Script:Files:script/weapons/assaultrifle gren.script
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// // assaultrifle_gren.script // object weapon_assaultrifle_gren : weapon_clip { void preinit(); void destroy(); void DoFire(); void OnBecomeViewWeapon(); void OnFinishViewWeapon(); void IdleInit(); void Sprint(); void LeaveSprint( string newState, float blend ); void FireGrenade(); void Reload(); float DoReload( boolean wasScoped ); void Cleanup(); boolean NeedsReload(); boolean CanFire(); boolean CanReload(); boolean HasNoAmmo(); void DisableIronSights_Private( boolean allowWait ); void EnableIronSights_Private(); void OnProxyEnter(); void PlayFireGrenadeEffect(); boolean baseShowAllAmmo; boolean baseShowClip; } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::preinit() { hasScope = false; hasIronSights = true; baseShowAllAmmo = showAllAmmo; baseShowClip = showClip; fireRateSingle = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "fire_rate_single", 0.2f ); } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::destroy() { if ( myPlayer != $null_entity ) { myPlayer.setGUIClipIndex( 0.f ); myPlayer.SetFireAnim( "" ); } } boolean weapon_assaultrifle_gren::CanFire() { if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { return ammoAvailable( 1 ) > 0; } return true; } boolean weapon_assaultrifle_gren::NeedsReload() { if ( !ironSightsEnabled ) { if ( !usesStroyent ) { if ( ammoInClip( 0 ) <= 0 ) { return true; } } else { if ( ammoAvailable( 0 ) <= 0 ) { return true; } } } return false; } boolean weapon_assaultrifle_gren::HasNoAmmo() { if ( !usesStroyent ) { return ammoAvailable( 0 ) == 0 && ammoAvailable( 1 ) == 0; } return ammoAvailable( 0 ) == 0; } boolean weapon_assaultrifle_gren::CanReload() { if ( !usesStroyent ) { // always update grenade clip, // set up as clip based but isn't supposed to be if ( !sys.isClient() ) { addToClip( 1, clipSize( 1 ) ); } float index; if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { index = 1; } if ( ( ammoAvailable( index ) > ammoInClip( index ) ) && ( ammoInClip( index ) < clipSize( index ) ) ) { return true; } } return false; } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::FireGrenade() { PlayFireGrenadeEffect(); startSound( "snd_fire_gren_local", SND_WEAPON_FIRE_LOCAL ); startSound( "snd_fire_gren", SND_WEAPON_FIRE ); startSound( "snd_fire_gren_far", SND_WEAPON_FIRE_FAR ); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "alt_fire" ); LaunchProjectile( 1, 1 ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ); AmmoCheckClip( 1 ); refireTime = sys.getTime() + fireRateSingle; float minAmmoForReload = 0.f; if ( sys.isClient() ) { minAmmoForReload = 1.f; // Gordon: Since clients won't actually use the ammo, bump it by 1 } if ( ammoAvailable( 1 ) > minAmmoForReload ) { weaponState( "Reload", 0 ); } } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::DoFire() { if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { if ( !mainFireDown ) { FireGrenade(); } } else { FireAuto(); } } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::OnBecomeViewWeapon() { if ( localScopeEffectsActive ) { AddLocalScopeEffects(); } if ( localIronSightsEffectsActive ) { AddLocalIronSightsEffects(); } if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { myPlayer.setGUIClipIndex( 1.0f ); showAllAmmo = true; showClip = false; } UpdateCrosshair(); } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::OnFinishViewWeapon() { RemoveLocalScopeEffects(); RemoveLocalIronSightsEffects(); myPlayer.setGUIClipIndex( 0.0f ); showAllAmmo = false; showClip = true; sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.weaponReloadTime", 0 ); } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::IdleInit() { weaponReady(); if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "alt_idle" ); } else { playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle" ); } playingFireAnim = false; } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::DisableIronSights_Private( boolean allowWait ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "switch_from_grenade" ); if ( allowWait ) { myPlayer.SetFireAnim( "switch_from" ); fired(); sys.wait( 0.2f ); setupAnimClass( "anim_prefix" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ); } else { setupAnimClass( "anim_prefix" ); } myPlayer.SetFireAnim( "" ); ironSightsEnabled = false; setStatName( getKey( "stat_name" ) ); if ( myPlayer == sys.getLocalViewPlayer() ) { myPlayer.setGUIClipIndex( 0.0f ); showAllAmmo = baseShowAllAmmo; showClip = baseShowClip; UpdateCrosshair(); } UpdateSpreadModifiers(); } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::EnableIronSights_Private() { setupAnimClass( "anim_prefix_alt" ); myPlayer.SetFireAnim( "switch_to" ); fired(); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "switch_to_grenade" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ); myPlayer.SetFireAnim( "" ); ironSightsEnabled = true; setStatName( getKey( "stat_name_grenade" ) ); if ( myPlayer == sys.getLocalViewPlayer() ) { myPlayer.setGUIClipIndex( 1.0f ); showAllAmmo = true; showClip = false; UpdateCrosshair(); } UpdateSpreadModifiers(); } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::Sprint() { weaponReady(); if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "alt_start_sprint" ); } else { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "start_sprint" ); } waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ); while ( true ) { if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { LeaveSprint( "Lower", 4 ); } if ( !myPlayer.AI_SPRINT ) { if ( NeedsReload() && CanReload() ) { LeaveSprint( "Reload", 4 ); } else { LeaveSprint( "Idle", 4 ); } } if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) { LeaveSprint( "Idle", 4 ); } sys.waitFrame(); } } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::LeaveSprint( string newState, float blend ) { if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) { mainFireDown = false; } if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "alt_leave_sprint" ); } else { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "leave_sprint" ); } waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ); weaponState( newState, blend ); } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::Reload() { myPlayer.disableSprint( 1.f ); StopBrassSound(); Base_BeginReload(); boolean wantIronSight = DoReload( ironSightsEnabled ); if ( wantIronSight != ironSightsEnabled ) { if ( wantIronSight ) { EnableIronSights(); } else { DisableIronSights(); } } Base_EndReload(); weaponState( "Idle", 4 ); } float weapon_assaultrifle_gren::DoReload( boolean wasScoped ) { weaponReloading(); if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "alt_reload" ); } else { if ( usesStroyent ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "overheat" ); } else { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "reload" ); } } boolean altKeyDown; float stayEnabled = wasScoped; while ( !animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ) { sys.waitFrame(); if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { Base_EndReload(); weaponState( "Lower", 4 ); } if ( WEAPON_ALTFIRE ) { if ( !altKeyDown ) { altKeyDown = true; stayEnabled = 1 - stayEnabled; } } else { altKeyDown = false; } } if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { addToClip( 1, clipSize( 1 ) ); } else { addToClip( 0, clipSize( 0 ) ); } return stayEnabled; } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::PlayFireGrenadeEffect() { if ( sys.getLocalViewPlayer() != myPlayer || pm_thirdperson.getBoolValue() ) { entity worldModel = getWorldModel( 0 ); // FIXME worldModel.playEffect( "fx_muzzle_flash_world_gren", "muzzle", 0.0f ); } else { if ( !myPlayer.IsSniperScopeUp() ) { playEffect( "fx_muzzle_flash_gren", "muzzle", 0.f ); } } } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::Cleanup() { // Gordon: blank here, because we don't want to lose 'iron sights', etc } void weapon_assaultrifle_gren::OnProxyEnter() { Base_OnProxyEnter(); stopSound( SND_WEAPON_RELOAD ); stopSound( SND_WEAPON_BRASS ); }