From Mod Wiki
/*********************************************************************** item_supplypack.script ***********************************************************************/ #define SUPPLYPACK_LOWAMMO 4 #define SUPPLYPACK_NUMPROJECTILES 1 #define SUPPLYPACK_SPREAD 0 // blend times #define SUPPLYPACK_IDLE_TO_LOWER 2 #define SUPPLYPACK_IDLE_TO_FIRE 1 #define SUPPLYPACK_IDLE_TO_RELOAD 3 #define SUPPLYPACK_RAISE_TO_IDLE 3 #define SUPPLYPACK_FIRE_TO_IDLE 4 #define SUPPLYPACK_RELOAD_TO_IDLE 4 object item_supplypack : weapon_base { float nextAttack; float baseChargePerUse; void preinit(); void init(); void destroy(); void Raise(); void Idle(); void Fire(); void Reload(); boolean AllowSprint(); void ToolTipThread_Raise(); boolean tipThreadActive; } void item_supplypack::preinit() { baseChargePerUse = chargePerUse; } void item_supplypack::init() { if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) { thread ToolTipThread_Raise(); } nextAttack = 0; weaponState( "Raise", 0 ); } void item_supplypack::destroy() { } void item_supplypack::ToolTipThread_Raise() { myPlayer.cancelToolTips(); sys.wait( myPlayer.CalcTooltipWait() ); WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_1" ) ) ); WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_2" ) ) ); } void item_supplypack::Raise() { UpdateCharge(); Base_Raise(); } void item_supplypack::Idle() { weaponReady(); playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle" ); StartIdleEffect(); float weaponReadyTime; while( 1 ) { if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { StopIdleEffect(); weaponState( "Lower", SUPPLYPACK_IDLE_TO_LOWER ); } if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) { if ( !mainFireDown ) { myPlayer.disableSprint( 1.f ); mainFireDown = true; if ( sys.getTime() >= nextAttack ) { if ( CanRemove( chargePerUse ) ) { StopIdleEffect(); weaponState( "Fire", SUPPLYPACK_IDLE_TO_FIRE ); } else { if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) { myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_need_charge" ) ) ); sys.startSoundDirect( getKey( "snd_need_charge" ), SND_ANY ); G_NotifyNoCharge( myPlayer ); } weaponReloading(); weaponReadyTime = sys.getTime() + 2.f; } } } } else { mainFireDown = false; if ( AllowSprint() ) { myPlayer.disableSprint( 0.f ); if ( myPlayer.AI_SPRINT ) { StopIdleEffect(); weaponState( "Sprint", 4 ); } } else { myPlayer.disableSprint( 1.f ); } } UpdateCharge(); if ( weaponReadyTime != 0.f ) { if ( sys.getTime() > weaponReadyTime ) { weaponReady(); weaponReadyTime = 0.f; } } sys.waitFrame(); } } void item_supplypack::Reload() { weaponReloading(); sys.wait( 0.1f ); weaponState( "Idle", SUPPLYPACK_RAISE_TO_IDLE ); } void item_supplypack::Fire() { boolean launched; Remove( chargePerUse ); UpdateCharge(); float launchDelay = sys.getTime() + triggerDelay; nextAttack = sys.getTime() + fireRate; fired(); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" ); while( !animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, SUPPLYPACK_FIRE_TO_IDLE ) ) { sys.waitFrame(); if( !launched && ( sys.getTime() > launchDelay ) ) { launched = true; if ( !sys.isClient() ) { entity projectile; if ( myPlayer.getProficiency( g_proficiencyFieldOps ) >= 2 && myPlayer.getPlayerClass() == g_playerClassFieldOps ) { projectile = createProjectile( 1 ); } else { projectile = createProjectile( 0 ); } launchProjectiles( 1, 0, 0.f, 0, 1, 1 ); projectile.setLinearVelocity( projectile.getLinearVelocity() + myPlayer.getLinearVelocity() ); } } } weaponState( "Raise", SUPPLYPACK_FIRE_TO_IDLE ); } boolean item_supplypack::AllowSprint() { return sys.getTime() > nextAttack; } // fieldops charge reduction object item_supplypack_fieldops : item_supplypack { void vCheckProficiency(); }; void item_supplypack_fieldops::vCheckProficiency() { UpdateCrosshair(); } // medic charge reduction object item_supplypack_medic : item_supplypack { void vCheckProficiency(); }; void item_supplypack_medic::vCheckProficiency() { if ( myPlayer.getProficiency( g_proficiencyMedic ) >= 1 ) { chargePerUse = baseChargePerUse * 0.8f; } UpdateCrosshair(); } // medictech charge reduction object item_supplypack_meditech : item_supplypack { void vCheckProficiency(); }; void item_supplypack_meditech::vCheckProficiency() { if ( myPlayer.getProficiency( g_proficiencyTechnician ) >= 1 ) { chargePerUse = baseChargePerUse * 0.8f; } UpdateCrosshair(); } // actual projectile object supplypack { void preinit(); void init(); void destroy(); void OnPickup( entity o ); string ignoreAbility; handle pickupText; boolean isAmmo; float pickupProficiency; } void supplypack::preinit() { ignoreAbility = getKey( "ability_ignore" ); pickupText = sys.localizeString( getKey( "text_pickup" ) ); isAmmo = getIntKey( "is_ammo" ); pickupProficiency = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_pickup" ) ); } void supplypack::init() { setClipmask( MASK_PROJECTILE ); //mal: let the bots know there is a supply pack out there in the world. if ( !sys.isClient() ) { entity owner = getOwner(); if ( owner != $null_entity ) { player p = owner; if ( p != $null_entity ) { p.setPlayerItemState( self, false ); } } } } void supplypack::destroy() { //mal: by the time we reach here, any owner info has been destroyed, so we get rid of the owners tracker code side in idItem::~idItem //mal: we need to do this, else there would be no way to see health packs that expired. } void supplypack::OnPickup( entity o ) { player p = o; if ( p != $null_entity ) { if ( !sys.isClient() ) { p.setPlayerItemState( self, true ); //mal: someone picked up the supply pack, let the bots know. } if ( p.isLocalPlayer() ) { // FIXME: localization //sys.consoleCommand( "addChatLine \"" + pickupText + "\"\n" ); } if ( isAmmo ) { p.OnAmmoPickup(); } } entity owner = getOwner(); if ( owner == $null_entity ) { return; } if ( ignoreAbility != "" ) { if ( p.hasAbility( ignoreAbility ) ) { return; } } team_base team = getGameTeam(); if ( team != $null ) { string statName = team.getName() + "_supply_uses"; sys.increaseStatInt( sys.allocStatInt( statName ), owner.getEntityNumber(), 1 ); if ( pickupProficiency != -1 ) { owner.giveProficiency( pickupProficiency, 1.f, $null, "supply success" ); } } }