMapIcon, DM_MATERIAL ); sys.setCMIconSize( commandMapIcon, 8.0f ); sys.setCMIconFlag( commandMapIcon, CMF_TEAMONLY ); } } /* ===================== projectile_camera::FreeIcon ===================== */ void projectile_camera::FreeIcon() { if( commandMapIcon != -1 ) { sys.freeCMIcon( self, commandMapIcon ); commandMapIcon = -1; } }