
From Mod Wiki
object healthpack {
    void                preinit();
    void                init();
    void                destroy();

    void                OnPrePickup( entity o );
    void                OnPickup( entity o );

    string                ignoreAbility;
    handle                pickupText;

    boolean                isAmmo;

    boolean                giveBonus;
    boolean                alwaysGiveBonus;

    float                pickupProficiency;

void healthpack::preinit() {
    ignoreAbility        = getKey( "ability_ignore" );
    pickupText            = sys.localizeString( getKey( "text_pickup" ) );
    isAmmo                = getIntKey( "is_ammo" );
    pickupProficiency    = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_pickup" ) );
    alwaysGiveBonus        = getIntKey( "always_give_bonus" );

void healthpack::init() {
    setClipmask( MASK_PROJECTILE );

//mal: let the bots know there is a health pack out there in the world.
    if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
        player p = getOwner();
        if ( p != $null_entity ) {
            p.setPlayerItemState( self, false );

void healthpack::destroy() {
//mal: by the time we reach here, any owner info has been destroyed, so we get rid of the owners tracker code side in idItem::~idItem
//mal: we need to do this, else there would be no way to see health packs that expired. 

void healthpack::OnPrePickup( entity o ) {
    giveBonus = true;
    if ( !alwaysGiveBonus ) {
        giveBonus = o.getTeamDamageDone() == 0;

void healthpack::OnPickup( entity o ) {
    player p = o;
    if ( p != $null_entity ) {

        if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
            p.setPlayerItemState( self, true ); //mal: someone picked up the health pack, let the bots know.

        if ( p == sys.getLocalPlayer() ) {
            // FIXME: localization
            //sys.consoleCommand( "addChatLine \"" + pickupText + "\"\n" );

        if ( isAmmo ) {

    entity owner = getOwner();
    if ( owner == $null_entity ) {

    if ( ignoreAbility != "" ) {
        if ( p.hasAbility( ignoreAbility ) ) {

    team_base team = getGameTeam();
    if ( team != $null ) {
        string statName = "healthpack_uses";    
        sys.increaseStatInt( sys.allocStatInt( statName ), owner.getEntityNumber(), 1 );

        if ( giveBonus ) {
            if ( pickupProficiency != -1 ) {
                owner.giveProficiency( pickupProficiency, 1.f, $null, "heal success" );

object stroyentcells : healthpack {