From Mod Wiki
/*********************************************************************** weapon_gpmg.script ***********************************************************************/ object weapon_gpmg : weapon_clip { void preinit(); void FireCommon(); void UpdateBullets( float total ); float DoReload( boolean wasScoped ); float numFinalBullets; float currentBulletCount; } void weapon_gpmg::preinit() { hasScope = false; hasIronSights = true; hasEndFireAnim = false; numFinalBullets = getFloatKey( "num_final_bullets" ); currentBulletCount = numFinalBullets; UpdateBullets( ammoInClip( 0 ) ); } void weapon_gpmg::FireCommon() { PlayFireEffect(); PlayFireSound(); PlayBrassSound(); PlayFireAnim(); playingFireAnim = true; launchProjectiles( numProjectiles, 0, getCurrentSpread(), 0, 1, 1 ); increaseSpread(); UseAmmo( 0 ); AmmoCheckClip( 0 ); UpdateBullets( ammoInClip( 0 ) ); } void weapon_gpmg::UpdateBullets( float total ) { if ( total > numFinalBullets ) { total = numFinalBullets; } if ( total == currentBulletCount ) { return; } float index; string surfaceName; float surfaceId; if ( total > currentBulletCount ) { for ( index = currentBulletCount; index < total; index++ ) { surfaceName = getKey( "surface_bullet_" + index ); surfaceId = getSurfaceId( surfaceName ); if ( surfaceId != -1 ) { showSurface( surfaceId ); } else { } } } else { for ( index = total; index < currentBulletCount; index++ ) { surfaceName = getKey( "surface_bullet_" + index ); surfaceId = getSurfaceId( surfaceName ); if ( surfaceId != -1 ) { hideSurface( surfaceId ); } else { } } } currentBulletCount = total; } float weapon_gpmg::DoReload( boolean wasScoped ) { weaponReloading(); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "reload" ); // Gordon: a small wait to get the bullets off screen sys.wait( 0.3f ); UpdateBullets( ammoAvailable( 0 ) ); while ( !animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ) { sys.waitFrame(); if ( WEAPON_HIDE ) { Base_EndReload(); weaponState( "Idle", 4 ); } if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { Base_EndReload(); weaponState( "Lower", 4 ); } } addToClip( 0, clipSize( 0 ) ); return 0.0f; }