Script:Files:script/player/dead body.script
From Mod Wiki
object dead_body { void init(); void syncFields(); void destroy(); void PrePlayerFullyKilled( player p ); float OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ); float OnActivate( entity p, float distance ); float GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance ); boolean vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode ); void Fizzle(); void DoFizzle(); void vCancel(); boolean vShouldCreateSpawnHost( entity p ); void vForceRespawn(); void vPossess( entity p ); void vOnContextSpawnHost( entity p ); boolean vDisablePlantCharge() { return true; } void CompleteSpawnHostTask(); void InitSpawnHostTask(); void FreeSpawnHostTask(); boolean spawnHostCreated; boolean uniformStolen; float lastStealTime; float stolenCount; float maxStolenCount; entity lastStealPlayer; float spawnHostCount; float maxSpawnHostCount; string spawnhostSkin; string fadeSkin; float useMeToolTip1_Disguise; float useMeToolTip1_SpawnHost; float useMeToolTip2_SpawnHost; void OnSpawnHostCreated(); boolean IsActionable( entity p ) { if ( spawnHostCreated ) { return false; } if ( uniformStolen ) { return false; } if ( sys.getTime() < lastStealTime + 0.5f ) { if ( lastStealPlayer != p ) { return false; } } return true; } boolean IsSpawnHostable(); boolean fizzleStarted; task spawnHostTask; //mal: need some callbacks so that I can access this easily in the code. boolean IsSpawnHost() { return spawnHostCreated; } boolean HasNoUniform() { return uniformStolen; } } void dead_body::init() { maxStolenCount = getFloatKey( "max_possess_count" ); maxSpawnHostCount = getFloatKey( "max_spawnhost_count" ); string climateKey = getKey( "climate_key" ); if ( climateKey == "" ) { sys.warning( "dead_body::init no climate key set" ); } spawnhostSkin = sys.getClimateSkin( "skin_" + climateKey + "_spawnhost" ); fadeSkin = sys.getClimateSkin( "skin_" + climateKey + "_fade" ); useMeToolTip1_Disguise = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_use_me_1_disguise" ) ); useMeToolTip1_SpawnHost = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_use_me_1_spawnhost" ) ); useMeToolTip2_SpawnHost = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_use_me_2_spawnhost" ) ); thread Fizzle(); } void dead_body::syncFields() { sync( "stolenCount" ); sync( "spawnHostCount" ); sync( "lastStealTime" ); syncBroadcast( "lastStealPlayer" ); syncBroadcast( "uniformStolen" ); syncBroadcast( "spawnHostCreated" ); syncCallback( "spawnHostCreated", "OnSpawnHostCreated" ); } void dead_body::OnSpawnHostCreated() { setSkin( spawnhostSkin ); CompleteSpawnHostTask(); } void dead_body::destroy() { FreeSpawnHostTask(); } void dead_body::PrePlayerFullyKilled( player p ) { if ( !sys.isClient() ) { if ( p ) { if ( p.HasSpawnHostTask() ) { InitSpawnHostTask(); } } } } void dead_body::Fizzle() { sys.wait( 30.f ); vCancel(); } void dead_body::vCancel() { thread DoFizzle(); } void dead_body::DoFizzle() { if ( fizzleStarted ) { return; } fizzleStarted = true; setSkin( fadeSkin ); setShaderParm( 6, sys.getTime() ); sys.wait( 1.f ); if ( !sys.isClient() ) { remove(); } } void dead_body::vForceRespawn() { if ( !sys.isClient() ) { spawnHostCreated = true; OnSpawnHostCreated(); } } boolean dead_body::vShouldCreateSpawnHost( entity p ) { if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) != TA_ENEMY ) { return false; } if ( !IsActionable( p ) ) { return false; } return true; } boolean dead_body::vCreateSpawnHost( entity other, string hostName ) { spawnHostCount = spawnHostCount + 1; if ( spawnHostCount >= maxSpawnHostCount ) { if ( !sys.isClient() ) { entity host = sys.spawn( hostName ); host.setAngles( getRenderViewAngles() ); host.setOrigin( getWorldOrigin() ); host.setGameTeam( other.getGameTeam() ); host.vSetOwner( other ); host.vSetBody( self ); spawnHostCreated = true; OnSpawnHostCreated(); } return true; } return false; } boolean dead_body::vCheckActionCode( entity p, float actionCode ) { if ( actionCode == AC_POSSESS ) { if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) != TA_ENEMY ) { return false; } if ( p.vGetCarryableItem() != $null_entity ) { return false; } return IsActionable( p ); } return false; } float dead_body::GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance ) { if ( p.getViewingEntity() != p ) { return AK_NONE; } if ( p.getHealth() <= 0 ) { return AK_NONE; } if ( distance > 128.f ) { return AK_NONE; } if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) != TA_ENEMY ) { return AK_NONE; } if ( IsActionable( p ) ) { team_base team = p.getGameTeam(); if ( team.HasActionItem( p, AK_SPAWNHOST ) ) { return AK_SPAWNHOST; } if ( p.vGetCarryableItem() == $null_entity ) { return AK_DISGUISE; } } return AK_NONE; } float dead_body::OnActivate( entity p, float distance ) { if ( distance > 128.f || sys.isClient() ) { return 0.f; } float code = GetActivateCode( p, distance ); if ( p.vHasActionItem( code ) ) { p.vSelectActionItem( code ); return 1.f; } return 0.f; } float dead_body::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) { if ( spawnHostCreated ) { return 0.f; } if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() == $null_entity ) { return 1.f; } float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p ); vector color = GetAllegianceColor( allegiance ); string title; float distance = chGetDistance(); float range = InchesToMetres( distance ); vector up; up_z = 64.f; chSetNumLines( 0 ); float index; up_z = 32.f; team_base team; // see if theres a valid action to perform float code = GetActivateCode( p, distance ); if ( code != AK_NONE ) { if ( p.vHasActionItem( code ) ) { index = chAddLine(); chSetLineMaterial( index, p.vGetActionIcon( code ) ); chSetLineType( index, CI_IMAGE ); chSetLineSize( index, 64, 64 ); chSetLineColor( index, g_colorWhite, 0.9f ); if ( p.isLocalPlayer() ) { if ( !p.isToolTipPlaying() ) { if ( sys.getTime() - p.getCrosshairStartTime() > 1.f ) { if ( code == AK_DISGUISE ) { p.sendToolTip( useMeToolTip1_Disguise ); } else { if ( p.getCurrentWeapon() != p.vGetActionItem( code ) ) { p.sendToolTip( useMeToolTip1_SpawnHost ); } else { p.sendToolTip( useMeToolTip2_SpawnHost ); } } } } } } } else if ( p.vHasActionItem( AK_DISGUISE ) ) { if ( distance < DISTANCE_FOR_ACTION ) { if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) == TA_ENEMY ) { if ( p.vGetCarryableItem() != $null_entity ) { if ( sys.getTime() - p.getCrosshairStartTime() > 2.f ) { if ( !p.isToolTipPlaying() ) { p.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( p.getKey( "tt_nodisguise_carryable" ) ) ); } } } } } } return 1.f; } float dead_body::vGetPliersProgressBarValue( float action ) { if ( action == AC_POSSESS ) { return stolenCount / maxStolenCount; } if ( action == AC_SPAWNHOST ) { return spawnHostCount / maxSpawnHostCount; } return 0.f; } void dead_body::vPossess( entity p ) { if ( lastStealPlayer != p ) { lastStealPlayer = p; stolenCount = 0; } lastStealTime = sys.getTime(); player playerP = p; if ( playerP != $null_entity ) { playerP.ShowProgressBar( self, AC_POSSESS ); } if ( stolenCount >= maxStolenCount ) { if ( sys.isClient() ) { return; } stolenCount = 0; } float count = 1; team_base team = p.getGameTeam(); if ( team != $null ) { if ( team.HasFastDisguise( p ) ) { count = count * 1.25f; } } stolenCount = stolenCount + count; if ( stolenCount >= maxStolenCount ) { if ( !sys.isClient() ) { uniformStolen = true; p.disguise( self ); string statName = team.getName() + "_disguise_uses"; sys.increaseStatInt( sys.allocStatInt( statName ), p.getEntityNumber(), 1 ); FreeSpawnHostTask(); } vCancel(); } } void dead_body::vOnContextSpawnHost( entity p ) { if ( uniformStolen || spawnHostCreated ) { return; } InitSpawnHostTask(); } void dead_body::CompleteSpawnHostTask() { if ( spawnHostTask != $null ) { spawnHostTask.complete(); spawnHostTask.setTimeout( 1.f ); spawnHostTask = $null; } } void dead_body::FreeSpawnHostTask() { if ( spawnHostTask != $null ) {; } } void dead_body::InitSpawnHostTask() { if ( spawnHostTask != $null ) { return; } float taskHandle = GetPlayerTask( getKey( "task_create_spawn_host" ) ); if ( taskHandle != -1 ) { spawnHostTask = taskManager.allocEntityTask( taskHandle, self ); } } boolean dead_body::IsSpawnHostable() { if ( getGameTeam() == stroggTeam ) { return false; } return !spawnHostCreated && !uniformStolen; }