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/*********************************************************************** weapon_lightningpistol.script ***********************************************************************/ object weapon_lightningpistol : weapon_base { void preinit(); void init(); void destroy(); void Idle(); void Fire(); void Raise(); void Lower(); void Cleanup(); void UpdateLightningEffect( vector hitPos, vector hitDir, float traceFraction, vector traceNormal ); void DoLightning( boolean doDamage ); void Overheat(); void Reload() { Overheat(); } void LoadScopeGUI(); void FreeScopeGUI(); void OnIronSightsEnabled() { hide(); } void OnIronSightsDisabled() { show(); } void OnBecomeViewWeapon(); void OnFinishViewWeapon(); float range; object effect; object effectImpact; float worldMuzzle; entity worldModel; float localMuzzle; float scopeGUIHandle; handle statNumFired; float lightningDamage; boolean dryfireAttack; } void weapon_lightningpistol::preinit() { range = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "range", 2048 ); string statName = getKey( "stat_name" ); if ( statName != "" ) { statNumFired = sys.allocStatInt( statName + "_shots_fired" ); } lightningDamage = GetDamage( getKey( "dmg_lightning" ) ); } void weapon_lightningpistol::init() { worldModel = getWorldModel( 0 ); worldMuzzle = worldModel.getJointHandle( "muzzle" ); localMuzzle = getJointHandle( "muzzle" ); weaponState( "Raise", 0 ); } void weapon_lightningpistol::destroy() { stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE2 ); killEffect( "fx_muzzle_flash" ); FreeScopeGUI(); if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.remove(); } if ( effectImpact != $null_entity ) { effectImpact.remove(); } if ( ShouldRunGuis() ) { KillUpdateHeat(); } } void weapon_lightningpistol::Cleanup() { FreeScopeGUI(); DisableIronSights(); stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE2 ); } void weapon_lightningpistol::Idle() { myPlayer.disableSprint( 0.f ); weaponReady(); if ( ironSightsEnabled ) { playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle_zoom" ); } else { playCycle( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "idle" ); } while ( true ) { if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { weaponState( "Lower", 4 ); } CheckIronSights(); // dryfire sound if ( myPlayer.getButton( PK_ATTACK ) ) { if ( !dryfireAttack && !ammoAvailable( 0 ) ) { if ( myPlayer == sys.getLocalViewPlayer() ) { startSound( "snd_dryfire", SND_WEAPON_DRYFIRE ); dryfireAttack = true; } } } else { dryfireAttack = false; } if ( ( sys.getTime() >= reFire ) ) { if ( WEAPON_ATTACK ) { if ( ammoAvailable( 0 ) > 0 ) { weaponState( "Fire", 0 ); } } } if ( myPlayer.AI_SPRINT ) { weaponState( "Sprint", 4 ); } sys.waitFrame(); } } void weapon_lightningpistol::Fire() { myPlayer.disableSprint( 1.f ); PlayFireSound(); startSound( "snd_fire_loop", SND_WEAPON_FIRE2 ); // start firing - create the lightning effect effect = spawnClientEffect( "fx_lightning" ); if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.setEffectLooping( 1 ); } float nextAnimation = 0; while ( ammoAvailable( 0 ) > 0 && WEAPON_ATTACK ) { if ( sys.getTime() > nextAnimation ) { if ( !sys.isClient() ) { if ( myPlayer != $null_entity ) { sys.increaseStatInt( statNumFired, myPlayer.getEntityNumber(), 1 ); } } PlayFireEffect(); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" ); nextAnimation = sys.getTime() + fireRate; AmmoCheckClip( 0 ); DoLightning( true ); } else { DoLightning( false ); } if ( IsOverheated() ) { if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.remove(); } if ( effectImpact != $null_entity ) { effectImpact.remove(); } stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE2 ); weaponState( "Overheat", 4 ); } CheckIronSights(); if ( WEAPON_LOWERWEAPON ) { break; } sys.waitFrame(); } if ( !ammoAvailable( 0 ) ) { if ( !dryfireAttack ) { if ( myPlayer == sys.getLocalViewPlayer() ) { startSound( "snd_dryfire", SND_WEAPON_DRYFIRE ); dryfireAttack = true; } } weaponHolstered(); // nextWeapon(); } if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.remove(); } if ( effectImpact != $null_entity ) { effectImpact.remove(); } stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE2 ); weaponState( "Idle", 0 ); } void weapon_lightningpistol::UpdateLightningEffect( vector hitPos, vector hitDir, float traceFraction, vector traceNormal ) { vector muzzlePos; if ( !sys.doClientSideStuff() ) { return; } if ( sys.getLocalViewPlayer() != myPlayer || pm_thirdperson.getBoolValue() ) { muzzlePos = worldModel.getJointPos( worldMuzzle ); if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.unbind(); effect.setOrigin( muzzlePos ); } } else { if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.unbind(); effect.setOrigin( '0 0 0' ); effect.bindToJoint( self, "muzzle", 0 ); } muzzlePos = getJointPos( localMuzzle ); } vector dir = hitPos - muzzlePos; vector angles; float len = sys.vecLengthSquared( dir ); dir = sys.vecNormalize( dir ); float dp = dir * hitDir; if ( len < 1500 || dp < 0.f ) { dir = hitDir; } else if ( len < 2000 ) { float blend = (len - 1500) / 500; dir = dir * blend + hitDir * (1-blend); } // the beam if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.setEffectEndOrigin( hitPos ); angles = sys.vecToAngles( dir ); effect.setAngles( angles ); } // impact effect if ( traceFraction < 1.0f ) { if ( effectImpact == $null_entity ) { effectImpact = spawnClientEffect( "fx_lightning_hit" ); if ( effectImpact != $null_entity ) { effectImpact.setEffectLooping( 1 ); } } } else { if ( effectImpact != $null_entity ) { effectImpact.remove(); } } if ( effectImpact != $null_entity ) { effectImpact.setOrigin( hitPos ); if ( traceFraction < 1.0f ) { dir = traceNormal; } else { dir = -dir; } angles = sys.vecToAngles( dir ); effectImpact.setAngles( angles ); } } void weapon_lightningpistol::DoLightning( boolean doDamage ) { fired(); float mask = MASK_PROJECTILE | MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX; if ( sys.isClient() ) { mask = mask | CONTENTS_WATER; } melee( mask, range, true, true ); vector traceEnd = getMeleeEndPos(); vector startPos = myPlayer.getViewOrigin(); vector dir = traceEnd - startPos; dir = sys.vecNormalize( dir ); float traceFraction = getMeleeFraction(); vector traceNormal = getMeleeNormal(); entity collisionEnt = getMeleeEntity(); string collisionSurface = getMeleeSurfaceType(); if ( doDamage ) { if ( collisionEnt != $null_entity ) { // TODO: This could possibly be done with meleeAttack instead object traceObject = saveMeleeTrace(); collisionEnt.applyDamage( self, myPlayer, dir, lightningDamage, 1.f - getMeleeFraction(), traceObject ); sys.freeTrace( traceObject ); spawnClientCrawlEffect( "fx_crawl", collisionEnt, 0.5 ); } UseAmmo_Stroyent( 0 ); } AddHeat(); UpdateLightningEffect( traceEnd, dir, traceFraction, traceNormal ); } void weapon_lightningpistol::Overheat() { boolean wasEnabled = false; float lastZoomState; wasEnabled = ironSightsEnabled; if ( wasEnabled ) { show(); DisableIronSights(); waitUntil( !ironSightsThreadActive ); } weaponReloading(); stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE2 ); if ( effect != $null_entity ) { effect.remove(); } if ( effectImpact != $null_entity ) { effectImpact.remove(); effectImpact = $null_entity; } StartCooling(); playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "overheat" ); waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, 4 ) ); FinishCooling(); /*if ( wasEnabled ) { EnableIronSights(); waitUntil( !ironSightsThreadActive ); }*/ weaponState( "Idle", 4 ); } void weapon_lightningpistol::Raise() { if ( ShouldRunGuis() ) { CreateUpdateHeat(); } Base_Raise(); } void weapon_lightningpistol::Lower() { stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE2 ); if ( ShouldRunGuis() ) { KillUpdateHeat(); } Base_Lower(); } void weapon_lightningpistol::LoadScopeGUI() { FreeScopeGUI(); scopeGUIHandle = sys.allocHudModule( getKey( "gui_sniper_scope" ), getFloatKeyWithDefault( "hud_sort", 0 ), false ); } void weapon_lightningpistol::FreeScopeGUI() { if ( scopeGUIHandle != -1 ) { sys.freeHudModule( scopeGUIHandle ); scopeGUIHandle = -1; } } void weapon_lightningpistol::OnBecomeViewWeapon() { if ( localIronSightsEffectsActive ) { AddLocalIronSightsEffects(); } if ( ShouldRunGuis() ) { CreateUpdateHeat(); } UpdateCrosshair(); } void weapon_lightningpistol::OnFinishViewWeapon() { KillUpdateHeat(); sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.weaponReloadTime", 0 ); sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "weapons.cooling", 0.f ); RemoveLocalIronSightsEffects(); }