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/*********************************************************************** util.script This defines utility functions for scripts ***********************************************************************/ object rules { } rules gameRules; vector g_colorGreen; vector g_colorRed; vector g_colorLtGray; vector g_colorWhite; vector g_colorYellow; vector g_colorBlue; vector g_vectorDown; vector g_vectorUp; vector g_vectorZero; float g_radarMaterial; vector vec3_origin; vector vec3_up; vector vec3_down; wstring wstr_empty; handle invalid_handle; float g_ammoStroyent; float g_ammoStroyentPacket; float g_ammoMachinePistol; float g_ammoGrenade; float g_ammoAssaultRifle; float g_ammoShotgun; float g_ammoSniperRifle; float g_ammoPistol; float g_ammoRocketLauncher; float g_ammoGPMG; float g_proficiencyLightWeapons; float g_proficiencyFieldOps; float g_proficiencyMedic; float g_proficiencyEngineer; float g_proficiencyCovertOps; float g_proficiencySoldier; float g_proficiencyTechnician; float g_proficiencyOppressor; float g_proficiencyConstructor; float g_proficiencyInfiltrator; float g_proficiencyAggressor; float g_proficiencyBattleSense; float g_proficiencyVehicle; float g_playerClassSoldier; float g_playerClassMedic; float g_playerClassCovertOps; float g_playerClassEngineer; float g_playerClassFieldOps; float g_playerClassAggressor; float g_playerClassTechnician; float g_playerClassConstructor; float g_playerClassOppressor; float g_playerClassInfiltrator; handle g_locStr_Destroyed; handle g_locStr_Disabled; handle g_locStr_Range; handle g_locStr_Meters; handle g_locStr_Capture; handle g_locStr_SpawnHost; handle g_locStr_Supplies; handle g_locStr_SupplyCrate; handle g_locStr_Unconscious; handle g_locStr_Dead; handle g_locStr_Hacking; handle g_locStr_Arming; handle g_locStr_Disarming; handle g_locStr_Repairing; handle g_locStr_Constructing; handle g_locStr_Capturing; handle g_locStr_Liberating; handle g_locStr_Implanting; handle g_locStr_Disguising; handle g_locStr_Charge; handle g_locStr_Landmine; handle g_locStr_Tripmine; handle g_locStr_Proxmine; handle g_locStr_Scrambler; handle g_locStr_DoNotOwnTerritory; handle g_locStr_NoCharge; handle g_locStr_Dismantle; handle g_locStr_Drone; handle g_locStr_Scud; handle g_locStr_Airstrike; handle g_locStr_Completed; handle g_locStr_Objective; handle g_locStr_UnarmedMine; handle g_locStr_SelfArmingTripmine; handle g_locStr_SelfArmingProxymine; handle g_locStr_UnarmedTripmine; handle g_locStr_UnarmedProxymine; handle g_locStr_Spotting; handle g_locStr_Reviving; handle g_locStr_BadObjective; handle g_locStr_Someone; handle g_locStr_TeleportBeacon; float g_primaryObjectiveIndex; object task { } object team_base { float GetFireSupportDelayScale() { return 1.f; } } object cvar { } team_base stroggTeam; team_base gdfTeam; cvar g_disableVehicleSpawns; cvar pm_thirdperson; cvar bse_projectileEffect; cvar g_friendlyColor; cvar g_neutralColor; cvar g_enemyColor; cvar g_maxProficiency; cvar g_fasterSpawn; object gameplay_base; gameplay_base gameplayManager; /* ================== abs Returns the absolute value of a number ================== */ float abs( float value ) { if ( value < 0 ) { return value * -1; } return value; } /* ================== rint Returns the nearest integer value of a number ================== */ float rint( float value ) { return sys.floor( value + 0.5f ); } /* ================== min Returns the lowest of two numbers ================== */ float min( float value1, float value2 ) { if ( value1 < value2 ) { return value1; } return value2; } /* ================== max Returns the highest of two numbers ================== */ float max( float value1, float value2 ) { if ( value1 > value2 ) { return value1; } return value2; } /* ================== delayRemoveThread Service thread for delayRemove. ================== */ void delayRemoveThread( entity ent, float mytime ) { sys.wait( mytime ); ent.remove(); } /* ================== delayRemove Causes an entity to be removed after a specified amount of time. ================== */ void delayRemove( entity ent, float mytime ) { thread delayRemoveThread( ent, mytime ); } #define InchesToMetres( value ) ( ( value ) * 0.0254f ) #define MetresToInches( value ) ( ( value ) * 39.37f ) #define UPStoKPH( value ) ( InchesToMetres( value ) * 3.6f ) #define KPHtoUPS( value ) ( MetresToInches( value ) / 3.6f ) /* ================== GetQuickChat ================== */ float GetQuickChat( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "quickChatDef" ), value ); } /* ================== GetStringMap ================== */ float GetStringMap( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "stringMap" ), value ); } /* ================== GetTargetFilter ================== */ float GetTargetFilter( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "targetInfo" ), value ); } /* ================== GetEntityDef ================== */ float GetEntityDef( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "entityDef" ), value ); } /* ================== GetToolTip ================== */ float GetToolTip( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "toolTip" ), value ); } /* ================== GetMaterial ================== */ float GetMaterial( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "material" ), value ); } /* ================== GetTable ================== */ float GetTable( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "table" ), value ); } /* ================== GetProficiency ================== */ float GetProficiency( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "proficiencyItem" ), value ); } /* ================== GetProficiencyType ================== */ float GetProficiencyType( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "proficiencyType" ), value ); } /* ================== GetPlayerClass ================== */ float GetPlayerClass( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "playerClass" ), value ); } /* ================== GetAmmoType ================== */ float GetAmmoType( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "ammoDef" ), value ); } /* ================== GetDamage ================== */ float GetDamage( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "damageDef" ), value ); } /* ================== GetDeployObject ================== */ float GetDeployObject( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "deployObject" ), value ); } /* ================== GetPlayerTask ================== */ float GetPlayerTask( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "task" ), value ); } /* ================== GetNumDeployObjects ================== */ float GetNumDeployObjects() { return sys.getDeclCount( sys.getDeclType( "deployObject" ) ); } /* ================== GetSoundShader ================== */ float GetSoundShader( string value ) { return sys.getDeclIndex( sys.getDeclType( "sound" ), value ); } /* ================== GetSoundShaderName ================== */ string GetSoundShaderName( float index ) { return sys.getDeclName( sys.getDeclType( "sound" ), index ); } /* ================== SetupColors ================== */ void SetupColors() { g_colorGreen = '0 1 0'; g_colorRed = '1 0 0'; g_colorLtGray = '0.75 0.75 0.75'; g_colorWhite = '1 1 1'; g_colorYellow = '1 1 0'; g_colorBlue = '0 0 1'; g_radarMaterial = GetMaterial( "_white_depth" ); g_vectorUp = '0 0 1'; g_vectorDown = '0 0 -1'; g_vectorZero = g_vectorZero; } /* ================== GetAllegianceColor ================== */ vector GetAllegianceColor( float allegiance ) { if ( allegiance == TA_FRIEND ) { return g_friendlyColor.getVectorValue(); } if ( allegiance == TA_ENEMY ) { return g_enemyColor.getVectorValue(); } return g_neutralColor.getVectorValue(); } #define AngleDiff( a1, a2 ) sys.angleNormalize180( a1 - a2 ) string GetGlobalString( string key ) { float def = GetEntityDef( "globalConstants" ); return sys.getEntityDefKey( def, key ); } float GetGlobalInt( string key ) { float def = GetEntityDef( "globalConstants" ); return sys.getEntityDefIntKey( def, key ); } float GetGlobalFloat( string key ) { float def = GetEntityDef( "globalConstants" ); return sys.getEntityDefFloatKey( def, key ); } vector GetGlobalVector( string key ) { float def = GetEntityDef( "globalConstants" ); return sys.getEntityDefVectorKey( def, key ); } float MakeTerritoryIcon( entity ent ) { float materialHandle = GetMaterial( ent.getKey( "mtr_territory" ) ); if ( materialHandle == -1 ) { return -1; } vector worldMins; vector worldMaxs; entity other = ent.getEntityKey( "target_playzone" ); if ( other == $null_entity ) { worldMins = sys.getWorldMins(); worldMaxs = sys.getWorldMaxs(); } else { worldMins = other.getMins(); worldMaxs = other.getMaxs(); worldMins = sys.toWorldSpace( worldMins, other ); worldMaxs = sys.toWorldSpace( worldMaxs, other ); } float territoryIconHandle = sys.allocCMIcon( ent, 100 ); vector worldSize = worldMaxs - worldMins; vector temp; temp = ent.getVectorKey( "territory_start" ); vector objectStart; objectStart_x = worldMins_x + ( temp_x * worldSize_x ); objectStart_y = worldMins_y + ( temp_y * worldSize_y ); temp = ent.getVectorKey( "territory_end" ); vector objectEnd; objectEnd_x = worldMins_x + ( temp_x * worldSize_x ); objectEnd_y = worldMins_y + ( temp_y * worldSize_y ); // sys.println( objectStart ); // sys.println( objectEnd ); vector objectSize = objectEnd - objectStart; sys.setCMIconSize2d( territoryIconHandle, objectSize_x, objectSize_y ); sys.setCMIconSizeMode( territoryIconHandle, SM_WORLD ); sys.setCMIconFlag( territoryIconHandle, CMF_ALWAYSKNOWN ); sys.setCMIconFlag( territoryIconHandle, CMF_NOADJUST ); sys.setCMIconColorMode( territoryIconHandle, CM_ALLEGIANCE ); sys.setCMIconPositionMode( territoryIconHandle, PM_FIXED ); sys.setCMIconOrigin( territoryIconHandle, ( objectStart + objectEnd ) * 0.5f ); sys.setCMIconMaterial( territoryIconHandle, materialHandle ); return territoryIconHandle; } void FreeTerritoryIcon( entity territory, float territoryIconHandle ) { if ( territoryIconHandle != -1 ) { sys.freeCMIcon( territory, territoryIconHandle ); territoryIconHandle = -1; } } void G_ProjectCircleDecal( float decalHandle, vector size, float depth, vector position, vector color ) { vector startPos = position + ( g_vectorUp * depth * 0.5f ); vector forward; forward_x = size_x * 0.5f; vector side; side_y = size_y * 0.5f; sys.resetDecal( decalHandle ); sys.projectDecal( decalHandle, startPos + ( forward + side ), g_vectorDown, depth, 1, size, 0.f, color ); sys.projectDecal( decalHandle, startPos + ( forward - side ), g_vectorDown, depth, 1, size, 90.f, color ); sys.projectDecal( decalHandle, startPos + ( -forward + side ), g_vectorDown, depth, 1, size, 180.f, color ); sys.projectDecal( decalHandle, startPos + ( -forward + -side ), g_vectorDown, depth, 1, size, 270.f, color ); } handle g_fireSupportStateStr; void G_StringForFireSupportState( float state ) { // todo: move the calls to localizeString to (even more!) globals? // (yes) if ( state == MPS_OUT_OF_RANGE ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/out_of_range" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_READY || state == MPS_NOT_LOCKED ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/ready" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_RELOADING ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/reloading" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_WAITING ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/waiting" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_DISABLED ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/disabled" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_NONE_ACTIVE ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/not_deployed" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_FIRING_PREPARE || state == MPS_FIRING ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/firing" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_LOCKING ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/locking" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_LOCKED ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/acquired" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_INVALID ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/invalid" ); return; } if ( state == MPS_LOCKED_ROCKETS ) { g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/fire_sup/acquired/rockets" ); return; } g_fireSupportStateStr = sys.localizeString( "game/misc/unknown" ); } void G_DelayRemoveEntity( entity ent, float delay ) { sys.wait( delay ); ent.remove(); } void G_DelayFireSupport( entity p, entity other, float delay ) { team_base team = other.getGameTeam(); sys.setTargetTimerValue( sys.allocTargetTimer( FIRESUPPORT_TIMER_NAME ), p, sys.getTime() + ( delay * team.GetFireSupportDelayScale() ) ); sys.setTargetTimerValue( sys.allocTargetTimer( FIRESUPPORT_TIMER_START_NAME ), p, sys.getTime() ); } /* ============ Localization ============ */ // build the localized range string, e.g. "Range: 42m" wstring G_BuildRangeStr( float range ) { sys.pushLocString( int( range ) ); sys.pushLocStringIndex( g_locStr_Meters ); return sys.localizeStringArgs( "game/range" ); } #define CLAMP( value, min, max ) \ if ( value < ( min ) ) value = ( min ); \ else if ( value > ( max ) ) value = ( max ); /* ================== CallManualDeploy bypasses the code, directly calls in a deployable ================== */ entity CallManualDeploy( string deployObject, string deployItem, object deployTeam, vector location, float angle ) { if ( sys.isClient() ) { return $null_entity; } float itemDef = GetEntityDef( deployItem ); entity obj = sys.spawn( deployObject ); obj.setGameTeam( deployTeam ); obj.vSetDeploymentParms( itemDef, -1, location, angle ); return obj.vGetItem(); } /* ================== G_TryFireScud finds a scud launcher and attempts to fire at an entity ================== */ boolean G_TryFireScud( entity firer, entity targetEnt ) { // TODO: Make it so that you can use sys to do entitiesOfCollection type stuff entity worldspawn = sys.getEntity( "worldspawn" ); // set any MCP up to fire float count = worldspawn.entitiesOfCollection( "mcp" ); float i; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { entity ent = worldspawn.getBoundsCacheEntity( i ); if ( ent.vFireScud( firer, targetEnt ) ) { return true; } } return false; } float G_CountMinesOwnedByEntity( entity p ) { p.entitiesOfCollection( "mine" ); float count = p.filterEntitiesByAllegiance( TA_FLAG_FRIEND, 1 ); float number; float index; for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ ) { entity mine = p.getBoundsCacheEntity( index ); if ( mine.vGetOwner() == p ) { number++; } } return number; } object firesupport_marker { void preinit(); void DoWarning(); float range; float endTime; float nextPlayTime; float warningRange; string warningSound; } void firesupport_marker::preinit() { range = getFloatKey( "range" ); endTime = sys.getTime() + getFloatKey( "warning_time" ); nextPlayTime = getFloatKey( "next_play_time" ); warningRange = getFloatKey( "warning_range" ); warningSound = getKey( "snd_ff_warning" ); thread DoWarning(); } void firesupport_marker::DoWarning() { while ( true ) { entitiesOfCollection( "players" ); float playerCount = filterEntitiesByRadius( getWorldOrigin(), warningRange, 1 ); float i = 0; for( i = 0; i < playerCount; i++ ) { entity p = getBoundsCacheEntity( i ); if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) == TA_FRIEND ) { p.vPlayFFWarning( warningSound, nextPlayTime ); } } if ( sys.getTime() > endTime ) { break; } sys.wait( 1.f ); } } boolean G_CheckFireSupportBlock( vector location, entity myPlayer ) { myPlayer.entitiesOfCollection( "fs_block" ); float count = myPlayer.filterEntitiesByAllegiance( TA_FLAG_FRIEND, 1 ); float index; for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ ) { firesupport_marker marker = myPlayer.getBoundsCacheEntity( index ); if ( marker == $null_entity ) { continue; } float range = marker.range * marker.range; if ( sys.vecLengthSquared( location - marker.getWorldOrigin() ) < range ) { return false; } } return true; } entity G_CreateFiringMarker( entity ent, entity current, vector location ) { if ( current == $null_entity ) { string marker = ent.getKey( "def_firesupport_marker" ); if ( marker != "" ) { current = sys.spawn( marker ); } } if ( current != $null_entity ) { current.setOrigin( location ); current.setGameTeam( ent.getGameTeam() ); } return current; } void G_NotifyNoCharge( entity p ) { if( p == sys.getLocalViewPlayer() ) { sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.needsCharge", 1 ); } } /* ================== BoundsDamage ================== */ void BoundsDamage( entity self, float dmgIndex ) { vector mins = self.getAbsMins(); vector maxs = self.getAbsMaxs(); mins_z = mins_z - 64; //sys.debugBounds( g_colorRed, mins, maxs, 0 ); float count = self.entitiesInBounds( mins, maxs, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL | MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX, 1 ); float index; for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ ) { entity other = self.getBoundsCacheEntity( index ); if ( other == self ) { continue; } if ( other != $null_entity ) { if ( self.touchesBounds( other ) ) { other.applyDamage( $null_entity, self, vec3_down, dmgIndex, 1.f, $null_entity ); } } } } /* ================== LocalBoundsDamage ================== */ void LocalBoundsDamage( vector mins, vector maxs, entity self, entity inflictor, float dmgIndex ) { float count = self.entitiesInLocalBounds( mins, maxs, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL | MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX ); float index; for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ ) { entity other = self.getBoundsCacheEntity( index ); if ( other == self ) { continue; } if ( other == inflictor ) { continue; } if ( other != $null_entity ) { other.applyDamage( $null_entity, inflictor, vec3_down, dmgIndex, 1.f, $null_entity ); } } } // more util files #include "script/misc/zoomwidget.script" void G_GiveSpottingProficiency( entity spotter ) { spotter.vGiveSpotProficiency(); } // Gordon: FIXME: These wont work, as many places they are being called from map scripts, which aren't run on the client, I also don't like the way this is set up anyway void G_PlayObjectiveCompletedRoll( float team ) { sys.assert( team == GDF || team == STROGG ); if ( team == GDF ) { sys.startSoundDirect( gdfTeam.getKey( "snd_objective_complete_roll" ), SND_ANY ); } else { sys.startSoundDirect( stroggTeam.getKey( "snd_objective_complete_roll" ), SND_ANY ); } } void G_PlayObjectiveCompletedRollEnt( entity ent ) { sys.assert( ent != $null_entity && ent.getGameTeam() != $null_entity ); if ( ent.getGameTeam() == stroggTeam ) { G_PlayObjectiveCompletedRoll( GDF ); } else { G_PlayObjectiveCompletedRoll( STROGG ); } } void G_GiveDeployBonus( entity owner, entity item ) { entity territory = sys.getTerritoryForPoint( item.getWorldOrigin(), $null_entity, 0.f, item.getIntKey( "deploybonus_requireactive" ) ); if ( territory != $null_entity ) { owner.giveProficiency( GetProficiency( item.getKey( "prof_deploybonus" ) ), 1.f, $null, "item deployed" ); } } void G_SetPrimaryObjectiveIndex( float objIndex ) { entity worldspawn = sys.getEntity( "worldspawn" ); g_primaryObjectiveIndex = objIndex; float count = worldspawn.entitiesOfCollection( "objective_markers" ); float index; for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ ) { entity other = worldspawn.getBoundsCacheEntity( index ); other.vOnDeploy(); } } /* ================== RangeUpdateThread low frequency updates if crosshair distance is larger than CROSSHAIR_TRACE_DIST. ================== */ void RangeUpdateThread( player p, float maxDist ) { vector forward; vector tStart; vector tEnd; float dist; if ( maxDist <= 0 || maxDist < CROSSHAIR_TRACE_DIST ) { sys.warning( "Unexpected maxDist value: " + maxDist ); return; } while ( true ) { sys.wait( 1.0f ); if ( !p.IsSniperScopeUp() ) { continue; } dist = p.getCrosshairDistance( false ); if ( dist >= CROSSHAIR_TRACE_DIST ) { forward = sys.angToForward( p.getViewAngles() ); tStart = ( forward * ( CROSSHAIR_TRACE_DIST - 128 ) ) + p.getViewOrigin(); tEnd = forward * maxDist + p.getViewOrigin(); sys.tracePoint( tStart, tEnd, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL | CONTENTS_SHADOWCOLLISION | CONTENTS_SLIDEMOVER | CONTENTS_BODY | CONTENTS_PROJECTILE | CONTENTS_CROSSHAIRSOLID, p ); dist = CROSSHAIR_TRACE_DIST + sys.getTraceFraction() * ( maxDist - ( CROSSHAIR_TRACE_DIST - 128 ) ); if ( sys.getTraceFraction() == 1.0f || ( sys.getTraceSurfaceFlags() & SURF_NOIMPACT ) ) { sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "weapons.distance", -1 ); } else { sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "weapons.distance", dist ); } } else { // reset distance value sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "weapons.distance", -2 ); } } } /* ================== G_ContainsBounds Check if one set of bounds is completely inside another set of bounds ================== */ boolean G_ContainsBounds( vector aMins, vector aMaxs, vector bMins, vector bMaxs, float epsilon ) { // check mins if ( aMins_x > bMins_x + epsilon ) { return false; } if ( aMins_y > bMins_y + epsilon ) { return false; } if ( aMins_z > bMins_z + epsilon ) { return false; } // check maxs if ( aMaxs_x < bMaxs_x - epsilon ) { return false; } if ( aMaxs_y < bMaxs_y - epsilon ) { return false; } if ( aMaxs_z < bMaxs_z - epsilon ) { return false; } return true; }