From Mod Wiki
/*********************************************************************** tool_pliers.script ***********************************************************************/ // blend times #define PLIERS_IDLE_TO_LOWER 4 #define PLIERS_IDLE_TO_PUNCH 0 #define PLIERS_RAISE_TO_IDLE 4 #define PLIERS_PUNCH_TO_IDLE 1 #define GUI_STATE_IDLE 0 #define GUI_STATE_ARMING 1 #define GUI_STATE_CONNECTED 2 object tool_pliers : weapon_base { void preinit(); void init(); void destroy(); void Lower(); void Idle(); void Attack(); boolean CheckAttack( float mask ); void StartFireEffect(); void StopFireEffect(); boolean fireEffectOn; boolean AttackValid(); void ToolTipThread_Raise(); void Repair(); void Arm(); void Disarm(); void Construct(); void Hack(); void Possess(); void UpdateGUI(); handle GetTextHandleForState( float state ); float fireRate; float repairCount; float count; float meleeDistance; entity cachedEntity; float cachedAction; boolean disarmCharge; boolean armCharge; boolean armNormal; boolean canRepair; boolean canConstruct; boolean canHack; boolean canDisguise; boolean playingFireSound; float nextActionFailMessageTime; float guiHandle; handle guiTextHandle; } void tool_pliers::preinit() { meleeDistance = getFloatKey( "melee_distance" ); armNormal = getIntKey( "can_arm_normal" ); armCharge = getIntKey( "can_arm_charge" ); disarmCharge = getIntKey( "can_disarm_charge" ); canRepair = getIntKey( "can_repair" ); canConstruct = getIntKey( "can_construct" ); canHack = getIntKey( "can_hack" ); canDisguise = getIntKey( "can_disguise" ); fireRate = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "fire_rate", 0.1f ); repairCount = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "repair_count", 5.f ); if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() != $null_entity ) { guiHandle = getGUI( "0" ); } } void tool_pliers::init() { if ( myPlayer.isLocalPlayer() ) { thread ToolTipThread_Raise(); } weaponState( "Raise", 0 ); } void tool_pliers::destroy() { if ( myPlayer != $null_entity ) { myPlayer.AI_HOLD_WEAPON = false; } stopAllEffects(); DestroySound(); if ( playingFireSound ) { playingFireSound = false; startSound( "snd_stop", SND_WEAPON_FIRE ); } } void tool_pliers::Lower() { StopFireEffect(); if ( playingFireSound ) { playingFireSound = false; startSound( "snd_stop", SND_WEAPON_FIRE ); } startSound( "snd_lower", SND_WEAPON_IDLE ); Base_Lower(); } boolean tool_pliers::AttackValid() { boolean performAction = CheckAttack( MASK_VEHICLESOLID | CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP ); if ( !performAction ) { performAction = CheckAttack( CONTENTS_TRIGGER ); } if ( !performAction ) { performAction = CheckAttack( CONTENTS_RENDERMODEL ); } return performAction; } void tool_pliers::Idle() { weaponReady(); playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle" ); StopFireEffect(); UpdateCharge(); while ( true ) { UpdateGUI(); if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { myPlayer.SetProgressBarVisible( false ); weaponState( "Lower", PLIERS_IDLE_TO_LOWER ); } if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) { if ( AttackValid() ) { if ( !playingFireSound ) { playingFireSound = true; startSound( "snd_start", SND_WEAPON_FIRE ); } nextActionFailMessageTime = sys.getTime() + 2.f; weaponState( "Attack", PLIERS_IDLE_TO_PUNCH ); } else { if ( !myPlayer.isToolTipPlaying() ) { if ( sys.getTime() > nextActionFailMessageTime ) { nextActionFailMessageTime = sys.getTime() + 5.f; if ( cachedAction == AC_NONE ) { myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_action_failed" ) ) ); } else if ( cachedAction == AC_ENEMY_REPAIR ) { myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_enemy_repair" ) ) ); } } } } } if ( playingFireSound ) { playingFireSound = false; startSound( "snd_stop", SND_WEAPON_FIRE ); } sys.waitFrame(); } } void tool_pliers::StartFireEffect() { if ( !fireEffectOn ) { playEffect( "fx_fire", idleEffectJoint, 1 ); fireEffectOn = true; } } void tool_pliers::StopFireEffect() { if ( fireEffectOn ) { stopEffect( "fx_fire" ); fireEffectOn = false; } } void tool_pliers::Attack() { myPlayer.AI_HOLD_WEAPON = true; float currentCachedAction = cachedAction; if ( getFloatKey( "has_startfire_anim" ) > 0 ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire_start" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 0 ) ); } StartFireEffect(); while ( true ) { UpdateGUI(); if ( cachedAction == AC_REPAIR ) { Repair(); } else if ( cachedAction == AC_ARM || cachedAction == AC_ARM_CHARGE ) { Arm(); } else if ( cachedAction == AC_DISARM || cachedAction == AC_DISARM_CHARGE ) { Disarm(); } else if ( cachedAction == AC_CONSTRUCT ) { Construct(); } else if ( cachedAction == AC_HACK ) { Hack(); } else if ( cachedAction == AC_POSSESS ) { Possess(); } float finishTime = sys.getTime() + fireRate; while ( sys.getTime() < finishTime ) { if ( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, PLIERS_PUNCH_TO_IDLE ) ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" ); } sys.waitFrame(); } // re-enable running for any player that had it disabled AFTER the animation (otherwise it's pointless) myPlayer.disableRun( 0.f ); if ( !WEAPON_ATTACK ) { break; } if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { break; } if ( !AttackValid() ) { break; } } if ( getFloatKey( "has_endfire_anim" ) > 0 ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire_end" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 0 ) ); } myPlayer.AI_HOLD_WEAPON = false; nextActionFailMessageTime = sys.getTime() + 2.f; weaponState( "Idle", PLIERS_PUNCH_TO_IDLE ); } boolean tool_pliers::CheckAttack( float mask ) { cachedEntity = myPlayer.getCrosshairEntity(); cachedAction = AC_NONE; if ( myPlayer.getCrosshairDistance( true ) > meleeDistance ) { cachedEntity = $null_entity; return false; } if ( cachedEntity == $null_entity ) { // there is no crosshair entity to take priority // try doing a melee trace melee( mask, meleeDistance, false, false ); cachedEntity = getMeleeEntity(); if ( cachedEntity == $null_entity ) { return false; } } if ( armCharge ) { if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_ARM_CHARGE ) ) { cachedAction = AC_ARM_CHARGE; return true; } } if ( disarmCharge ) { if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_DISARM_CHARGE ) ) { cachedAction = AC_DISARM_CHARGE; return true; } } if ( canRepair ) { if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_REPAIR ) ) { cachedAction = AC_REPAIR; return true; } else if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_ENEMY_REPAIR ) ) { cachedAction = AC_ENEMY_REPAIR; return false; } } if ( armNormal ) { if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_ARM ) ) { cachedAction = AC_ARM; return true; } if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_DISARM ) ) { cachedAction = AC_DISARM; return true; } } if ( canConstruct ) { if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_CONSTRUCT ) ) { cachedAction = AC_CONSTRUCT; return true; } } if ( canHack ) { if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_HACK ) ) { cachedAction = AC_HACK; return true; } } if ( canDisguise ) { if ( cachedEntity.vCheckActionCode( myPlayer, AC_POSSESS ) ) { cachedAction = AC_POSSESS; return true; } } return false; } void tool_pliers::Construct() { myPlayer.disableRun( 1.f ); cachedEntity.vConstruct( myPlayer ); myPlayer.ShowProgressBar( cachedEntity, AC_CONSTRUCT ); } void tool_pliers::Hack() { myPlayer.disableRun( 1.f ); cachedEntity.vHack( myPlayer ); myPlayer.ShowProgressBar( cachedEntity, AC_HACK ); } void tool_pliers::Possess() { myPlayer.disableRun( 1.f ); cachedEntity.vPossess( myPlayer ); myPlayer.ShowProgressBar( cachedEntity, AC_POSSESS ); } void tool_pliers::Repair() { myPlayer.disableRun( 1.f ); float scale = 1.f; team_base team = myPlayer.getGameTeam(); if ( team.HasRepairBonus( myPlayer ) ) { scale = 1.20f; } cachedEntity.vRepair( repairCount * scale, myPlayer ); myPlayer.ShowProgressBar( cachedEntity, AC_REPAIR ); } void tool_pliers::Disarm() { cachedEntity.vArm( myPlayer ); myPlayer.ShowProgressBar( cachedEntity, AC_DISARM ); } void tool_pliers::Arm() { cachedEntity.vArm( myPlayer ); myPlayer.ShowProgressBar( cachedEntity, AC_ARM ); } void tool_pliers::ToolTipThread_Raise() { myPlayer.cancelToolTips(); sys.wait( myPlayer.CalcTooltipWait() ); WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_1" ) ) ); WAIT_FOR_TOOLTIP; myPlayer.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_2" ) ) ); } void tool_pliers::UpdateGUI() { if ( myPlayer != sys.getLocalViewPlayer() || guiHandle == GUI_INVALID ) { return; } float guiState = GUI_STATE_IDLE; if ( myPlayer.AI_HOLD_WEAPON ) { guiState = GUI_STATE_ARMING; } else if ( CheckAttack( MASK_VEHICLESOLID | CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP ) ) { if ( cachedAction == AC_ARM || cachedAction == AC_ARM_CHARGE ) { guiState = GUI_STATE_CONNECTED; } } guiTextHandle = GetTextHandleForState( guiState ); sys.setGUIHandle( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "armTool.statusTextHandle", guiTextHandle ); sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "armTool.isSearching", guiState == GUI_STATE_IDLE ); } handle tool_pliers::GetTextHandleForState( float state ) { if ( state == GUI_STATE_ARMING ) { return sys.localizeString( "game/arm/arming" ); } else if ( state == GUI_STATE_CONNECTED ) { return sys.localizeString( "game/arm/connected" ); } else if ( state == GUI_STATE_IDLE ) { return sys.localizeString( "game/arm/search" ); } else { sys.assert( 0 ); } return 0; }